/*! jquery migrate v1.4.1 | (c) jquery foundation and other contributors | jquery.org/license */ "undefined" == typeof jquery.migratemute && (jquery.migratemute = !0), function(a, b, c) { function d(c) { var d = b.console; f[c] || (f[c] = !0, a.migratewarnings.push(c), d && d.warn && !a.migratemute && (d.warn("jqmigrate: " + c), a.migratetrace && d.trace && d.trace())) } function e(b, c, e, f) { if (object.defineproperty) try { return void object.defineproperty(b, c, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, get: function() { return d(f), e }, set: function(a) { d(f), e = a } }) } catch (g) {} a._definepropertybroken = !0, b[c] = e } a.migrateversion = "1.4.1"; var f = {}; a.migratewarnings = [], b.console && b.console.log && b.console.log("jqmigrate: migrate is installed" + (a.migratemute ? "" : " with logging active") + ", version " + a.migrateversion), a.migratetrace === c && (a.migratetrace = !0), a.migratereset = function() { f = {}, a.migratewarnings.length = 0 }, "backcompat" === document.compatmode && d("jquery is not compatible with quirks mode"); var g = a("", { size: 1 }).attr("size") && a.attrfn, h = a.attr, i = a.attrhooks.value && a.attrhooks.value.get || function() { return null }, j = a.attrhooks.value && a.attrhooks.value.set || function() { return c }, k = /^(?:input|button)$/i, l = /^[238]$/, m = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i, n = /^(?:checked|selected)$/i; e(a, "attrfn", g || {}, "jquery.attrfn is deprecated"), a.attr = function(b, e, f, i) { var j = e.tolowercase(), o = b && b.nodetype; return i && (h.length < 4 && d("jquery.fn.attr( props, pass ) is deprecated"), b && !l.test(o) && (g ? e in g : a.isfunction(a.fn[e]))) ? a(b)[e](f) : ("type" === e && f !== c && k.test(b.nodename) && b.parentnode && d("can't change the 'type' of an input or button in ie 6/7/8"), !a.attrhooks[j] && m.test(j) && (a.attrhooks[j] = { get: function(b, d) { var e, f = a.prop(b, d); return f === !0 || "boolean" != typeof f && (e = b.getattributenode(d)) && e.nodevalue !== !1 ? d.tolowercase() : c }, set: function(b, c, d) { var e; return c === !1 ? a.removeattr(b, d) : (e = a.propfix[d] || d, e in b && (b[e] = !0), b.setattribute(d, d.tolowercase())), d } }, n.test(j) && d("jquery.fn.attr('" + j + "') might use property instead of attribute")), h.call(a, b, e, f)) }, a.attrhooks.value = { get: function(a, b) { var c = (a.nodename || "").tolowercase(); return "button" === c ? i.apply(this, arguments) : ("input" !== c && "option" !== c && d("jquery.fn.attr('value') no longer gets properties"), b in a ? a.value : null) }, set: function(a, b) { var c = (a.nodename || "").tolowercase(); return "button" === c ? j.apply(this, arguments) : ("input" !== c && "option" !== c && d("jquery.fn.attr('value', val) no longer sets properties"), void(a.value = b)) } }; var o, p, q = a.fn.init, r = a.find, s = a.parsejson, t = /^\s*)([^>]*)$/; a.fn.init = function(b, e, f) { var g, h; return b && "string" == typeof b && !a.isplainobject(e) && (g = w.exec(a.trim(b))) && g[0] && (t.test(b) || d("$(html) html strings must start with '<' character"), g[3] && d("$(html) html text after last tag is ignored"), "#" === g[0].charat(0) && (d("html string cannot start with a '#' character"), a.error("jqmigrate: invalid selector string (xss)")), e && e.context && e.context.nodetype && (e = e.context), a.parsehtml) ? q.call(this, a.parsehtml(g[2], e && e.ownerdocument || e || document, !0), e, f) : (h = q.apply(this, arguments), b && b.selector !== c ? (h.selector = b.selector, h.context = b.context) : (h.selector = "string" == typeof b ? b : "", b && (h.context = b.nodetype ? b : e || document)), h) }, a.fn.init.prototype = a.fn, a.find = function(a) { var b = array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); if ("string" == typeof a && u.test(a)) try { document.queryselector(a) } catch (c) { a = a.replace(v, function(a, b, c, d) { return "[" + b + c + '"' + d + '"]' }); try { document.queryselector(a), d("attribute selector with '#' must be quoted: " + b[0]), b[0] = a } catch (e) { d("attribute selector with '#' was not fixed: " + b[0]) } } return r.apply(this, b) }; var x; for (x in r) object.prototype.hasownproperty.call(r, x) && (a.find[x] = r[x]); a.parsejson = function(a) { return a ? s.apply(this, arguments) : (d("jquery.parsejson requires a valid json string"), null) }, a.uamatch = function(a) { a = a.tolowercase(); var b = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a) || /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a) || /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a) || /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(a) || a.indexof("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(a) || []; return { browser: b[1] || "", version: b[2] || "0" } }, a.browser || (o = a.uamatch(navigator.useragent), p = {}, o.browser && (p[o.browser] = !0, p.version = o.version), p.chrome ? p.webkit = !0 : p.webkit && (p.safari = !0), a.browser = p), e(a, "browser", a.browser, "jquery.browser is deprecated"), a.boxmodel = a.support.boxmodel = "css1compat" === document.compatmode, e(a, "boxmodel", a.boxmodel, "jquery.boxmodel is deprecated"), e(a.support, "boxmodel", a.support.boxmodel, "jquery.support.boxmodel is deprecated"), a.sub = function() { function b(a, c) { return new b.fn.init(a, c) } a.extend(!0, b, this), b.superclass = this, b.fn = b.prototype = this(), b.fn.constructor = b, b.sub = this.sub, b.fn.init = function(d, e) { var f = a.fn.init.call(this, d, e, c); return f instanceof b ? f : b(f) }, b.fn.init.prototype = b.fn; var c = b(document); return d("jquery.sub() is deprecated"), b }, a.fn.size = function() { return d("jquery.fn.size() is deprecated; use the .length property"), this.length }; var y = !1; a.swap && a.each(["height", "width", "reliablemarginright"], function(b, c) { var d = a.csshooks[c] && a.csshooks[c].get; d && (a.csshooks[c].get = function() { var a; return y = !0, a = d.apply(this, arguments), y = !1, a }) }), a.swap = function(a, b, c, e) { var f, g, h = {}; y || d("jquery.swap() is undocumented and deprecated"); for (g in b) h[g] = a.style[g], a.style[g] = b[g]; f = c.apply(a, e || []); for (g in b) a.style[g] = h[g]; return f }, a.ajaxsetup({ converters: { "text json": a.parsejson } }); var z = a.fn.data; a.fn.data = function(b) { var e, f, g = this[0]; return !g || "events" !== b || 1 !== arguments.length || (e = a.data(g, b), f = a._data(g, b), e !== c && e !== f || f === c) ? z.apply(this, arguments) : (d("use of jquery.fn.data('events') is deprecated"), f) }; var a = /\/(java|ecma)script/i; a.clean || (a.clean = function(b, c, e, f) { c = c || document, c = !c.nodetype && c[0] || c, c = c.ownerdocument || c, d("jquery.clean() is deprecated"); var g, h, i, j, k = []; if (a.merge(k, a.buildfragment(b, c).childnodes), e) for (i = function(a) { return !a.type || a.test(a.type) ? f ? f.push(a.parentnode ? a.parentnode.removechild(a) : a) : e.appendchild(a) : void 0 }, g = 0; null != (h = k[g]); g++) a.nodename(h, "script") && i(h) || (e.appendchild(h), "undefined" != typeof h.getelementsbytagname && (j = a.grep(a.merge([], h.getelementsbytagname("script")), i), k.splice.apply(k, [g + 1, 0].concat(j)), g += j.length)); return k }); var b = a.event.add, c = a.event.remove, d = a.event.trigger, e = a.fn.toggle, f = a.fn.live, g = a.fn.die, h = a.fn.load, i = "ajaxstart|ajaxstop|ajaxsend|ajaxcomplete|ajaxerror|ajaxsuccess", j = new regexp("\\b(?:" + i + ")\\b"), k = /(?:^|\s)hover(\.\s+|)\b/, l = function(b) { return "string" != typeof b || a.event.special.hover ? b : (k.test(b) && d("'hover' pseudo-event is deprecated, use 'mouseenter mouseleave'"), b && b.replace(k, "mouseenter$1 mouseleave$1")) }; a.event.props && "attrchange" !== a.event.props[0] && a.event.props.unshift("attrchange", "attrname", "relatednode", "srcelement"), a.event.dispatch && e(a.event, "handle", a.event.dispatch, "jquery.event.handle is undocumented and deprecated"), a.event.add = function(a, b, c, e, f) { a !== document && j.test(b) && d("ajax events should be attached to document: " + b), b.call(this, a, l(b || ""), c, e, f) }, a.event.remove = function(a, b, c, d, e) { c.call(this, a, l(b) || "", c, d, e) }, a.each(["load", "unload", "error"], function(b, c) { a.fn[c] = function() { var a = array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); return "load" === c && "string" == typeof a[0] ? h.apply(this, a) : (d("jquery.fn." + c + "() is deprecated"), a.splice(0, 0, c), arguments.length ? this.bind.apply(this, a) : (this.triggerhandler.apply(this, a), this)) } }), a.fn.toggle = function(b, c) { if (!a.isfunction(b) || !a.isfunction(c)) return e.apply(this, arguments); d("jquery.fn.toggle(handler, handler...) is deprecated"); var e = arguments, f = b.guid || a.guid++, g = 0, h = function(c) { var d = (a._data(this, "lasttoggle" + b.guid) || 0) % g; return a._data(this, "lasttoggle" + b.guid, d + 1), c.preventdefault(), e[d].apply(this, arguments) || !1 }; for (h.guid = f; g < e.length;) e[g++].guid = f; return this.click(h) }, a.fn.live = function(b, c, e) { return d("jquery.fn.live() is deprecated"), f ? f.apply(this, arguments) : (a(this.context).on(b, this.selector, c, e), this) }, a.fn.die = function(b, c) { return d("jquery.fn.die() is deprecated"), g ? g.apply(this, arguments) : (a(this.context).off(b, this.selector || "**", c), this) }, a.event.trigger = function(a, b, c, e) { return c || j.test(a) || d("global events are undocumented and deprecated"), d.call(this, a, b, c || document, e) }, a.each(i.split("|"), function(b, c) { a.event.special[c] = { setup: function() { var b = this; return b !== document && (a.event.add(document, c + "." + a.guid, function() { a.event.trigger(c, array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), b, !0) }), a._data(this, c, a.guid++)), !1 }, teardown: function() { return this !== document && a.event.remove(document, c + "." + a._data(this, c)), !1 } } }), a.event.special.ready = { setup: function() { this === document && d("'ready' event is deprecated") } }; var m = a.fn.andself || a.fn.addback, n = a.fn.find; if (a.fn.andself = function() { return d("jquery.fn.andself() replaced by jquery.fn.addback()"), m.apply(this, arguments) }, a.fn.find = function(a) { var b = n.apply(this, arguments); return b.context = this.context, b.selector = this.selector ? this.selector + " " + a : a, b }, a.callbacks) { var o = a.deferred, p = [ ["resolve", "done", a.callbacks("once memory"), a.callbacks("once memory"), "resolved"], ["reject", "fail", a.callbacks("once memory"), a.callbacks("once memory"), "rejected"], ["notify", "progress", a.callbacks("memory"), a.callbacks("memory")] ]; a.deferred = function(b) { var c = o(), e = c.promise(); return c.pipe = e.pipe = function() { var b = arguments; return d("deferred.pipe() is deprecated"), a.deferred(function(d) { a.each(p, function(f, g) { var h = a.isfunction(b[f]) && b[f]; c[g[1]](function() { var b = h && h.apply(this, arguments); b && a.isfunction(b.promise) ? b.promise().done(d.resolve).fail(d.reject).progress(d.notify) : d[g[0] + "with"](this === e ? d.promise() : this, h ? [b] : arguments) }) }), b = null }).promise() }, c.isresolved = function() { return d("deferred.isresolved is deprecated"), "resolved" === c.state() }, c.isrejected = function() { return d("deferred.isrejected is deprecated"), "rejected" === c.state() }, b && b.call(c, c), c } } }(jquery, window); /*! * bootstrap v4.4.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/) * copyright 2011-2019 the bootstrap authors (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/graphs/contributors) * licensed under mit (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/license) */ (function(global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('jquery'), require('popper.js')) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'jquery', 'popper.js'], factory) : (global = global || self, factory(global.bootstrap = {}, global.jquery, global.popper)) }(this, (function(exports, $, popper) { 'use strict'; $ = $ && $.hasownproperty('default') ? $['default'] : $; popper = popper && popper.hasownproperty('default') ? popper['default'] : popper; function _defineproperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || !1; descriptor.configurable = !0; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = !0; object.defineproperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor) } } function _createclass(constructor, protoprops, staticprops) { if (protoprops) _defineproperties(constructor.prototype, protoprops); if (staticprops) _defineproperties(constructor, staticprops); return constructor } function _defineproperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { object.defineproperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) } else { obj[key] = value } return obj } function ownkeys(object, enumerableonly) { var keys = object.keys(object); if (object.getownpropertysymbols) { var symbols = object.getownpropertysymbols(object); if (enumerableonly) symbols = symbols.filter(function(sym) { return object.getownpropertydescriptor(object, sym).enumerable }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols) } return keys } function _objectspread2(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownkeys(object(source), !0).foreach(function(key) { _defineproperty(target, key, source[key]) }) } else if (object.getownpropertydescriptors) { object.defineproperties(target, object.getownpropertydescriptors(source)) } else { ownkeys(object(source)).foreach(function(key) { object.defineproperty(target, key, object.getownpropertydescriptor(source, key)) }) } } return target } function _inheritsloose(subclass, superclass) { subclass.prototype = object.create(superclass.prototype); subclass.prototype.constructor = subclass; subclass.__proto__ = superclass } var transition_end = 'transitionend'; var max_uid = 1000000; var milliseconds_multiplier = 1000; function totype(obj) { return {}.tostring.call(obj).match(/\s([a-z]+)/i)[1].tolowercase() } function getspecialtransitionendevent() { return { bindtype: transition_end, delegatetype: transition_end, handle: function handle(event) { if ($(event.target).is(this)) { return event.handleobj.handler.apply(this, arguments) } return undefined } } } function transitionendemulator(duration) { var _this = this; var called = !1; $(this).one(util.transition_end, function() { called = !0 }); settimeout(function() { if (!called) { util.triggertransitionend(_this) } }, duration); return this } function settransitionendsupport() { $.fn.emulatetransitionend = transitionendemulator; $.event.special[util.transition_end] = getspecialtransitionendevent() } var util = { transition_end: 'bstransitionend', getuid: function getuid(prefix) { do { prefix += ~~(math.random() * max_uid) } while (document.getelementbyid(prefix)); return prefix }, getselectorfromelement: function getselectorfromelement(element) { var selector = element.getattribute('data-target'); if (!selector || selector === '#') { var hrefattr = element.getattribute('href'); selector = hrefattr && hrefattr !== '#' ? hrefattr.trim() : '' } try { return document.queryselector(selector) ? selector : null } catch (err) { return null } }, gettransitiondurationfromelement: function gettransitiondurationfromelement(element) { if (!element) { return 0 } var transitionduration = $(element).css('transition-duration'); var transitiondelay = $(element).css('transition-delay'); var floattransitionduration = parsefloat(transitionduration); var floattransitiondelay = parsefloat(transitiondelay); if (!floattransitionduration && !floattransitiondelay) { return 0 } transitionduration = transitionduration.split(',')[0]; transitiondelay = transitiondelay.split(',')[0]; return (parsefloat(transitionduration) + parsefloat(transitiondelay)) * milliseconds_multiplier }, reflow: function reflow(element) { return element.offsetheight }, triggertransitionend: function triggertransitionend(element) { $(element).trigger(transition_end) }, supportstransitionend: function supportstransitionend() { return boolean(transition_end) }, iselement: function iselement(obj) { return (obj[0] || obj).nodetype }, typecheckconfig: function typecheckconfig(componentname, config, configtypes) { for (var property in configtypes) { if (object.prototype.hasownproperty.call(configtypes, property)) { var expectedtypes = configtypes[property]; var value = config[property]; var valuetype = value && util.iselement(value) ? 'element' : totype(value); if (!new regexp(expectedtypes).test(valuetype)) { throw new error(componentname.touppercase() + ": " + ("option \"" + property + "\" provided type \"" + valuetype + "\" ") + ("but expected type \"" + expectedtypes + "\".")) } } } }, findshadowroot: function findshadowroot(element) { if (!document.documentelement.attachshadow) { return null } if (typeof element.getrootnode === 'function') { var root = element.getrootnode(); return root instanceof shadowroot ? root : null } if (element instanceof shadowroot) { return element } if (!element.parentnode) { return null } return util.findshadowroot(element.parentnode) }, jquerydetection: function jquerydetection() { if (typeof $ === 'undefined') { throw new typeerror('bootstrap\'s javascript requires jquery. jquery must be included before bootstrap\'s javascript.') } var version = $.fn.jquery.split(' ')[0].split('.'); var minmajor = 1; var ltmajor = 2; var minminor = 9; var minpatch = 1; var maxmajor = 4; if (version[0] < ltmajor && version[1] < minminor || version[0] === minmajor && version[1] === minminor && version[2] < minpatch || version[0] >= maxmajor) { throw new error('bootstrap\'s javascript requires at least jquery v1.9.1 but less than v4.0.0') } } }; util.jquerydetection(); settransitionendsupport(); var name = 'alert'; var version = '4.4.1'; var data_key = 'bs.alert'; var event_key = "." + data_key; var data_api_key = '.data-api'; var jquery_no_conflict = $.fn[name]; var selector = { dismiss: '[data-dismiss="alert"]' }; var event = { close: "close" + event_key, closed: "closed" + event_key, click_data_api: "click" + event_key + data_api_key }; var classname = { alert: 'alert', fade: 'fade', show: 'show' }; var alert = function() { function alert(element) { this._element = element } var _proto = alert.prototype; _proto.close = function close(element) { var rootelement = this._element; if (element) { rootelement = this._getrootelement(element) } var customevent = this._triggercloseevent(rootelement); if (customevent.isdefaultprevented()) { return } this._removeelement(rootelement) }; _proto.dispose = function dispose() { $.removedata(this._element, data_key); this._element = null }; _proto._getrootelement = function _getrootelement(element) { var selector = util.getselectorfromelement(element); var parent = !1; if (selector) { parent = document.queryselector(selector) } if (!parent) { parent = $(element).closest("." + classname.alert)[0] } return parent }; _proto._triggercloseevent = function _triggercloseevent(element) { var closeevent = $.event(event.close); $(element).trigger(closeevent); return closeevent }; _proto._removeelement = function _removeelement(element) { var _this = this; $(element).removeclass(classname.show); if (!$(element).hasclass(classname.fade)) { this._destroyelement(element); return } var transitionduration = util.gettransitiondurationfromelement(element); $(element).one(util.transition_end, function(event) { return _this._destroyelement(element, event) }).emulatetransitionend(transitionduration) }; _proto._destroyelement = function _destroyelement(element) { $(element).detach().trigger(event.closed).remove() }; alert._jqueryinterface = function _jqueryinterface(config) { return this.each(function() { var $element = $(this); var data = $element.data(data_key); if (!data) { data = new alert(this); $element.data(data_key, data) } if (config === 'close') { data[config](this) } }) }; alert._handledismiss = function _handledismiss(alertinstance) { return function(event) { if (event) { event.preventdefault() } alertinstance.close(this) } }; _createclass(alert, null, [{ key: "version", get: function get() { return version } }]); return alert }(); $(document).on(event.click_data_api, selector.dismiss, alert._handledismiss(new alert())); $.fn[name] = alert._jqueryinterface; $.fn[name].constructor = alert; $.fn[name].noconflict = function() { $.fn[name] = jquery_no_conflict; return alert._jqueryinterface }; var name$1 = 'button'; var version$1 = '4.4.1'; var data_key$1 = 'bs.button'; var event_key$1 = "." + data_key$1; var data_api_key$1 = '.data-api'; var jquery_no_conflict$1 = $.fn[name$1]; var classname$1 = { active: 'active', button: 'btn', focus: 'focus' }; var selector$1 = { data_toggle_carrot: '[data-toggle^="button"]', data_toggles: '[data-toggle="buttons"]', data_toggle: '[data-toggle="button"]', data_toggles_buttons: '[data-toggle="buttons"] .btn', input: 'input:not([type="hidden"])', active: '.active', button: '.btn' }; var event$1 = { click_data_api: "click" + event_key$1 + data_api_key$1, focus_blur_data_api: "focus" + event_key$1 + data_api_key$1 + " " + ("blur" + event_key$1 + data_api_key$1), load_data_api: "load" + event_key$1 + data_api_key$1 }; var button = function() { function button(element) { this._element = element } var _proto = button.prototype; _proto.toggle = function toggle() { var triggerchangeevent = !0; var addariapressed = !0; var rootelement = $(this._element).closest(selector$1.data_toggles)[0]; if (rootelement) { var input = this._element.queryselector(selector$1.input); if (input) { if (input.type === 'radio') { if (input.checked && this._element.classlist.contains(classname$1.active)) { triggerchangeevent = !1 } else { var activeelement = rootelement.queryselector(selector$1.active); if (activeelement) { $(activeelement).removeclass(classname$1.active) } } } else if (input.type === 'checkbox') { if (this._element.tagname === 'label' && input.checked === this._element.classlist.contains(classname$1.active)) { triggerchangeevent = !1 } } else { triggerchangeevent = !1 } if (triggerchangeevent) { input.checked = !this._element.classlist.contains(classname$1.active); $(input).trigger('change') } input.focus(); addariapressed = !1 } } if (!(this._element.hasattribute('disabled') || this._element.classlist.contains('disabled'))) { if (addariapressed) { this._element.setattribute('aria-pressed', !this._element.classlist.contains(classname$1.active)) } if (triggerchangeevent) { $(this._element).toggleclass(classname$1.active) } } }; _proto.dispose = function dispose() { $.removedata(this._element, data_key$1); this._element = null }; button._jqueryinterface = function _jqueryinterface(config) { return this.each(function() { var data = $(this).data(data_key$1); if (!data) { data = new button(this); $(this).data(data_key$1, data) } if (config === 'toggle') { data[config]() } }) }; _createclass(button, null, [{ key: "version", get: function get() { return version$1 } }]); return button }(); $(document).on(event$1.click_data_api, selector$1.data_toggle_carrot, function(event) { var button = event.target; if (!$(button).hasclass(classname$1.button)) { button = $(button).closest(selector$1.button)[0] } if (!button || button.hasattribute('disabled') || button.classlist.contains('disabled')) { event.preventdefault() } else { var inputbtn = button.queryselector(selector$1.input); if (inputbtn && (inputbtn.hasattribute('disabled') || inputbtn.classlist.contains('disabled'))) { event.preventdefault(); return } button._jqueryinterface.call($(button), 'toggle') } }).on(event$1.focus_blur_data_api, selector$1.data_toggle_carrot, function(event) { var button = $(event.target).closest(selector$1.button)[0]; $(button).toggleclass(classname$1.focus, /^focus(in)?$/.test(event.type)) }); $(window).on(event$1.load_data_api, function() { var buttons = [].slice.call(document.queryselectorall(selector$1.data_toggles_buttons)); for (var i = 0, len = buttons.length; i < len; i++) { var button = buttons[i]; var input = button.queryselector(selector$1.input); if (input.checked || input.hasattribute('checked')) { button.classlist.add(classname$1.active) } else { button.classlist.remove(classname$1.active) } } buttons = [].slice.call(document.queryselectorall(selector$1.data_toggle)); for (var _i = 0, _len = buttons.length; _i < _len; _i++) { var _button = buttons[_i]; if (_button.getattribute('aria-pressed') === 'true') { _button.classlist.add(classname$1.active) } else { _button.classlist.remove(classname$1.active) } } }); $.fn[name$1] = button._jqueryinterface; $.fn[name$1].constructor = button; $.fn[name$1].noconflict = function() { $.fn[name$1] = jquery_no_conflict$1; return button._jqueryinterface }; var name$2 = 'carousel'; var version$2 = '4.4.1'; var data_key$2 = 'bs.carousel'; var event_key$2 = "." + data_key$2; var data_api_key$2 = '.data-api'; var jquery_no_conflict$2 = $.fn[name$2]; var arrow_left_keycode = 37; var arrow_right_keycode = 39; var touchevent_compat_wait = 500; var swipe_threshold = 40; var default = { interval: 5000, keyboard: !0, slide: !1, pause: 'hover', wrap: !0, touch: !0 }; var defaulttype = { interval: '(number|boolean)', keyboard: 'boolean', slide: '(boolean|string)', pause: '(string|boolean)', wrap: 'boolean', touch: 'boolean' }; var direction = { next: 'next', prev: 'prev', left: 'left', right: 'right' }; var event$2 = { slide: "slide" + event_key$2, slid: "slid" + event_key$2, keydown: "keydown" + event_key$2, mouseenter: "mouseenter" + event_key$2, mouseleave: "mouseleave" + event_key$2, touchstart: "touchstart" + event_key$2, touchmove: "touchmove" + event_key$2, touchend: "touchend" + event_key$2, pointerdown: "pointerdown" + event_key$2, pointerup: "pointerup" + event_key$2, drag_start: "dragstart" + event_key$2, load_data_api: "load" + event_key$2 + data_api_key$2, click_data_api: "click" + event_key$2 + data_api_key$2 }; var classname$2 = { carousel: 'carousel', active: 'active', slide: 'slide', right: 'carousel-item-right', left: 'carousel-item-left', next: 'carousel-item-next', prev: 'carousel-item-prev', item: 'carousel-item', pointer_event: 'pointer-event' }; var selector$2 = { active: '.active', active_item: '.active.carousel-item', item: '.carousel-item', item_img: '.carousel-item img', next_prev: '.carousel-item-next, .carousel-item-prev', indicators: '.carousel-indicators', data_slide: '[data-slide], [data-slide-to]', data_ride: '[data-ride="carousel"]' }; var pointertype = { touch: 'touch', pen: 'pen' }; var carousel = function() { function carousel(element, config) { this._items = null; this._interval = null; this._activeelement = null; this._ispaused = !1; this._issliding = !1; this.touchtimeout = null; this.touchstartx = 0; this.touchdeltax = 0; this._config = this._getconfig(config); this._element = element; this._indicatorselement = this._element.queryselector(selector$2.indicators); this._touchsupported = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentelement || navigator.maxtouchpoints > 0; this._pointerevent = boolean(window.pointerevent || window.mspointerevent); this._addeventlisteners() } var _proto = carousel.prototype; _proto.next = function next() { if (!this._issliding) { this._slide(direction.next) } }; _proto.nextwhenvisible = function nextwhenvisible() { if (!document.hidden && $(this._element).is(':visible') && $(this._element).css('visibility') !== 'hidden') { this.next() } }; _proto.prev = function prev() { if (!this._issliding) { this._slide(direction.prev) } }; _proto.pause = function pause(event) { if (!event) { this._ispaused = !0 } if (this._element.queryselector(selector$2.next_prev)) { util.triggertransitionend(this._element); this.cycle(!0) } clearinterval(this._interval); this._interval = null }; _proto.cycle = function cycle(event) { if (!event) { this._ispaused = !1 } if (this._interval) { clearinterval(this._interval); this._interval = null } if (this._config.interval && !this._ispaused) { this._interval = setinterval((document.visibilitystate ? this.nextwhenvisible : this.next).bind(this), this._config.interval) } }; _proto.to = function to(index) { var _this = this; this._activeelement = this._element.queryselector(selector$2.active_item); var activeindex = this._getitemindex(this._activeelement); if (index > this._items.length - 1 || index < 0) { return } if (this._issliding) { $(this._element).one(event$2.slid, function() { return _this.to(index) }); return } if (activeindex === index) { this.pause(); this.cycle(); return } var direction = index > activeindex ? direction.next : direction.prev; this._slide(direction, this._items[index]) }; _proto.dispose = function dispose() { $(this._element).off(event_key$2); $.removedata(this._element, data_key$2); this._items = null; this._config = null; this._element = null; this._interval = null; this._ispaused = null; this._issliding = null; this._activeelement = null; this._indicatorselement = null }; _proto._getconfig = function _getconfig(config) { config = _objectspread2({}, default, {}, config); util.typecheckconfig(name$2, config, defaulttype); return config }; _proto._handleswipe = function _handleswipe() { var absdeltax = math.abs(this.touchdeltax); if (absdeltax <= swipe_threshold) { return } var direction = absdeltax / this.touchdeltax; this.touchdeltax = 0; if (direction > 0) { this.prev() } if (direction < 0) { this.next() } }; _proto._addeventlisteners = function _addeventlisteners() { var _this2 = this; if (this._config.keyboard) { $(this._element).on(event$2.keydown, function(event) { return _this2._keydown(event) }) } if (this._config.pause === 'hover') { $(this._element).on(event$2.mouseenter, function(event) { return _this2.pause(event) }).on(event$2.mouseleave, function(event) { return _this2.cycle(event) }) } if (this._config.touch) { this._addtoucheventlisteners() } }; _proto._addtoucheventlisteners = function _addtoucheventlisteners() { var _this3 = this; if (!this._touchsupported) { return } var start = function start(event) { if (_this3._pointerevent && pointertype[event.originalevent.pointertype.touppercase()]) { _this3.touchstartx = event.originalevent.clientx } else if (!_this3._pointerevent) { _this3.touchstartx = event.originalevent.touches[0].clientx } }; var move = function move(event) { if (event.originalevent.touches && event.originalevent.touches.length > 1) { _this3.touchdeltax = 0 } else { _this3.touchdeltax = event.originalevent.touches[0].clientx - _this3.touchstartx } }; var end = function end(event) { if (_this3._pointerevent && pointertype[event.originalevent.pointertype.touppercase()]) { _this3.touchdeltax = event.originalevent.clientx - _this3.touchstartx } _this3._handleswipe(); if (_this3._config.pause === 'hover') { _this3.pause(); if (_this3.touchtimeout) { cleartimeout(_this3.touchtimeout) } _this3.touchtimeout = settimeout(function(event) { return _this3.cycle(event) }, touchevent_compat_wait + _this3._config.interval) } }; $(this._element.queryselectorall(selector$2.item_img)).on(event$2.drag_start, function(e) { return e.preventdefault() }); if (this._pointerevent) { $(this._element).on(event$2.pointerdown, function(event) { return start(event) }); $(this._element).on(event$2.pointerup, function(event) { return end(event) }); this._element.classlist.add(classname$2.pointer_event) } else { $(this._element).on(event$2.touchstart, function(event) { return start(event) }); $(this._element).on(event$2.touchmove, function(event) { return move(event) }); $(this._element).on(event$2.touchend, function(event) { return end(event) }) } }; _proto._keydown = function _keydown(event) { if (/input|textarea/i.test(event.target.tagname)) { return } switch (event.which) { case arrow_left_keycode: event.preventdefault(); this.prev(); break; case arrow_right_keycode: event.preventdefault(); this.next(); break } }; _proto._getitemindex = function _getitemindex(element) { this._items = element && element.parentnode ? [].slice.call(element.parentnode.queryselectorall(selector$2.item)) : []; return this._items.indexof(element) }; _proto._getitembydirection = function _getitembydirection(direction, activeelement) { var isnextdirection = direction === direction.next; var isprevdirection = direction === direction.prev; var activeindex = this._getitemindex(activeelement); var lastitemindex = this._items.length - 1; var isgoingtowrap = isprevdirection && activeindex === 0 || isnextdirection && activeindex === lastitemindex; if (isgoingtowrap && !this._config.wrap) { return activeelement } var delta = direction === direction.prev ? -1 : 1; var itemindex = (activeindex + delta) % this._items.length; return itemindex === -1 ? this._items[this._items.length - 1] : this._items[itemindex] }; _proto._triggerslideevent = function _triggerslideevent(relatedtarget, eventdirectionname) { var targetindex = this._getitemindex(relatedtarget); var fromindex = this._getitemindex(this._element.queryselector(selector$2.active_item)); var slideevent = $.event(event$2.slide, { relatedtarget: relatedtarget, direction: eventdirectionname, from: fromindex, to: targetindex }); $(this._element).trigger(slideevent); return slideevent }; _proto._setactiveindicatorelement = function _setactiveindicatorelement(element) { if (this._indicatorselement) { var indicators = [].slice.call(this._indicatorselement.queryselectorall(selector$2.active)); $(indicators).removeclass(classname$2.active); var nextindicator = this._indicatorselement.children[this._getitemindex(element)]; if (nextindicator) { $(nextindicator).addclass(classname$2.active) } } }; _proto._slide = function _slide(direction, element) { var _this4 = this; var activeelement = this._element.queryselector(selector$2.active_item); var activeelementindex = this._getitemindex(activeelement); var nextelement = element || activeelement && this._getitembydirection(direction, activeelement); var nextelementindex = this._getitemindex(nextelement); var iscycling = boolean(this._interval); var directionalclassname; var orderclassname; var eventdirectionname; if (direction === direction.next) { directionalclassname = classname$2.left; orderclassname = classname$2.next; eventdirectionname = direction.left } else { directionalclassname = classname$2.right; orderclassname = classname$2.prev; eventdirectionname = direction.right } if (nextelement && $(nextelement).hasclass(classname$2.active)) { this._issliding = !1; return } var slideevent = this._triggerslideevent(nextelement, eventdirectionname); if (slideevent.isdefaultprevented()) { return } if (!activeelement || !nextelement) { return } this._issliding = !0; if (iscycling) { this.pause() } this._setactiveindicatorelement(nextelement); var slidevent = $.event(event$2.slid, { relatedtarget: nextelement, direction: eventdirectionname, from: activeelementindex, to: nextelementindex }); if ($(this._element).hasclass(classname$2.slide)) { $(nextelement).addclass(orderclassname); util.reflow(nextelement); $(activeelement).addclass(directionalclassname); $(nextelement).addclass(directionalclassname); var nextelementinterval = parseint(nextelement.getattribute('data-interval'), 10); if (nextelementinterval) { this._config.defaultinterval = this._config.defaultinterval || this._config.interval; this._config.interval = nextelementinterval } else { this._config.interval = this._config.defaultinterval || this._config.interval } var transitionduration = util.gettransitiondurationfromelement(activeelement); $(activeelement).one(util.transition_end, function() { $(nextelement).removeclass(directionalclassname + " " + orderclassname).addclass(classname$2.active); $(activeelement).removeclass(classname$2.active + " " + orderclassname + " " + directionalclassname); _this4._issliding = !1; settimeout(function() { return $(_this4._element).trigger(slidevent) }, 0) }).emulatetransitionend(transitionduration) } else { $(activeelement).removeclass(classname$2.active); $(nextelement).addclass(classname$2.active); this._issliding = !1; $(this._element).trigger(slidevent) } if (iscycling) { this.cycle() } }; carousel._jqueryinterface = function _jqueryinterface(config) { return this.each(function() { var data = $(this).data(data_key$2); var _config = _objectspread2({}, default, {}, $(this).data()); if (typeof config === 'object') { _config = _objectspread2({}, _config, {}, config) } var action = typeof config === 'string' ? config : _config.slide; if (!data) { data = new carousel(this, _config); $(this).data(data_key$2, data) } if (typeof config === 'number') { data.to(config) } else if (typeof action === 'string') { if (typeof data[action] === 'undefined') { throw new typeerror("no method named \"" + action + "\"") } data[action]() } else if (_config.interval && _config.ride) { data.pause(); data.cycle() } }) }; carousel._dataapiclickhandler = function _dataapiclickhandler(event) { var selector = util.getselectorfromelement(this); if (!selector) { return } var target = $(selector)[0]; if (!target || !$(target).hasclass(classname$2.carousel)) { return } var config = _objectspread2({}, $(target).data(), {}, $(this).data()); var slideindex = this.getattribute('data-slide-to'); if (slideindex) { config.interval = !1 } carousel._jqueryinterface.call($(target), config); if (slideindex) { $(target).data(data_key$2).to(slideindex) } event.preventdefault() }; _createclass(carousel, null, [{ key: "version", get: function get() { return version$2 } }, { key: "default", get: function get() { return default } }]); return carousel }(); $(document).on(event$2.click_data_api, selector$2.data_slide, carousel._dataapiclickhandler); $(window).on(event$2.load_data_api, function() { var carousels = [].slice.call(document.queryselectorall(selector$2.data_ride)); for (var i = 0, len = carousels.length; i < len; i++) { var $carousel = $(carousels[i]); carousel._jqueryinterface.call($carousel, $carousel.data()) } }); $.fn[name$2] = carousel._jqueryinterface; $.fn[name$2].constructor = carousel; $.fn[name$2].noconflict = function() { $.fn[name$2] = jquery_no_conflict$2; return carousel._jqueryinterface }; var name$3 = 'collapse'; var version$3 = '4.4.1'; var data_key$3 = 'bs.collapse'; var event_key$3 = "." + data_key$3; var data_api_key$3 = '.data-api'; var jquery_no_conflict$3 = $.fn[name$3]; var default$1 = { toggle: !0, parent: '' }; var defaulttype$1 = { toggle: 'boolean', parent: '(string|element)' }; var event$3 = { show: "show" + event_key$3, shown: "shown" + event_key$3, hide: "hide" + event_key$3, hidden: "hidden" + event_key$3, click_data_api: "click" + event_key$3 + data_api_key$3 }; var classname$3 = { show: 'show', collapse: 'collapse', collapsing: 'collapsing', collapsed: 'collapsed' }; var dimension = { width: 'width', height: 'height' }; var selector$3 = { actives: '.show, .collapsing', data_toggle: '[data-toggle="collapse"]' }; var collapse = function() { function collapse(element, config) { this._istransitioning = !1; this._element = element; this._config = this._getconfig(config); this._triggerarray = [].slice.call(document.queryselectorall("[data-toggle=\"collapse\"][href=\"#" + element.id + "\"]," + ("[data-toggle=\"collapse\"][data-target=\"#" + element.id + "\"]"))); var togglelist = [].slice.call(document.queryselectorall(selector$3.data_toggle)); for (var i = 0, len = togglelist.length; i < len; i++) { var elem = togglelist[i]; var selector = util.getselectorfromelement(elem); var filterelement = [].slice.call(document.queryselectorall(selector)).filter(function(foundelem) { return foundelem === element }); if (selector !== null && filterelement.length > 0) { this._selector = selector; this._triggerarray.push(elem) } } this._parent = this._config.parent ? this._getparent() : null; if (!this._config.parent) { this._addariaandcollapsedclass(this._element, this._triggerarray) } if (this._config.toggle) { this.toggle() } } var _proto = collapse.prototype; _proto.toggle = function toggle() { if ($(this._element).hasclass(classname$3.show)) { this.hide() } else { this.show() } }; _proto.show = function show() { var _this = this; if (this._istransitioning || $(this._element).hasclass(classname$3.show)) { return } var actives; var activesdata; if (this._parent) { actives = [].slice.call(this._parent.queryselectorall(selector$3.actives)).filter(function(elem) { if (typeof _this._config.parent === 'string') { return elem.getattribute('data-parent') === _this._config.parent } return elem.classlist.contains(classname$3.collapse) }); if (actives.length === 0) { actives = null } } if (actives) { activesdata = $(actives).not(this._selector).data(data_key$3); if (activesdata && activesdata._istransitioning) { return } } var startevent = $.event(event$3.show); $(this._element).trigger(startevent); if (startevent.isdefaultprevented()) { return } if (actives) { collapse._jqueryinterface.call($(actives).not(this._selector), 'hide'); if (!activesdata) { $(actives).data(data_key$3, null) } } var dimension = this._getdimension(); $(this._element).removeclass(classname$3.collapse).addclass(classname$3.collapsing); this._element.style[dimension] = 0; if (this._triggerarray.length) { $(this._triggerarray).removeclass(classname$3.collapsed).attr('aria-expanded', !0) } this.settransitioning(!0); var complete = function complete() { $(_this._element).removeclass(classname$3.collapsing).addclass(classname$3.collapse).addclass(classname$3.show); _this._element.style[dimension] = ''; _this.settransitioning(!1); $(_this._element).trigger(event$3.shown) }; var capitalizeddimension = dimension[0].touppercase() + dimension.slice(1); var scrollsize = "scroll" + capitalizeddimension; var transitionduration = util.gettransitiondurationfromelement(this._element); $(this._element).one(util.transition_end, complete).emulatetransitionend(transitionduration); this._element.style[dimension] = this._element[scrollsize] + "px" }; _proto.hide = function hide() { var _this2 = this; if (this._istransitioning || !$(this._element).hasclass(classname$3.show)) { return } var startevent = $.event(event$3.hide); $(this._element).trigger(startevent); if (startevent.isdefaultprevented()) { return } var dimension = this._getdimension(); this._element.style[dimension] = this._element.getboundingclientrect()[dimension] + "px"; util.reflow(this._element); $(this._element).addclass(classname$3.collapsing).removeclass(classname$3.collapse).removeclass(classname$3.show); var triggerarraylength = this._triggerarray.length; if (triggerarraylength > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < triggerarraylength; i++) { var trigger = this._triggerarray[i]; var selector = util.getselectorfromelement(trigger); if (selector !== null) { var $elem = $([].slice.call(document.queryselectorall(selector))); if (!$elem.hasclass(classname$3.show)) { $(trigger).addclass(classname$3.collapsed).attr('aria-expanded', !1) } } } } this.settransitioning(!0); var complete = function complete() { _this2.settransitioning(!1); $(_this2._element).removeclass(classname$3.collapsing).addclass(classname$3.collapse).trigger(event$3.hidden) }; this._element.style[dimension] = ''; var transitionduration = util.gettransitiondurationfromelement(this._element); $(this._element).one(util.transition_end, complete).emulatetransitionend(transitionduration) }; _proto.settransitioning = function settransitioning(istransitioning) { this._istransitioning = istransitioning }; _proto.dispose = function dispose() { $.removedata(this._element, data_key$3); this._config = null; this._parent = null; this._element = null; this._triggerarray = null; this._istransitioning = null }; _proto._getconfig = function _getconfig(config) { config = _objectspread2({}, default$1, {}, config); config.toggle = boolean(config.toggle); util.typecheckconfig(name$3, config, defaulttype$1); return config }; _proto._getdimension = function _getdimension() { var haswidth = $(this._element).hasclass(dimension.width); return haswidth ? dimension.width : dimension.height }; _proto._getparent = function _getparent() { var _this3 = this; var parent; if (util.iselement(this._config.parent)) { parent = this._config.parent; if (typeof this._config.parent.jquery !== 'undefined') { parent = this._config.parent[0] } } else { parent = document.queryselector(this._config.parent) } var selector = "[data-toggle=\"collapse\"][data-parent=\"" + this._config.parent + "\"]"; var children = [].slice.call(parent.queryselectorall(selector)); $(children).each(function(i, element) { _this3._addariaandcollapsedclass(collapse._gettargetfromelement(element), [element]) }); return parent }; _proto._addariaandcollapsedclass = function _addariaandcollapsedclass(element, triggerarray) { var isopen = $(element).hasclass(classname$3.show); if (triggerarray.length) { $(triggerarray).toggleclass(classname$3.collapsed, !isopen).attr('aria-expanded', isopen) } }; collapse._gettargetfromelement = function _gettargetfromelement(element) { var selector = util.getselectorfromelement(element); return selector ? document.queryselector(selector) : null }; collapse._jqueryinterface = function _jqueryinterface(config) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); var data = $this.data(data_key$3); var _config = _objectspread2({}, default$1, {}, $this.data(), {}, typeof config === 'object' && config ? config : {}); if (!data && _config.toggle && /show|hide/.test(config)) { _config.toggle = !1 } if (!data) { data = new collapse(this, _config); $this.data(data_key$3, data) } if (typeof config === 'string') { if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') { throw new typeerror("no method named \"" + config + "\"") } data[config]() } }) }; _createclass(collapse, null, [{ key: "version", get: function get() { return version$3 } }, { key: "default", get: function get() { return default$1 } }]); return collapse }(); $(document).on(event$3.click_data_api, selector$3.data_toggle, function(event) { if (event.currenttarget.tagname === 'a') { event.preventdefault() } var $trigger = $(this); var selector = util.getselectorfromelement(this); var selectors = [].slice.call(document.queryselectorall(selector)); $(selectors).each(function() { var $target = $(this); var data = $target.data(data_key$3); var config = data ? 'toggle' : $trigger.data(); collapse._jqueryinterface.call($target, config) }) }); $.fn[name$3] = collapse._jqueryinterface; $.fn[name$3].constructor = collapse; $.fn[name$3].noconflict = function() { $.fn[name$3] = jquery_no_conflict$3; return collapse._jqueryinterface }; var name$4 = 'dropdown'; var version$4 = '4.4.1'; var data_key$4 = 'bs.dropdown'; var event_key$4 = "." + data_key$4; var data_api_key$4 = '.data-api'; var jquery_no_conflict$4 = $.fn[name$4]; var escape_keycode = 27; var space_keycode = 32; var tab_keycode = 9; var arrow_up_keycode = 38; var arrow_down_keycode = 40; var right_mouse_button_which = 3; var regexp_keydown = new regexp(arrow_up_keycode + "|" + arrow_down_keycode + "|" + escape_keycode); var event$4 = { hide: "hide" + event_key$4, hidden: "hidden" + event_key$4, show: "show" + event_key$4, shown: "shown" + event_key$4, click: "click" + event_key$4, click_data_api: "click" + event_key$4 + data_api_key$4, keydown_data_api: "keydown" + event_key$4 + data_api_key$4, keyup_data_api: "keyup" + event_key$4 + data_api_key$4 }; var classname$4 = { disabled: 'disabled', show: 'show', dropup: 'dropup', dropright: 'dropright', dropleft: 'dropleft', menuright: 'dropdown-menu-right', menuleft: 'dropdown-menu-left', position_static: 'position-static' }; var selector$4 = { data_toggle: '[data-toggle="dropdown"]', form_child: '.dropdown form', menu: '.dropdown-menu', navbar_nav: '.navbar-nav', visible_items: '.dropdown-menu .dropdown-item:not(.disabled):not(:disabled)' }; var attachmentmap = { top: 'top-start', topend: 'top-end', bottom: 'bottom-start', bottomend: 'bottom-end', right: 'right-start', rightend: 'right-end', left: 'left-start', leftend: 'left-end' }; var default$2 = { offset: 0, flip: !0, boundary: 'scrollparent', reference: 'toggle', display: 'dynamic', popperconfig: null }; var defaulttype$2 = { offset: '(number|string|function)', flip: 'boolean', boundary: '(string|element)', reference: '(string|element)', display: 'string', popperconfig: '(null|object)' }; var dropdown = function() { function dropdown(element, config) { this._element = element; this._popper = null; this._config = this._getconfig(config); this._menu = this._getmenuelement(); this._innavbar = this._detectnavbar(); this._addeventlisteners() } var _proto = dropdown.prototype; _proto.toggle = function toggle() { if (this._element.disabled || $(this._element).hasclass(classname$4.disabled)) { return } var isactive = $(this._menu).hasclass(classname$4.show); dropdown._clearmenus(); if (isactive) { return } this.show(!0) }; _proto.show = function show(usepopper) { if (usepopper === void 0) { usepopper = !1 } if (this._element.disabled || $(this._element).hasclass(classname$4.disabled) || $(this._menu).hasclass(classname$4.show)) { return } var relatedtarget = { relatedtarget: this._element }; var showevent = $.event(event$4.show, relatedtarget); var parent = dropdown._getparentfromelement(this._element); $(parent).trigger(showevent); if (showevent.isdefaultprevented()) { return } if (!this._innavbar && usepopper) { if (typeof popper === 'undefined') { throw new typeerror('bootstrap\'s dropdowns require popper.js (https://popper.js.org/)') } var referenceelement = this._element; if (this._config.reference === 'parent') { referenceelement = parent } else if (util.iselement(this._config.reference)) { referenceelement = this._config.reference; if (typeof this._config.reference.jquery !== 'undefined') { referenceelement = this._config.reference[0] } } if (this._config.boundary !== 'scrollparent') { $(parent).addclass(classname$4.position_static) } this._popper = new popper(referenceelement, this._menu, this._getpopperconfig()) } if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentelement && $(parent).closest(selector$4.navbar_nav).length === 0) { $(document.body).children().on('mouseover', null, $.noop) } this._element.focus(); this._element.setattribute('aria-expanded', !0); $(this._menu).toggleclass(classname$4.show); $(parent).toggleclass(classname$4.show).trigger($.event(event$4.shown, relatedtarget)) }; _proto.hide = function hide() { if (this._element.disabled || $(this._element).hasclass(classname$4.disabled) || !$(this._menu).hasclass(classname$4.show)) { return } var relatedtarget = { relatedtarget: this._element }; var hideevent = $.event(event$4.hide, relatedtarget); var parent = dropdown._getparentfromelement(this._element); $(parent).trigger(hideevent); if (hideevent.isdefaultprevented()) { return } if (this._popper) { this._popper.destroy() } $(this._menu).toggleclass(classname$4.show); $(parent).toggleclass(classname$4.show).trigger($.event(event$4.hidden, relatedtarget)) }; _proto.dispose = function dispose() { $.removedata(this._element, data_key$4); $(this._element).off(event_key$4); this._element = null; this._menu = null; if (this._popper !== null) { this._popper.destroy(); this._popper = null } }; _proto.update = function update() { this._innavbar = this._detectnavbar(); if (this._popper !== null) { this._popper.scheduleupdate() } }; _proto._addeventlisteners = function _addeventlisteners() { var _this = this; $(this._element).on(event$4.click, function(event) { event.preventdefault(); event.stoppropagation(); _this.toggle() }) }; _proto._getconfig = function _getconfig(config) { config = _objectspread2({}, this.constructor.default, {}, $(this._element).data(), {}, config); util.typecheckconfig(name$4, config, this.constructor.defaulttype); return config }; _proto._getmenuelement = function _getmenuelement() { if (!this._menu) { var parent = dropdown._getparentfromelement(this._element); if (parent) { this._menu = parent.queryselector(selector$4.menu) } } return this._menu }; _proto._getplacement = function _getplacement() { var $parentdropdown = $(this._element.parentnode); var placement = attachmentmap.bottom; if ($parentdropdown.hasclass(classname$4.dropup)) { placement = attachmentmap.top; if ($(this._menu).hasclass(classname$4.menuright)) { placement = attachmentmap.topend } } else if ($parentdropdown.hasclass(classname$4.dropright)) { placement = attachmentmap.right } else if ($parentdropdown.hasclass(classname$4.dropleft)) { placement = attachmentmap.left } else if ($(this._menu).hasclass(classname$4.menuright)) { placement = attachmentmap.bottomend } return placement }; _proto._detectnavbar = function _detectnavbar() { return $(this._element).closest('.navbar').length > 0 }; _proto._getoffset = function _getoffset() { var _this2 = this; var offset = {}; if (typeof this._config.offset === 'function') { offset.fn = function(data) { data.offsets = _objectspread2({}, data.offsets, {}, _this2._config.offset(data.offsets, _this2._element) || {}); return data } } else { offset.offset = this._config.offset } return offset }; _proto._getpopperconfig = function _getpopperconfig() { var popperconfig = { placement: this._getplacement(), modifiers: { offset: this._getoffset(), flip: { enabled: this._config.flip }, preventoverflow: { boundarieselement: this._config.boundary } } }; if (this._config.display === 'static') { popperconfig.modifiers.applystyle = { enabled: !1 } } return _objectspread2({}, popperconfig, {}, this._config.popperconfig) }; dropdown._jqueryinterface = function _jqueryinterface(config) { return this.each(function() { var data = $(this).data(data_key$4); var _config = typeof config === 'object' ? config : null; if (!data) { data = new dropdown(this, _config); $(this).data(data_key$4, data) } if (typeof config === 'string') { if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') { throw new typeerror("no method named \"" + config + "\"") } data[config]() } }) }; dropdown._clearmenus = function _clearmenus(event) { if (event && (event.which === right_mouse_button_which || event.type === 'keyup' && event.which !== tab_keycode)) { return } var toggles = [].slice.call(document.queryselectorall(selector$4.data_toggle)); for (var i = 0, len = toggles.length; i < len; i++) { var parent = dropdown._getparentfromelement(toggles[i]); var context = $(toggles[i]).data(data_key$4); var relatedtarget = { relatedtarget: toggles[i] }; if (event && event.type === 'click') { relatedtarget.clickevent = event } if (!context) { continue } var dropdownmenu = context._menu; if (!$(parent).hasclass(classname$4.show)) { continue } if (event && (event.type === 'click' && /input|textarea/i.test(event.target.tagname) || event.type === 'keyup' && event.which === tab_keycode) && $.contains(parent, event.target)) { continue } var hideevent = $.event(event$4.hide, relatedtarget); $(parent).trigger(hideevent); if (hideevent.isdefaultprevented()) { continue } if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentelement) { $(document.body).children().off('mouseover', null, $.noop) } toggles[i].setattribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); if (context._popper) { context._popper.destroy() } $(dropdownmenu).removeclass(classname$4.show); $(parent).removeclass(classname$4.show).trigger($.event(event$4.hidden, relatedtarget)) } }; dropdown._getparentfromelement = function _getparentfromelement(element) { var parent; var selector = util.getselectorfromelement(element); if (selector) { parent = document.queryselector(selector) } return parent || element.parentnode }; dropdown._dataapikeydownhandler = function _dataapikeydownhandler(event) { if (/input|textarea/i.test(event.target.tagname) ? event.which === space_keycode || event.which !== escape_keycode && (event.which !== arrow_down_keycode && event.which !== arrow_up_keycode || $(event.target).closest(selector$4.menu).length) : !regexp_keydown.test(event.which)) { return } event.preventdefault(); event.stoppropagation(); if (this.disabled || $(this).hasclass(classname$4.disabled)) { return } var parent = dropdown._getparentfromelement(this); var isactive = $(parent).hasclass(classname$4.show); if (!isactive && event.which === escape_keycode) { return } if (!isactive || isactive && (event.which === escape_keycode || event.which === space_keycode)) { if (event.which === escape_keycode) { var toggle = parent.queryselector(selector$4.data_toggle); $(toggle).trigger('focus') } $(this).trigger('click'); return } var items = [].slice.call(parent.queryselectorall(selector$4.visible_items)).filter(function(item) { return $(item).is(':visible') }); if (items.length === 0) { return } var index = items.indexof(event.target); if (event.which === arrow_up_keycode && index > 0) { index-- } if (event.which === arrow_down_keycode && index < items.length - 1) { index++ } if (index < 0) { index = 0 } items[index].focus() }; _createclass(dropdown, null, [{ key: "version", get: function get() { return version$4 } }, { key: "default", get: function get() { return default$2 } }, { key: "defaulttype", get: function get() { return defaulttype$2 } }]); return dropdown }(); $(document).on(event$4.keydown_data_api, selector$4.data_toggle, dropdown._dataapikeydownhandler).on(event$4.keydown_data_api, selector$4.menu, dropdown._dataapikeydownhandler).on(event$4.click_data_api + " " + event$4.keyup_data_api, dropdown._clearmenus).on(event$4.click_data_api, selector$4.data_toggle, function(event) { event.preventdefault(); event.stoppropagation(); dropdown._jqueryinterface.call($(this), 'toggle') }).on(event$4.click_data_api, selector$4.form_child, function(e) { e.stoppropagation() }); $.fn[name$4] = dropdown._jqueryinterface; $.fn[name$4].constructor = dropdown; $.fn[name$4].noconflict = function() { $.fn[name$4] = jquery_no_conflict$4; return dropdown._jqueryinterface }; var name$5 = 'modal'; var version$5 = '4.4.1'; var data_key$5 = 'bs.modal'; var event_key$5 = "." + data_key$5; var data_api_key$5 = '.data-api'; var jquery_no_conflict$5 = $.fn[name$5]; var escape_keycode$1 = 27; var default$3 = { backdrop: !0, keyboard: !0, focus: !0, show: !0 }; var defaulttype$3 = { backdrop: '(boolean|string)', keyboard: 'boolean', focus: 'boolean', show: 'boolean' }; var event$5 = { hide: "hide" + event_key$5, hide_prevented: "hideprevented" + event_key$5, hidden: "hidden" + event_key$5, show: "show" + event_key$5, shown: "shown" + event_key$5, focusin: "focusin" + event_key$5, resize: "resize" + event_key$5, click_dismiss: "click.dismiss" + event_key$5, keydown_dismiss: "keydown.dismiss" + event_key$5, mouseup_dismiss: "mouseup.dismiss" + event_key$5, mousedown_dismiss: "mousedown.dismiss" + event_key$5, click_data_api: "click" + event_key$5 + data_api_key$5 }; var classname$5 = { scrollable: 'modal-dialog-scrollable', scrollbar_measurer: 'modal-scrollbar-measure', backdrop: 'modal-backdrop', open: 'modal-open', fade: 'fade', show: 'show', static: 'modal-static' }; var selector$5 = { dialog: '.modal-dialog', modal_body: '.modal-body', data_toggle: '[data-toggle="modal"]', data_dismiss: '[data-dismiss="modal"]', fixed_content: '.fixed-top, .fixed-bottom, .is-fixed, .sticky-top', sticky_content: '.sticky-top' }; var modal = function() { function modal(element, config) { this._config = this._getconfig(config); this._element = element; this._dialog = element.queryselector(selector$5.dialog); this._backdrop = null; this._isshown = !1; this._isbodyoverflowing = !1; this._ignorebackdropclick = !1; this._istransitioning = !1; this._scrollbarwidth = 0 } var _proto = modal.prototype; _proto.toggle = function toggle(relatedtarget) { return this._isshown ? this.hide() : this.show(relatedtarget) }; _proto.show = function show(relatedtarget) { var _this = this; if (this._isshown || this._istransitioning) { return } if ($(this._element).hasclass(classname$5.fade)) { this._istransitioning = !0 } var showevent = $.event(event$5.show, { relatedtarget: relatedtarget }); $(this._element).trigger(showevent); if (this._isshown || showevent.isdefaultprevented()) { return } this._isshown = !0; this._checkscrollbar(); this._setscrollbar(); this._adjustdialog(); this._setescapeevent(); this._setresizeevent(); $(this._element).on(event$5.click_dismiss, selector$5.data_dismiss, function(event) { return _this.hide(event) }); $(this._dialog).on(event$5.mousedown_dismiss, function() { $(_this._element).one(event$5.mouseup_dismiss, function(event) { if ($(event.target).is(_this._element)) { _this._ignorebackdropclick = !0 } }) }); this._showbackdrop(function() { return _this._showelement(relatedtarget) }) }; _proto.hide = function hide(event) { var _this2 = this; if (event) { event.preventdefault() } if (!this._isshown || this._istransitioning) { return } var hideevent = $.event(event$5.hide); $(this._element).trigger(hideevent); if (!this._isshown || hideevent.isdefaultprevented()) { return } this._isshown = !1; var transition = $(this._element).hasclass(classname$5.fade); if (transition) { this._istransitioning = !0 } this._setescapeevent(); this._setresizeevent(); $(document).off(event$5.focusin); $(this._element).removeclass(classname$5.show); $(this._element).off(event$5.click_dismiss); $(this._dialog).off(event$5.mousedown_dismiss); if (transition) { var transitionduration = util.gettransitiondurationfromelement(this._element); $(this._element).one(util.transition_end, function(event) { return _this2._hidemodal(event) }).emulatetransitionend(transitionduration) } else { this._hidemodal() } }; _proto.dispose = function dispose() { [window, this._element, this._dialog].foreach(function(htmlelement) { return $(htmlelement).off(event_key$5) }); $(document).off(event$5.focusin); $.removedata(this._element, data_key$5); this._config = null; this._element = null; this._dialog = null; this._backdrop = null; this._isshown = null; this._isbodyoverflowing = null; this._ignorebackdropclick = null; this._istransitioning = null; this._scrollbarwidth = null }; _proto.handleupdate = function handleupdate() { this._adjustdialog() }; _proto._getconfig = function _getconfig(config) { config = _objectspread2({}, default$3, {}, config); util.typecheckconfig(name$5, config, defaulttype$3); return config }; _proto._triggerbackdroptransition = function _triggerbackdroptransition() { var _this3 = this; if (this._config.backdrop === 'static') { var hideeventprevented = $.event(event$5.hide_prevented); $(this._element).trigger(hideeventprevented); if (hideeventprevented.defaultprevented) { return } this._element.classlist.add(classname$5.static); var modaltransitionduration = util.gettransitiondurationfromelement(this._element); $(this._element).one(util.transition_end, function() { _this3._element.classlist.remove(classname$5.static) }).emulatetransitionend(modaltransitionduration); this._element.focus() } else { this.hide() } }; _proto._showelement = function _showelement(relatedtarget) { var _this4 = this; var transition = $(this._element).hasclass(classname$5.fade); var modalbody = this._dialog ? this._dialog.queryselector(selector$5.modal_body) : null; if (!this._element.parentnode || this._element.parentnode.nodetype !== node.element_node) { document.body.appendchild(this._element) } this._element.style.display = 'block'; this._element.removeattribute('aria-hidden'); this._element.setattribute('aria-modal', !0); if ($(this._dialog).hasclass(classname$5.scrollable) && modalbody) { modalbody.scrolltop = 0 } else { this._element.scrolltop = 0 } if (transition) { util.reflow(this._element) } $(this._element).addclass(classname$5.show); if (this._config.focus) { this._enforcefocus() } var shownevent = $.event(event$5.shown, { relatedtarget: relatedtarget }); var transitioncomplete = function transitioncomplete() { if (_this4._config.focus) { _this4._element.focus() } _this4._istransitioning = !1; $(_this4._element).trigger(shownevent) }; if (transition) { var transitionduration = util.gettransitiondurationfromelement(this._dialog); $(this._dialog).one(util.transition_end, transitioncomplete).emulatetransitionend(transitionduration) } else { transitioncomplete() } }; _proto._enforcefocus = function _enforcefocus() { var _this5 = this; $(document).off(event$5.focusin).on(event$5.focusin, function(event) { if (document !== event.target && _this5._element !== event.target && $(_this5._element).has(event.target).length === 0) { _this5._element.focus() } }) }; _proto._setescapeevent = function _setescapeevent() { var _this6 = this; if (this._isshown && this._config.keyboard) { $(this._element).on(event$5.keydown_dismiss, function(event) { if (event.which === escape_keycode$1) { _this6._triggerbackdroptransition() } }) } else if (!this._isshown) { $(this._element).off(event$5.keydown_dismiss) } }; 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this._backdrop.classname = classname$5.backdrop; if (animate) { this._backdrop.classlist.add(animate) } $(this._backdrop).appendto(document.body); $(this._element).on(event$5.click_dismiss, function(event) { if (_this9._ignorebackdropclick) { _this9._ignorebackdropclick = !1; return } if (event.target !== event.currenttarget) { return } _this9._triggerbackdroptransition() }); if (animate) { util.reflow(this._backdrop) } $(this._backdrop).addclass(classname$5.show); if (!callback) { return } if (!animate) { callback(); return } var backdroptransitionduration = util.gettransitiondurationfromelement(this._backdrop); $(this._backdrop).one(util.transition_end, callback).emulatetransitionend(backdroptransitionduration) } else if (!this._isshown && this._backdrop) { $(this._backdrop).removeclass(classname$5.show); var callbackremove = function callbackremove() { _this9._removebackdrop(); if (callback) { callback() } }; if ($(this._element).hasclass(classname$5.fade)) { var _backdroptransitionduration = util.gettransitiondurationfromelement(this._backdrop); $(this._backdrop).one(util.transition_end, callbackremove).emulatetransitionend(_backdroptransitionduration) } else { callbackremove() } } else if (callback) { callback() } }; _proto._adjustdialog = function _adjustdialog() { var ismodaloverflowing = this._element.scrollheight > document.documentelement.clientheight; if (!this._isbodyoverflowing && ismodaloverflowing) { this._element.style.paddingleft = this._scrollbarwidth + "px" } if (this._isbodyoverflowing && !ismodaloverflowing) { this._element.style.paddingright = this._scrollbarwidth + "px" } }; _proto._resetadjustments = function _resetadjustments() { this._element.style.paddingleft = ''; this._element.style.paddingright = '' }; _proto._checkscrollbar = function _checkscrollbar() { var rect = document.body.getboundingclientrect(); this._isbodyoverflowing = rect.left + rect.right < window.innerwidth; this._scrollbarwidth = this._getscrollbarwidth() }; _proto._setscrollbar = function _setscrollbar() { var _this10 = this; if (this._isbodyoverflowing) { var fixedcontent = [].slice.call(document.queryselectorall(selector$5.fixed_content)); 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var _config = _objectspread2({}, default$3, {}, $(this).data(), {}, typeof config === 'object' && config ? config : {}); if (!data) { data = new modal(this, _config); $(this).data(data_key$5, data) } if (typeof config === 'string') { if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') { throw new typeerror("no method named \"" + config + "\"") } data[config](relatedtarget) } else if (_config.show) { data.show(relatedtarget) } }) }; _createclass(modal, null, [{ key: "version", get: function get() { return version$5 } }, { key: "default", get: function get() { return default$3 } }]); return modal }(); $(document).on(event$5.click_data_api, selector$5.data_toggle, function(event) { var _this11 = this; var target; var selector = util.getselectorfromelement(this); if (selector) { target = document.queryselector(selector) } var config = $(target).data(data_key$5) ? 'toggle' : _objectspread2({}, $(target).data(), {}, $(this).data()); if (this.tagname === 'a' || this.tagname === 'area') { event.preventdefault() } var $target = $(target).one(event$5.show, function(showevent) { if (showevent.isdefaultprevented()) { return } $target.one(event$5.hidden, function() { if ($(_this11).is(':visible')) { _this11.focus() } }) }); modal._jqueryinterface.call($(target), config, this) }); $.fn[name$5] = modal._jqueryinterface; $.fn[name$5].constructor = modal; $.fn[name$5].noconflict = function() { $.fn[name$5] = jquery_no_conflict$5; return modal._jqueryinterface }; var uriattrs = ['background', 'cite', 'href', 'itemtype', 'longdesc', 'poster', 'src', 'xlink:href']; var aria_attribute_pattern = /^aria-[\w-]*$/i; var defaultwhitelist = { '*': ['class', 'dir', 'id', 'lang', 'role', aria_attribute_pattern], a: ['target', 'href', 'title', 'rel'], area: [], b: [], br: [], col: [], code: [], div: [], em: [], hr: [], h1: [], h2: [], h3: [], h4: [], h5: [], h6: [], i: [], img: ['src', 'alt', 'title', 'width', 'height'], li: [], ol: [], p: [], pre: [], s: [], small: [], span: [], sub: [], sup: [], strong: [], u: [], ul: [] }; var safe_url_pattern = /^(?:(?:https?|mailto|ftp|tel|file):|[^&:/?#]*(?:[/?#]|$))/gi; var data_url_pattern = /^data:(?:image\/(?:bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|png|tiff|webp)|video\/(?:mpeg|mp4|ogg|webm)|audio\/(?:mp3|oga|ogg|opus));base64,[a-z0-9+/]+=*$/i; function allowedattribute(attr, allowedattributelist) { var attrname = attr.nodename.tolowercase(); if (allowedattributelist.indexof(attrname) !== -1) { if (uriattrs.indexof(attrname) !== -1) { return boolean(attr.nodevalue.match(safe_url_pattern) || attr.nodevalue.match(data_url_pattern)) } return !0 } var regexp = allowedattributelist.filter(function(attrregex) { return attrregex instanceof regexp }); for (var i = 0, l = regexp.length; i < l; i++) { if (attrname.match(regexp[i])) { return !0 } } return !1 } function sanitizehtml(unsafehtml, whitelist, sanitizefn) { if (unsafehtml.length === 0) { return unsafehtml } if (sanitizefn && typeof sanitizefn === 'function') { return sanitizefn(unsafehtml) } var domparser = new window.domparser(); var createddocument = domparser.parsefromstring(unsafehtml, 'text/html'); var whitelistkeys = object.keys(whitelist); var elements = [].slice.call(createddocument.body.queryselectorall('*')); var _loop = function _loop(i, len) { var el = elements[i]; var elname = el.nodename.tolowercase(); if (whitelistkeys.indexof(el.nodename.tolowercase()) === -1) { el.parentnode.removechild(el); return "continue" } var attributelist = [].slice.call(el.attributes); var whitelistedattributes = [].concat(whitelist['*'] || [], whitelist[elname] || []); attributelist.foreach(function(attr) { if (!allowedattribute(attr, whitelistedattributes)) { el.removeattribute(attr.nodename) } }) }; for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) { var _ret = _loop(i); if (_ret === "continue") continue } return createddocument.body.innerhtml } var name$6 = 'tooltip'; var version$6 = '4.4.1'; var data_key$6 = 'bs.tooltip'; var event_key$6 = "." + data_key$6; var jquery_no_conflict$6 = $.fn[name$6]; var class_prefix = 'bs-tooltip'; var bscls_prefix_regex = new regexp("(^|\\s)" + class_prefix + "\\s+", 'g'); var disallowed_attributes = ['sanitize', 'whitelist', 'sanitizefn']; var defaulttype$4 = { animation: 'boolean', template: 'string', title: '(string|element|function)', trigger: 'string', delay: '(number|object)', html: 'boolean', selector: '(string|boolean)', placement: '(string|function)', offset: '(number|string|function)', container: '(string|element|boolean)', fallbackplacement: '(string|array)', boundary: '(string|element)', sanitize: 'boolean', sanitizefn: '(null|function)', whitelist: 'object', popperconfig: '(null|object)' }; var attachmentmap$1 = { auto: 'auto', top: 'top', right: 'right', bottom: 'bottom', left: 'left' }; var default$4 = { animation: !0, template: '', trigger: 'hover focus', title: '', delay: 0, html: !1, selector: !1, placement: 'top', offset: 0, container: !1, fallbackplacement: 'flip', boundary: 'scrollparent', sanitize: !0, sanitizefn: null, whitelist: defaultwhitelist, popperconfig: null }; var hoverstate = { show: 'show', out: 'out' }; var event$6 = { hide: "hide" + event_key$6, hidden: "hidden" + event_key$6, show: "show" + event_key$6, shown: "shown" + event_key$6, inserted: "inserted" + event_key$6, click: "click" + event_key$6, focusin: "focusin" + event_key$6, focusout: "focusout" + event_key$6, mouseenter: "mouseenter" + event_key$6, mouseleave: "mouseleave" + event_key$6 }; var classname$6 = { fade: 'fade', show: 'show' }; var selector$6 = { tooltip: '.tooltip', tooltip_inner: '.tooltip-inner', arrow: '.arrow' }; var trigger = { hover: 'hover', focus: 'focus', click: 'click', manual: 'manual' }; var tooltip = function() { function tooltip(element, config) { if (typeof popper === 'undefined') { throw new typeerror('bootstrap\'s tooltips require popper.js (https://popper.js.org/)') } this._isenabled = !0; this._timeout = 0; this._hoverstate = ''; this._activetrigger = {}; this._popper = null; this.element = element; this.config = this._getconfig(config); this.tip = null; this._setlisteners() } var _proto = tooltip.prototype; _proto.enable = function enable() { this._isenabled = !0 }; _proto.disable = function disable() { this._isenabled = !1 }; _proto.toggleenabled = function toggleenabled() { this._isenabled = !this._isenabled }; _proto.toggle = function toggle(event) { if (!this._isenabled) { return } if (event) { var datakey = this.constructor.data_key; var context = $(event.currenttarget).data(datakey); if (!context) { context = new this.constructor(event.currenttarget, this._getdelegateconfig()); $(event.currenttarget).data(datakey, context) } context._activetrigger.click = !context._activetrigger.click; if (context._iswithactivetrigger()) { context._enter(null, context) } else { context._leave(null, context) } } else { if ($(this.gettipelement()).hasclass(classname$6.show)) { this._leave(null, this); return } this._enter(null, this) } }; _proto.dispose = function dispose() { cleartimeout(this._timeout); $.removedata(this.element, this.constructor.data_key); $(this.element).off(this.constructor.event_key); $(this.element).closest('.modal').off('hide.bs.modal', this._hidemodalhandler); if (this.tip) { $(this.tip).remove() } this._isenabled = null; this._timeout = null; this._hoverstate = null; this._activetrigger = null; if (this._popper) { this._popper.destroy() } this._popper = null; this.element = null; this.config = null; this.tip = null }; _proto.show = function show() { var _this = this; if ($(this.element).css('display') === 'none') { throw new error('please use show on visible elements') } var showevent = $.event(this.constructor.event.show); if (this.iswithcontent() && this._isenabled) { $(this.element).trigger(showevent); var shadowroot = util.findshadowroot(this.element); var isinthedom = $.contains(shadowroot !== null ? shadowroot : this.element.ownerdocument.documentelement, this.element); if (showevent.isdefaultprevented() || !isinthedom) { return } var tip = this.gettipelement(); var tipid = util.getuid(this.constructor.name); tip.setattribute('id', tipid); this.element.setattribute('aria-describedby', tipid); this.setcontent(); if (this.config.animation) { $(tip).addclass(classname$6.fade) } var placement = typeof this.config.placement === 'function' ? this.config.placement.call(this, tip, this.element) : this.config.placement; var attachment = this._getattachment(placement); this.addattachmentclass(attachment); var container = this._getcontainer(); $(tip).data(this.constructor.data_key, this); if (!$.contains(this.element.ownerdocument.documentelement, this.tip)) { $(tip).appendto(container) } $(this.element).trigger(this.constructor.event.inserted); this._popper = new popper(this.element, tip, this._getpopperconfig(attachment)); $(tip).addclass(classname$6.show); if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentelement) { $(document.body).children().on('mouseover', null, $.noop) } var complete = function complete() { if (_this.config.animation) { _this._fixtransition() } var prevhoverstate = _this._hoverstate; _this._hoverstate = null; $(_this.element).trigger(_this.constructor.event.shown); if (prevhoverstate === hoverstate.out) { _this._leave(null, _this) } }; if ($(this.tip).hasclass(classname$6.fade)) { var transitionduration = util.gettransitiondurationfromelement(this.tip); $(this.tip).one(util.transition_end, complete).emulatetransitionend(transitionduration) } else { complete() } } }; _proto.hide = function hide(callback) { var _this2 = this; var tip = this.gettipelement(); var hideevent = $.event(this.constructor.event.hide); var complete = function complete() { if (_this2._hoverstate !== hoverstate.show && tip.parentnode) { tip.parentnode.removechild(tip) } _this2._cleantipclass(); _this2.element.removeattribute('aria-describedby'); $(_this2.element).trigger(_this2.constructor.event.hidden); if (_this2._popper !== null) { _this2._popper.destroy() } if (callback) { callback() } }; $(this.element).trigger(hideevent); if (hideevent.isdefaultprevented()) { return } $(tip).removeclass(classname$6.show); if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentelement) { $(document.body).children().off('mouseover', null, $.noop) } this._activetrigger[trigger.click] = !1; this._activetrigger[trigger.focus] = !1; this._activetrigger[trigger.hover] = !1; if ($(this.tip).hasclass(classname$6.fade)) { var transitionduration = util.gettransitiondurationfromelement(tip); $(tip).one(util.transition_end, complete).emulatetransitionend(transitionduration) } else { complete() } this._hoverstate = '' }; _proto.update = function update() { if (this._popper !== null) { this._popper.scheduleupdate() } }; _proto.iswithcontent = function iswithcontent() { return boolean(this.gettitle()) }; _proto.addattachmentclass = function addattachmentclass(attachment) { $(this.gettipelement()).addclass(class_prefix + "-" + attachment) }; _proto.gettipelement = function gettipelement() { this.tip = this.tip || $(this.config.template)[0]; return this.tip }; _proto.setcontent = function setcontent() { var tip = this.gettipelement(); this.setelementcontent($(tip.queryselectorall(selector$6.tooltip_inner)), this.gettitle()); $(tip).removeclass(classname$6.fade + " " + classname$6.show) }; _proto.setelementcontent = function setelementcontent($element, content) { if (typeof content === 'object' && (content.nodetype || content.jquery)) { if (this.config.html) { if (!$(content).parent().is($element)) { $element.empty().append(content) } } else { $element.text($(content).text()) } return } if (this.config.html) { if (this.config.sanitize) { content = sanitizehtml(content, this.config.whitelist, this.config.sanitizefn) } $element.html(content) } else { $element.text(content) } }; _proto.gettitle = function gettitle() { var title = this.element.getattribute('data-original-title'); if (!title) { title = typeof this.config.title === 'function' ? this.config.title.call(this.element) : this.config.title } return title }; _proto._getpopperconfig = function _getpopperconfig(attachment) { var _this3 = this; var defaultbsconfig = { placement: attachment, modifiers: { offset: this._getoffset(), flip: { behavior: this.config.fallbackplacement }, arrow: { element: selector$6.arrow }, preventoverflow: { boundarieselement: this.config.boundary } }, oncreate: function oncreate(data) { if (data.originalplacement !== data.placement) { _this3._handlepopperplacementchange(data) } }, onupdate: function onupdate(data) { return _this3._handlepopperplacementchange(data) } }; return _objectspread2({}, defaultbsconfig, {}, this.config.popperconfig) }; _proto._getoffset = function _getoffset() { var _this4 = this; var offset = {}; if (typeof this.config.offset === 'function') { offset.fn = function(data) { data.offsets = _objectspread2({}, data.offsets, {}, _this4.config.offset(data.offsets, _this4.element) || {}); return data } } else { offset.offset = this.config.offset } return offset }; _proto._getcontainer = function _getcontainer() { if (this.config.container === !1) { return document.body } if (util.iselement(this.config.container)) { return $(this.config.container) } return $(document).find(this.config.container) }; _proto._getattachment = function _getattachment(placement) { return attachmentmap$1[placement.touppercase()] }; _proto._setlisteners = function _setlisteners() { var _this5 = this; var triggers = this.config.trigger.split(' '); triggers.foreach(function(trigger) { if (trigger === 'click') { $(_this5.element).on(_this5.constructor.event.click, _this5.config.selector, function(event) { return _this5.toggle(event) }) } else if (trigger !== trigger.manual) { var eventin = trigger === trigger.hover ? _this5.constructor.event.mouseenter : _this5.constructor.event.focusin; var eventout = trigger === trigger.hover ? _this5.constructor.event.mouseleave : _this5.constructor.event.focusout; $(_this5.element).on(eventin, _this5.config.selector, function(event) { return _this5._enter(event) }).on(eventout, _this5.config.selector, function(event) { return _this5._leave(event) }) } }); this._hidemodalhandler = function() { if (_this5.element) { _this5.hide() } }; $(this.element).closest('.modal').on('hide.bs.modal', this._hidemodalhandler); if (this.config.selector) { this.config = _objectspread2({}, this.config, { trigger: 'manual', selector: '' }) } else { this._fixtitle() } }; _proto._fixtitle = function _fixtitle() { var titletype = typeof this.element.getattribute('data-original-title'); if (this.element.getattribute('title') || titletype !== 'string') { this.element.setattribute('data-original-title', this.element.getattribute('title') || ''); this.element.setattribute('title', '') } }; _proto._enter = function _enter(event, context) { var datakey = this.constructor.data_key; context = context || $(event.currenttarget).data(datakey); if (!context) { context = new this.constructor(event.currenttarget, this._getdelegateconfig()); $(event.currenttarget).data(datakey, context) } if (event) { context._activetrigger[event.type === 'focusin' ? trigger.focus : trigger.hover] = !0 } if ($(context.gettipelement()).hasclass(classname$6.show) || context._hoverstate === hoverstate.show) { context._hoverstate = hoverstate.show; return } cleartimeout(context._timeout); context._hoverstate = hoverstate.show; if (!context.config.delay || !context.config.delay.show) { context.show(); return } context._timeout = settimeout(function() { if (context._hoverstate === hoverstate.show) { context.show() } }, context.config.delay.show) }; _proto._leave = function _leave(event, context) { var datakey = this.constructor.data_key; context = context || $(event.currenttarget).data(datakey); if (!context) { context = new this.constructor(event.currenttarget, this._getdelegateconfig()); $(event.currenttarget).data(datakey, context) } if (event) { context._activetrigger[event.type === 'focusout' ? trigger.focus : trigger.hover] = !1 } if (context._iswithactivetrigger()) { return } cleartimeout(context._timeout); context._hoverstate = hoverstate.out; if (!context.config.delay || !context.config.delay.hide) { context.hide(); return } context._timeout = settimeout(function() { if (context._hoverstate === hoverstate.out) { context.hide() } }, context.config.delay.hide) }; _proto._iswithactivetrigger = function _iswithactivetrigger() { for (var trigger in this._activetrigger) { if (this._activetrigger[trigger]) { return !0 } } return !1 }; _proto._getconfig = function _getconfig(config) { var dataattributes = $(this.element).data(); object.keys(dataattributes).foreach(function(dataattr) { if (disallowed_attributes.indexof(dataattr) !== -1) { delete dataattributes[dataattr] } }); config = _objectspread2({}, this.constructor.default, {}, dataattributes, {}, typeof config === 'object' && config ? config : {}); if (typeof config.delay === 'number') { config.delay = { show: config.delay, hide: config.delay } } if (typeof config.title === 'number') { config.title = config.title.tostring() } if (typeof config.content === 'number') { config.content = config.content.tostring() } util.typecheckconfig(name$6, config, this.constructor.defaulttype); if (config.sanitize) { config.template = sanitizehtml(config.template, config.whitelist, config.sanitizefn) } return config }; _proto._getdelegateconfig = function _getdelegateconfig() { var config = {}; if (this.config) { for (var key in this.config) { if (this.constructor.default[key] !== this.config[key]) { config[key] = this.config[key] } } } return config }; _proto._cleantipclass = function _cleantipclass() { var $tip = $(this.gettipelement()); var tabclass = $tip.attr('class').match(bscls_prefix_regex); if (tabclass !== null && tabclass.length) { $tip.removeclass(tabclass.join('')) } }; _proto._handlepopperplacementchange = function _handlepopperplacementchange(popperdata) { var popperinstance = popperdata.instance; this.tip = popperinstance.popper; this._cleantipclass(); this.addattachmentclass(this._getattachment(popperdata.placement)) }; _proto._fixtransition = function _fixtransition() { var tip = this.gettipelement(); var initconfiganimation = this.config.animation; if (tip.getattribute('x-placement') !== null) { return } $(tip).removeclass(classname$6.fade); this.config.animation = !1; this.hide(); this.show(); this.config.animation = initconfiganimation }; tooltip._jqueryinterface = function _jqueryinterface(config) { return this.each(function() { var data = $(this).data(data_key$6); var _config = typeof config === 'object' && config; if (!data && /dispose|hide/.test(config)) { return } if (!data) { data = new tooltip(this, _config); $(this).data(data_key$6, data) } if (typeof config === 'string') { if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') { throw new typeerror("no method named \"" + config + "\"") } data[config]() } }) }; _createclass(tooltip, null, [{ key: "version", get: function get() { return version$6 } }, { key: "default", get: function get() { return default$4 } }, { key: "name", get: function get() { return name$6 } }, { key: "data_key", get: function get() { return data_key$6 } }, { key: "event", get: function get() { return event$6 } }, { key: "event_key", get: function get() { return event_key$6 } }, { key: "defaulttype", get: function get() { return defaulttype$4 } }]); return tooltip }(); $.fn[name$6] = tooltip._jqueryinterface; $.fn[name$6].constructor = tooltip; $.fn[name$6].noconflict = function() { $.fn[name$6] = jquery_no_conflict$6; return tooltip._jqueryinterface }; var name$7 = 'popover'; var version$7 = '4.4.1'; var data_key$7 = 'bs.popover'; var event_key$7 = "." + data_key$7; var jquery_no_conflict$7 = $.fn[name$7]; var class_prefix$1 = 'bs-popover'; var bscls_prefix_regex$1 = new regexp("(^|\\s)" + class_prefix$1 + "\\s+", 'g'); var default$5 = _objectspread2({}, tooltip.default, { placement: 'right', trigger: 'click', content: '', template: '' }); var defaulttype$5 = _objectspread2({}, tooltip.defaulttype, { content: '(string|element|function)' }); var classname$7 = { fade: 'fade', show: 'show' }; var selector$7 = { title: '.popover-header', content: '.popover-body' }; var event$7 = { hide: "hide" + event_key$7, hidden: "hidden" + event_key$7, show: "show" + event_key$7, shown: "shown" + event_key$7, inserted: "inserted" + event_key$7, click: "click" + event_key$7, focusin: "focusin" + event_key$7, focusout: "focusout" + event_key$7, mouseenter: "mouseenter" + event_key$7, mouseleave: "mouseleave" + event_key$7 }; var popover = function(_tooltip) { _inheritsloose(popover, _tooltip); function popover() { return _tooltip.apply(this, arguments) || this } var _proto = popover.prototype; _proto.iswithcontent = function iswithcontent() { return this.gettitle() || this._getcontent() }; _proto.addattachmentclass = function addattachmentclass(attachment) { $(this.gettipelement()).addclass(class_prefix$1 + "-" + attachment) }; _proto.gettipelement = function gettipelement() { this.tip = this.tip || $(this.config.template)[0]; return this.tip }; _proto.setcontent = function setcontent() { var $tip = $(this.gettipelement()); this.setelementcontent($tip.find(selector$7.title), this.gettitle()); var content = this._getcontent(); if (typeof content === 'function') { content = content.call(this.element) } this.setelementcontent($tip.find(selector$7.content), content); $tip.removeclass(classname$7.fade + " " + classname$7.show) }; _proto._getcontent = function _getcontent() { return this.element.getattribute('data-content') || this.config.content }; _proto._cleantipclass = function _cleantipclass() { var $tip = $(this.gettipelement()); var tabclass = $tip.attr('class').match(bscls_prefix_regex$1); if (tabclass !== null && tabclass.length > 0) { $tip.removeclass(tabclass.join('')) } }; popover._jqueryinterface = function _jqueryinterface(config) { return this.each(function() { var data = $(this).data(data_key$7); var _config = typeof config === 'object' ? config : null; if (!data && /dispose|hide/.test(config)) { return } if (!data) { data = new popover(this, _config); $(this).data(data_key$7, data) } if (typeof config === 'string') { if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') { throw new typeerror("no method named \"" + config + "\"") } data[config]() } }) }; _createclass(popover, null, [{ key: "version", get: function get() { return version$7 } }, { key: "default", get: function get() { return default$5 } }, { key: "name", get: function get() { return name$7 } }, { key: "data_key", get: function get() { return data_key$7 } }, { key: "event", get: function get() { return event$7 } }, { key: "event_key", get: function get() { return event_key$7 } }, { key: "defaulttype", get: function get() { return defaulttype$5 } }]); return popover }(tooltip); $.fn[name$7] = popover._jqueryinterface; $.fn[name$7].constructor = popover; $.fn[name$7].noconflict = function() { $.fn[name$7] = jquery_no_conflict$7; return popover._jqueryinterface }; var name$8 = 'scrollspy'; var version$8 = '4.4.1'; var data_key$8 = 'bs.scrollspy'; var event_key$8 = "." + data_key$8; var data_api_key$6 = '.data-api'; var jquery_no_conflict$8 = $.fn[name$8]; var default$6 = { offset: 10, method: 'auto', target: '' }; var defaulttype$6 = { offset: 'number', method: 'string', target: '(string|element)' }; var event$8 = { activate: "activate" + event_key$8, scroll: "scroll" + event_key$8, load_data_api: "load" + event_key$8 + data_api_key$6 }; var classname$8 = { dropdown_item: 'dropdown-item', dropdown_menu: 'dropdown-menu', active: 'active' }; var selector$8 = { data_spy: '[data-spy="scroll"]', active: '.active', nav_list_group: '.nav, .list-group', nav_links: '.nav-link', nav_items: '.nav-item', list_items: '.list-group-item', dropdown: '.dropdown', dropdown_items: '.dropdown-item', dropdown_toggle: '.dropdown-toggle' }; var offsetmethod = { offset: 'offset', position: 'position' }; var scrollspy = function() { function scrollspy(element, config) { var _this = this; this._element = element; this._scrollelement = element.tagname === 'body' ? window : element; this._config = this._getconfig(config); this._selector = this._config.target + " " + selector$8.nav_links + "," + (this._config.target + " " + selector$8.list_items + ",") + (this._config.target + " " + selector$8.dropdown_items); this._offsets = []; this._targets = []; this._activetarget = null; this._scrollheight = 0; $(this._scrollelement).on(event$8.scroll, function(event) { return _this._process(event) }); this.refresh(); this._process() } var _proto = scrollspy.prototype; _proto.refresh = function refresh() { var _this2 = this; var automethod = this._scrollelement === this._scrollelement.window ? offsetmethod.offset : offsetmethod.position; var offsetmethod = this._config.method === 'auto' ? automethod : this._config.method; var offsetbase = offsetmethod === offsetmethod.position ? this._getscrolltop() : 0; this._offsets = []; this._targets = []; this._scrollheight = this._getscrollheight(); var targets = [].slice.call(document.queryselectorall(this._selector)); targets.map(function(element) { var target; var targetselector = util.getselectorfromelement(element); if (targetselector) { target = document.queryselector(targetselector) } if (target) { var targetbcr = target.getboundingclientrect(); if (targetbcr.width || targetbcr.height) { return [$(target)[offsetmethod]().top + offsetbase, targetselector] } } return null }).filter(function(item) { return item }).sort(function(a, b) { return a[0] - b[0] }).foreach(function(item) { _this2._offsets.push(item[0]); _this2._targets.push(item[1]) }) }; _proto.dispose = function dispose() { $.removedata(this._element, data_key$8); $(this._scrollelement).off(event_key$8); this._element = null; this._scrollelement = null; this._config = null; this._selector = null; this._offsets = null; this._targets = null; this._activetarget = null; this._scrollheight = null }; _proto._getconfig = function _getconfig(config) { config = _objectspread2({}, default$6, {}, typeof config === 'object' && config ? config : {}); if (typeof config.target !== 'string') { var id = $(config.target).attr('id'); if (!id) { id = util.getuid(name$8); $(config.target).attr('id', id) } config.target = "#" + id } util.typecheckconfig(name$8, config, defaulttype$6); return config }; _proto._getscrolltop = function _getscrolltop() { return this._scrollelement === window ? this._scrollelement.pageyoffset : this._scrollelement.scrolltop }; _proto._getscrollheight = function _getscrollheight() { return this._scrollelement.scrollheight || math.max(document.body.scrollheight, document.documentelement.scrollheight) }; _proto._getoffsetheight = function _getoffsetheight() { return this._scrollelement === window ? window.innerheight : this._scrollelement.getboundingclientrect().height }; _proto._process = function _process() { var scrolltop = this._getscrolltop() + this._config.offset; var scrollheight = this._getscrollheight(); var maxscroll = this._config.offset + scrollheight - this._getoffsetheight(); if (this._scrollheight !== scrollheight) { this.refresh() } if (scrolltop >= maxscroll) { var target = this._targets[this._targets.length - 1]; if (this._activetarget !== target) { this._activate(target) } return } if (this._activetarget && scrolltop < this._offsets[0] && this._offsets[0] > 0) { this._activetarget = null; this._clear(); return } var offsetlength = this._offsets.length; for (var i = offsetlength; i--;) { var isactivetarget = this._activetarget !== this._targets[i] && scrolltop >= this._offsets[i] && (typeof this._offsets[i + 1] === 'undefined' || scrolltop < this._offsets[i + 1]); if (isactivetarget) { this._activate(this._targets[i]) } } }; _proto._activate = function _activate(target) { this._activetarget = target; this._clear(); var queries = this._selector.split(',').map(function(selector) { return selector + "[data-target=\"" + target + "\"]," + selector + "[href=\"" + target + "\"]" }); var $link = $([].slice.call(document.queryselectorall(queries.join(',')))); if ($link.hasclass(classname$8.dropdown_item)) { $link.closest(selector$8.dropdown).find(selector$8.dropdown_toggle).addclass(classname$8.active); $link.addclass(classname$8.active) } else { $link.addclass(classname$8.active); $link.parents(selector$8.nav_list_group).prev(selector$8.nav_links + ", " + selector$8.list_items).addclass(classname$8.active); $link.parents(selector$8.nav_list_group).prev(selector$8.nav_items).children(selector$8.nav_links).addclass(classname$8.active) } $(this._scrollelement).trigger(event$8.activate, { relatedtarget: target }) }; _proto._clear = function _clear() { [].slice.call(document.queryselectorall(this._selector)).filter(function(node) { return node.classlist.contains(classname$8.active) }).foreach(function(node) { return node.classlist.remove(classname$8.active) }) }; scrollspy._jqueryinterface = function _jqueryinterface(config) { return this.each(function() { var data = $(this).data(data_key$8); var _config = typeof config === 'object' && config; if (!data) { data = new scrollspy(this, _config); $(this).data(data_key$8, data) } if (typeof config === 'string') { if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') { throw new typeerror("no method named \"" + config + "\"") } data[config]() } }) }; _createclass(scrollspy, null, [{ key: "version", get: function get() { return version$8 } }, { key: "default", get: function get() { return default$6 } }]); return scrollspy }(); $(window).on(event$8.load_data_api, function() { var scrollspys = [].slice.call(document.queryselectorall(selector$8.data_spy)); var scrollspyslength = scrollspys.length; for (var i = scrollspyslength; i--;) { var $spy = $(scrollspys[i]); scrollspy._jqueryinterface.call($spy, $spy.data()) } }); $.fn[name$8] = scrollspy._jqueryinterface; $.fn[name$8].constructor = scrollspy; $.fn[name$8].noconflict = function() { $.fn[name$8] = jquery_no_conflict$8; return scrollspy._jqueryinterface }; var name$9 = 'tab'; var version$9 = '4.4.1'; var data_key$9 = 'bs.tab'; var event_key$9 = "." + data_key$9; var data_api_key$7 = '.data-api'; var jquery_no_conflict$9 = $.fn[name$9]; var event$9 = { hide: "hide" + event_key$9, hidden: "hidden" + event_key$9, show: "show" + event_key$9, shown: "shown" + event_key$9, click_data_api: "click" + event_key$9 + data_api_key$7 }; var classname$9 = { dropdown_menu: 'dropdown-menu', active: 'active', disabled: 'disabled', fade: 'fade', show: 'show' }; var selector$9 = { dropdown: '.dropdown', nav_list_group: '.nav, .list-group', active: '.active', active_ul: '> li > .active', data_toggle: '[data-toggle="tab"], [data-toggle="pill"], [data-toggle="list"]', dropdown_toggle: '.dropdown-toggle', dropdown_active_child: '> .dropdown-menu .active' }; var tab = function() { function tab(element) { this._element = element } var _proto = tab.prototype; _proto.show = function show() { var _this = this; if (this._element.parentnode && this._element.parentnode.nodetype === node.element_node && $(this._element).hasclass(classname$9.active) || $(this._element).hasclass(classname$9.disabled)) { return } var target; var previous; var listelement = $(this._element).closest(selector$9.nav_list_group)[0]; var selector = util.getselectorfromelement(this._element); if (listelement) { var itemselector = listelement.nodename === 'ul' || listelement.nodename === 'ol' ? selector$9.active_ul : selector$9.active; previous = $.makearray($(listelement).find(itemselector)); previous = previous[previous.length - 1] } var hideevent = $.event(event$9.hide, { relatedtarget: this._element }); var showevent = $.event(event$9.show, { relatedtarget: previous }); if (previous) { $(previous).trigger(hideevent) } $(this._element).trigger(showevent); if (showevent.isdefaultprevented() || hideevent.isdefaultprevented()) { return } if (selector) { target = document.queryselector(selector) } this._activate(this._element, listelement); var complete = function complete() { var hiddenevent = $.event(event$9.hidden, { relatedtarget: _this._element }); var shownevent = $.event(event$9.shown, { relatedtarget: previous }); $(previous).trigger(hiddenevent); $(_this._element).trigger(shownevent) }; if (target) { this._activate(target, target.parentnode, complete) } else { complete() } }; _proto.dispose = function dispose() { $.removedata(this._element, data_key$9); this._element = null }; _proto._activate = function _activate(element, container, callback) { var _this2 = this; var activeelements = container && (container.nodename === 'ul' || container.nodename === 'ol') ? $(container).find(selector$9.active_ul) : $(container).children(selector$9.active); var active = activeelements[0]; var istransitioning = callback && active && $(active).hasclass(classname$9.fade); var complete = function complete() { return _this2._transitioncomplete(element, active, callback) }; if (active && istransitioning) { var transitionduration = util.gettransitiondurationfromelement(active); $(active).removeclass(classname$9.show).one(util.transition_end, complete).emulatetransitionend(transitionduration) } else { complete() } }; _proto._transitioncomplete = function _transitioncomplete(element, active, callback) { if (active) { $(active).removeclass(classname$9.active); var dropdownchild = $(active.parentnode).find(selector$9.dropdown_active_child)[0]; if (dropdownchild) { $(dropdownchild).removeclass(classname$9.active) } if (active.getattribute('role') === 'tab') { active.setattribute('aria-selected', !1) } } $(element).addclass(classname$9.active); if (element.getattribute('role') === 'tab') { element.setattribute('aria-selected', !0) } util.reflow(element); if (element.classlist.contains(classname$9.fade)) { element.classlist.add(classname$9.show) } if (element.parentnode && $(element.parentnode).hasclass(classname$9.dropdown_menu)) { var dropdownelement = $(element).closest(selector$9.dropdown)[0]; if (dropdownelement) { var dropdowntogglelist = [].slice.call(dropdownelement.queryselectorall(selector$9.dropdown_toggle)); $(dropdowntogglelist).addclass(classname$9.active) } element.setattribute('aria-expanded', !0) } if (callback) { callback() } }; tab._jqueryinterface = function _jqueryinterface(config) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); var data = $this.data(data_key$9); if (!data) { data = new tab(this); $this.data(data_key$9, data) } if (typeof config === 'string') { if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') { throw new typeerror("no method named \"" + config + "\"") } data[config]() } }) }; _createclass(tab, null, [{ key: "version", get: function get() { return version$9 } }]); return tab }(); $(document).on(event$9.click_data_api, selector$9.data_toggle, function(event) { event.preventdefault(); tab._jqueryinterface.call($(this), 'show') }); $.fn[name$9] = tab._jqueryinterface; $.fn[name$9].constructor = tab; $.fn[name$9].noconflict = function() { $.fn[name$9] = jquery_no_conflict$9; return tab._jqueryinterface }; var name$a = 'toast'; var version$a = '4.4.1'; var data_key$a = 'bs.toast'; var event_key$a = "." + data_key$a; var jquery_no_conflict$a = $.fn[name$a]; var event$a = { click_dismiss: "click.dismiss" + event_key$a, hide: "hide" + event_key$a, hidden: "hidden" + event_key$a, show: "show" + event_key$a, shown: "shown" + event_key$a }; var classname$a = { fade: 'fade', hide: 'hide', show: 'show', showing: 'showing' }; var defaulttype$7 = { animation: 'boolean', autohide: 'boolean', delay: 'number' }; var default$7 = { animation: !0, autohide: !0, delay: 500 }; var selector$a = { data_dismiss: '[data-dismiss="toast"]' }; var toast = function() { function toast(element, config) { this._element = element; this._config = this._getconfig(config); this._timeout = null; this._setlisteners() } var _proto = toast.prototype; _proto.show = function show() { var _this = this; var showevent = $.event(event$a.show); $(this._element).trigger(showevent); if (showevent.isdefaultprevented()) { return } if (this._config.animation) { this._element.classlist.add(classname$a.fade) } var complete = function complete() { _this._element.classlist.remove(classname$a.showing); _this._element.classlist.add(classname$a.show); $(_this._element).trigger(event$a.shown); if (_this._config.autohide) { _this._timeout = settimeout(function() { _this.hide() }, _this._config.delay) } }; this._element.classlist.remove(classname$a.hide); util.reflow(this._element); this._element.classlist.add(classname$a.showing); if (this._config.animation) { var transitionduration = util.gettransitiondurationfromelement(this._element); $(this._element).one(util.transition_end, complete).emulatetransitionend(transitionduration) } else { complete() } }; _proto.hide = function hide() { if (!this._element.classlist.contains(classname$a.show)) { return } var hideevent = $.event(event$a.hide); $(this._element).trigger(hideevent); if (hideevent.isdefaultprevented()) { return } this._close() }; _proto.dispose = function dispose() { cleartimeout(this._timeout); this._timeout = null; if (this._element.classlist.contains(classname$a.show)) { this._element.classlist.remove(classname$a.show) } $(this._element).off(event$a.click_dismiss); $.removedata(this._element, data_key$a); this._element = null; this._config = null }; _proto._getconfig = function _getconfig(config) { config = _objectspread2({}, default$7, {}, $(this._element).data(), {}, typeof config === 'object' && config ? config : {}); util.typecheckconfig(name$a, config, this.constructor.defaulttype); return config }; _proto._setlisteners = function _setlisteners() { var _this2 = this; $(this._element).on(event$a.click_dismiss, selector$a.data_dismiss, function() { return _this2.hide() }) }; _proto._close = function _close() { var _this3 = this; var complete = function complete() { _this3._element.classlist.add(classname$a.hide); $(_this3._element).trigger(event$a.hidden) }; this._element.classlist.remove(classname$a.show); if (this._config.animation) { var transitionduration = util.gettransitiondurationfromelement(this._element); $(this._element).one(util.transition_end, complete).emulatetransitionend(transitionduration) } else { complete() } }; toast._jqueryinterface = function _jqueryinterface(config) { return this.each(function() { var $element = $(this); var data = $element.data(data_key$a); var _config = typeof config === 'object' && config; if (!data) { data = new toast(this, _config); $element.data(data_key$a, data) } if (typeof config === 'string') { if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') { throw new typeerror("no method named \"" + config + "\"") } data[config](this) } }) }; _createclass(toast, null, [{ key: "version", get: function get() { return version$a } }, { key: "defaulttype", get: function get() { return defaulttype$7 } }, { key: "default", get: function get() { return default$7 } }]); return toast }(); $.fn[name$a] = toast._jqueryinterface; $.fn[name$a].constructor = toast; $.fn[name$a].noconflict = function() { $.fn[name$a] = jquery_no_conflict$a; return toast._jqueryinterface }; exports.alert = alert; exports.button = button; exports.carousel = carousel; exports.collapse = collapse; exports.dropdown = dropdown; exports.modal = modal; exports.popover = popover; exports.scrollspy = scrollspy; exports.tab = tab; exports.toast = toast; exports.tooltip = tooltip; exports.util = util; object.defineproperty(exports, '__esmodule', { value: !0 }) }))); (function($, w) { "use strict"; var methods = (function() { var c = { bcclass: 'sf-breadcrumb', menuclass: 'sf-js-enabled', anchorclass: 'sf-with-ul', menuarrowclass: 'sf-arrows' }, ios = (function() { var ios = /^(?![\w\w]*windows phone)[\w\w]*(iphone|ipad|ipod)/i.test(navigator.useragent); if (ios) { $('html').css('cursor', 'pointer').on('click', $.noop) } return ios })(), wp7 = (function() { var style = document.documentelement.style; return ('behavior' in style && 'fill' in style && /iemobile/i.test(navigator.useragent)) })(), unprefixedpointerevents = (function() { return (!!w.pointerevent) })(), togglemenuclasses = function($menu, o, add) { var classes = c.menuclass, method; if (o.cssarrows) { classes += ' ' + c.menuarrowclass } method = (add) ? 'addclass' : 'removeclass'; $menu[method](classes) }, setpathtocurrent = function($menu, o) { return $menu.find('li.' + o.pathclass).slice(0, o.pathlevels).addclass(o.hoverclass + ' ' + c.bcclass).filter(function() { return ($(this).children(o.popupselector).hide().show().length) }).removeclass(o.pathclass) }, toggleanchorclass = function($li, add) { var method = (add) ? 'addclass' : 'removeclass'; $li.children('a')[method](c.anchorclass) }, toggletouchaction = function($menu) { var mstouchaction = $menu.css('ms-touch-action'); var touchaction = $menu.css('touch-action'); touchaction = touchaction || mstouchaction; touchaction = (touchaction === 'pan-y') ? 'auto' : 'pan-y'; $menu.css({ 'ms-touch-action': touchaction, 'touch-action': touchaction }) }, getmenu = function($el) { return $el.closest('.' + c.menuclass) }, getoptions = function($el) { return getmenu($el).data('sfoptions') }, over = function() { var $this = $(this), o = getoptions($this); cleartimeout(o.sftimer); $this.siblings().superfish('hide').end().superfish('show') }, close = function(o) { o.retainpath = ($.inarray(this[0], o.$path) > -1); this.superfish('hide'); if (!this.parents('.' + o.hoverclass).length) { o.onidle.call(getmenu(this)); if (o.$path.length) { $.proxy(over, o.$path)() } } }, out = function() { var $this = $(this), o = getoptions($this); if (ios) { $.proxy(close, $this, o)() } else { cleartimeout(o.sftimer); o.sftimer = settimeout($.proxy(close, $this, o), o.delay) } }, touchhandler = function(e) { var $this = $(this), o = getoptions($this), $ul = $this.siblings(e.data.popupselector); if (o.onhandletouch.call($ul) === !1) { return this } if ($ul.length > 0 && $ul.is(':hidden')) { $this.one('click.superfish', !1); if (e.type === 'mspointerdown' || e.type === 'pointerdown') { $this.trigger('focus') } else { $.proxy(over, $this.parent('li'))() } } }, applyhandlers = function($menu, o) { var targets = 'li:has(' + o.popupselector + ')'; if ($.fn.hoverintent && !o.disablehi) { $menu.hoverintent(over, out, targets) } else { $menu.on('mouseenter.superfish', targets, over).on('mouseleave.superfish', targets, out) } var touchevent = 'mspointerdown.superfish'; if (unprefixedpointerevents) { touchevent = 'pointerdown.superfish' } if (!ios) { touchevent += ' touchend.superfish' } if (wp7) { touchevent += ' mousedown.superfish' } $menu.on('focusin.superfish', 'li', over).on('focusout.superfish', 'li', out).on(touchevent, 'a', o, touchhandler) }; return { hide: function(instant) { if (this.length) { var $this = this, o = getoptions($this); if (!o) { return this } var not = (o.retainpath === !0) ? o.$path : '', $ul = $this.find('li.' + o.hoverclass).add(this).not(not).removeclass(o.hoverclass).children(o.popupselector), speed = o.speedout; if (instant) { $ul.show(); speed = 0 } o.retainpath = !1; if (o.onbeforehide.call($ul) === !1) { return this } $ul.stop(!0, !0).animate(o.animationout, speed, function() { var $this = $(this); o.onhide.call($this) }) } return this }, show: function() { var o = getoptions(this); if (!o) { return this } var $this = this.addclass(o.hoverclass), $ul = $this.children(o.popupselector); if (o.onbeforeshow.call($ul) === !1) { return this } $ul.stop(!0, !0).animate(o.animation, o.speed, function() { o.onshow.call($ul) }); return this }, destroy: function() { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this), o = $this.data('sfoptions'), $haspopup; if (!o) { return !1 } $haspopup = $this.find(o.popupselector).parent('li'); cleartimeout(o.sftimer); togglemenuclasses($this, o); toggleanchorclass($haspopup); toggletouchaction($this); $this.off('.superfish').off('.hoverintent'); $haspopup.children(o.popupselector).attr('style', function(i, style) { return style.replace(/display[^;]+;?/g, '') }); o.$path.removeclass(o.hoverclass + ' ' + c.bcclass).addclass(o.pathclass); $this.find('.' + o.hoverclass).removeclass(o.hoverclass); o.ondestroy.call($this); $this.removedata('sfoptions') }) }, init: function(op) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data('sfoptions')) { return !1 } var o = $.extend({}, $.fn.superfish.defaults, op), $haspopup = $this.find(o.popupselector).parent('li'); o.$path = setpathtocurrent($this, o); $this.data('sfoptions', o); togglemenuclasses($this, o, !0); toggleanchorclass($haspopup, !0); toggletouchaction($this); applyhandlers($this, o); $haspopup.not('.' + c.bcclass).superfish('hide', !0); o.oninit.call(this) }) } } })(); $.fn.superfish = function(method, args) { if (methods[method]) { return methods[method].apply(this, array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)) } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) { return methods.init.apply(this, arguments) } else { return $.error('method ' + method + ' does not exist on jquery.fn.superfish') } }; $.fn.superfish.defaults = { popupselector: 'ul,.sf-mega', hoverclass: 'sfhover', pathclass: 'overridethistouse', pathlevels: 1, delay: 800, animation: { opacity: 'show' }, animationout: { opacity: 'hide' }, speed: 'normal', speedout: 'fast', cssarrows: !0, disablehi: !1, oninit: $.noop, onbeforeshow: $.noop, onshow: $.noop, onbeforehide: $.noop, onhide: $.noop, onidle: $.noop, ondestroy: $.noop, onhandletouch: $.noop } })(jquery, window); /*! * slicknav responsive mobile menu v1.0.10 * (c) 2016 josh cope * licensed under mit */ ! function(e, t, n) { function a(t, n) { this.element = t, this.settings = e.extend({}, i, n), this.settings.duplicate || n.hasownproperty("removeids") || (this.settings.removeids = !1), this._defaults = i, this._name = s, this.init() } var i = { label: "menu", duplicate: !0, duration: 200, easingopen: "swing", easingclose: "swing", closedsymbol: "►", openedsymbol: "▼", prependto: "body", appendto: "", parenttag: "a", closeonclick: !1, allowparentlinks: !1, nestedparentlinks: !0, showchildren: !1, removeids: !0, removeclasses: !1, removestyles: !1, brand: "", animations: "jquery", init: function() {}, beforeopen: function() {}, beforeclose: function() {}, afteropen: function() {}, afterclose: function() {} }, s = "slicknav", o = "slicknav", l = { down: 40, enter: 13, escape: 27, left: 37, right: 39, space: 32, tab: 9, up: 38 }; a.prototype.init = function() { var n, a, i = this, s = e(this.element), r = this.settings; if (r.duplicate ? i.mobilenav = s.clone() : i.mobilenav = s, r.removeids && (i.mobilenav.removeattr("id"), i.mobilenav.find("*").each(function(t, n) { e(n).removeattr("id") })), r.removeclasses && (i.mobilenav.removeattr("class"), i.mobilenav.find("*").each(function(t, n) { e(n).removeattr("class") })), r.removestyles && (i.mobilenav.removeattr("style"), i.mobilenav.find("*").each(function(t, n) { e(n).removeattr("style") })), n = o + "_icon", "" === r.label && (n += " " + o + "_no-text"), "a" == r.parenttag && (r.parenttag = 'a href="#"'), i.mobilenav.attr("class", o + "_nav"), a = e('
'), "" !== r.brand) { var c = e('
' + r.brand + "
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(n.removeclass(o + "_collapsed"), n.addclass(o + "_open")) : (n.removeclass(o + "_open"), n.addclass(o + "_collapsed")), n.addclass(o + "_animating"), t._visibilitytoggle(a, n.parent(), !0, n) }, a.prototype._itemclick = function(e) { var t = this, n = t.settings, a = e.data("menu"); a || (a = {}, a.arrow = e.children("." + o + "_arrow"), a.ul = e.next("ul"), a.parent = e.parent(), a.parent.hasclass(o + "_parent-link") && (a.parent = e.parent().parent(), a.ul = e.parent().next("ul")), e.data("menu", a)), a.parent.hasclass(o + "_collapsed") ? (a.arrow.html(n.openedsymbol), a.parent.removeclass(o + "_collapsed"), a.parent.addclass(o + "_open"), a.parent.addclass(o + "_animating"), t._visibilitytoggle(a.ul, a.parent, !0, e)) : (a.arrow.html(n.closedsymbol), a.parent.addclass(o + "_collapsed"), a.parent.removeclass(o + "_open"), a.parent.addclass(o + "_animating"), t._visibilitytoggle(a.ul, a.parent, !0, e)) }, a.prototype._visibilitytoggle = function(t, n, a, i, s) { function l(t, n) { e(t).removeclass(o + "_animating"), e(n).removeclass(o + "_animating"), s || p.afteropen(t) } function r(n, a) { t.attr("aria-hidden", "true"), d.attr("tabindex", "-1"), c._setvisattr(t, !0), t.hide(), e(n).removeclass(o + "_animating"), e(a).removeclass(o + "_animating"), s ? "init" == n && p.init() : p.afterclose(n) } var c = this, p = c.settings, d = c._getactionitems(t), u = 0; a && (u = p.duration), t.hasclass(o + "_hidden") ? (t.removeclass(o + "_hidden"), s || p.beforeopen(i), "jquery" === p.animations ? t.stop(!0, !0).slidedown(u, p.easingopen, function() { l(i, n) }) : "velocity" === p.animations && t.velocity("finish").velocity("slidedown", { duration: u, easing: p.easingopen, complete: function() { l(i, n) } }), t.attr("aria-hidden", "false"), d.attr("tabindex", "0"), c._setvisattr(t, !1)) : (t.addclass(o + "_hidden"), s || p.beforeclose(i), "jquery" === p.animations ? t.stop(!0, !0).slideup(u, this.settings.easingclose, function() { r(i, n) }) : "velocity" === p.animations && t.velocity("finish").velocity("slideup", { duration: u, easing: p.easingclose, complete: function() { r(i, n) } })) }, a.prototype._setvisattr = function(t, n) { var a = this, i = t.children("li").children("ul").not("." + o + "_hidden"); n ? i.each(function() { var t = e(this); t.attr("aria-hidden", "true"); var i = a._getactionitems(t); i.attr("tabindex", "-1"), a._setvisattr(t, n) }) : i.each(function() { var t = e(this); t.attr("aria-hidden", "false"); var i = a._getactionitems(t); i.attr("tabindex", "0"), a._setvisattr(t, n) }) }, a.prototype._getactionitems = function(e) { var t = e.data("menu"); if (!t) { t = {}; var n = e.children("li"), a = n.find("a"); t.links = a.add(n.find("." + o + "_item")), e.data("menu", t) } return t.links }, a.prototype._outlines = function(t) { t ? e("." + o + "_item, ." + o + "_btn").css("outline", "") : e("." + o + "_item, ." + o + "_btn").css("outline", "none") }, a.prototype.toggle = function() { var e = this; e._menutoggle() }, a.prototype.open = function() { var e = this; e.btn.hasclass(o + "_collapsed") && e._menutoggle() }, a.prototype.close = function() { var e = this; e.btn.hasclass(o + "_open") && e._menutoggle() }, e.fn[s] = function(t) { var n = arguments; if (void 0 === t || "object" == typeof t) return this.each(function() { e.data(this, "plugin_" + s) || e.data(this, "plugin_" + s, new a(this, t)) }); if ("string" == typeof t && "_" !== t[0] && "init" !== t) { var i; return this.each(function() { var o = e.data(this, "plugin_" + s); o instanceof a && "function" == typeof o[t] && (i = o[t].apply(o, array.prototype.slice.call(n, 1))) }), void 0 !== i ? i : this } } }(jquery, document, window); window.modernizr = function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { m.csstext = e } function o(e, t) { return typeof e === t } function i(e, t) { return !!~("" + e).indexof(t) } function a(e, t) { for (var r in e) { var o = e[r]; if (!i(o, "-") && m[o] !== n) return "pfx" != t || o } return !1 } function c(e, t, r) { var i = e.charat(0).touppercase() + e.slice(1), c = (e + " " + e.join(i + " ") + i).split(" "); return o(t, "string") || o(t, "undefined") ? a(c, t) : function(e, t, r) { for (var i in e) { var a = t[e[i]]; if (a !== n) return !1 === r ? e[i] : o(a, "function") ? a.bind(r || t) : a } return !1 }(c = (e + " " + w.join(i + " ") + i).split(" "), t, r) } var s, l, u = {}, f = t.documentelement, d = "modernizr", p = t.createelement(d), m = p.style, h = t.createelement("input"), g = ":)", v = {}.tostring, y = " -webkit- -moz- -o- -ms- ".split(" "), b = "webkit moz o ms", e = b.split(" "), w = b.tolowercase().split(" "), x = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", s = {}, c = {}, k = {}, t = [], j = t.slice, n = function(e, n, r, o) { var i, a, c, s, l = t.createelement("div"), u = t.body, p = u || t.createelement("body"); if (parseint(r, 10)) for (; r--;) c = t.createelement("div"), c.id = o ? o[r] : d + (r + 1), l.appendchild(c); return i = ["­", '"].join(""), l.id = d, (u ? l : p).innerhtml += i, p.appendchild(l), u || (p.style.background = "", p.style.overflow = "hidden", s = f.style.overflow, f.style.overflow = "hidden", f.appendchild(p)), a = n(l, e), u ? l.parentnode.removechild(l) : (p.parentnode.removechild(p), f.style.overflow = s), !!a }, m = function() { var e = { select: "input", change: "input", submit: "form", reset: "form", error: "img", load: "img", abort: "img" }; return function(r, i) { i = i || t.createelement(e[r] || "div"); var a = (r = "on" + r) in i; return a || (i.setattribute || (i = t.createelement("div")), i.setattribute && i.removeattribute && (i.setattribute(r, ""), a = o(i[r], "function"), o(i[r], "undefined") || (i[r] = n), i.removeattribute(r))), i = null, a } }(), p = {}.hasownproperty; l = o(p, "undefined") || o(p.call, "undefined") ? function(e, t) { return t in e && o(e.constructor.prototype[t], "undefined") } : function(e, t) { return p.call(e, t) }, function.prototype.bind || (function.prototype.bind = function(e) { var t = this; if ("function" != typeof t) throw new typeerror; var n = j.call(arguments, 1), r = function() { if (this instanceof r) { var o = function() {}; o.prototype = t.prototype; var i = new o, a = t.apply(i, n.concat(j.call(arguments))); return object(a) === a ? a : i } return t.apply(e, n.concat(j.call(arguments))) }; return r }), s.flexbox = function() { return c("flexwrap") }, s.canvas = function() { var e = t.createelement("canvas"); return !!e.getcontext && !!e.getcontext("2d") }, s.canvastext = function() { return !!u.canvas && !!o(t.createelement("canvas").getcontext("2d").filltext, "function") }, s.webgl = function() { return !!e.webglrenderingcontext }, s.touch = function() { var n; return "ontouchstart" in e || e.documenttouch && t instanceof documenttouch ? n = !0 : n(["@media (", y.join("touch-enabled),("), d, ")", "{#modernizr{top:9px;position:absolute}}"].join(""), function(e) { n = 9 === e.offsettop }), n }, s.geolocation = function() { return "geolocation" in navigator }, s.postmessage = function() { return !!e.postmessage }, s.websqldatabase = function() { return !!e.opendatabase }, s.indexeddb = function() { return !!c("indexeddb", e) }, s.hashchange = function() { return m("hashchange", e) && (t.documentmode === n || t.documentmode > 7) }, s.history = function() { return !!e.history && !!history.pushstate }, s.draganddrop = function() { var e = t.createelement("div"); return "draggable" in e || "ondragstart" in e && "ondrop" in e }, s.websockets = function() { return "websocket" in e || "mozwebsocket" in e }, s.rgba = function() { return r("background-color:rgba(150,255,150,.5)"), i(m.backgroundcolor, "rgba") }, s.hsla = function() { return r("background-color:hsla(120,40%,100%,.5)"), i(m.backgroundcolor, "rgba") || i(m.backgroundcolor, "hsla") }, s.multiplebgs = function() { return r("background:url(https://),url(https://),red url(https://)"), /(url\s*\(.*?){3}/.test(m.background) }, s.backgroundsize = function() { return c("backgroundsize") }, s.borderimage = function() { return c("borderimage") }, s.borderradius = function() { return c("borderradius") }, s.boxshadow = function() { return c("boxshadow") }, s.textshadow = function() { return "" === t.createelement("div").style.textshadow }, s.opacity = function() { return e = "opacity:.55", r(y.join(e + ";") + (t || "")), /^0.55$/.test(m.opacity); var e, t }, s.cssanimations = function() { return c("animationname") }, s.csscolumns = function() { return c("columncount") }, s.cssgradients = function() { var e = "background-image:"; return r((e + "-webkit- ".split(" ").join("gradient(linear,left top,right bottom,from(#9f9),to(white));" + e) + y.join("linear-gradient(left top,#9f9, white);" + e)).slice(0, -e.length)), i(m.backgroundimage, "gradient") }, s.cssreflections = function() { return c("boxreflect") }, s.csstransforms = function() { return !!c("transform") }, s.csstransforms3d = function() { var e = !!c("perspective"); return e && "webkitperspective" in f.style && n("@media (transform-3d),(-webkit-transform-3d){#modernizr{left:9px;position:absolute;height:3px;}}", function(t, n) { e = 9 === t.offsetleft && 3 === t.offsetheight }), e }, s.csstransitions = function() { return c("transition") }, s.fontface = function() { var e; return n('@font-face {font-family:"font";src:url("https://")}', function(n, r) { var o = t.getelementbyid("smodernizr"), i = o.sheet || o.stylesheet, a = i ? i.cssrules && i.cssrules[0] ? i.cssrules[0].csstext : i.csstext || "" : ""; e = /src/i.test(a) && 0 === a.indexof(r.split(" ")[0]) }), e }, s.generatedcontent = function() { var e; return n(["#", d, "{font:0/0 a}#", d, ':after{content:"', g, '";visibility:hidden;font:3px/1 a}'].join(""), function(t) { e = t.offsetheight >= 3 }), e }, s.video = function() { var e = t.createelement("video"), n = !1; try { (n = !!e.canplaytype) && ((n = new boolean(n)).ogg = e.canplaytype('video/ogg; codecs="theora"').replace(/^no$/, ""), n.h264 = e.canplaytype('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42e01e"').replace(/^no$/, ""), n.webm = e.canplaytype('video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"').replace(/^no$/, "")) } catch (e) {} return n }, s.audio = function() { var e = t.createelement("audio"), n = !1; try { (n = !!e.canplaytype) && ((n = new boolean(n)).ogg = e.canplaytype('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"').replace(/^no$/, ""), n.mp3 = e.canplaytype("audio/mpeg;").replace(/^no$/, ""), n.wav = e.canplaytype('audio/wav; codecs="1"').replace(/^no$/, ""), n.m4a = (e.canplaytype("audio/x-m4a;") || e.canplaytype("audio/aac;")).replace(/^no$/, "")) } catch (e) {} return n }, s.localstorage = function() { try { return localstorage.setitem(d, d), localstorage.removeitem(d), !0 } catch (e) { return !1 } }, s.sessionstorage = function() { try { return sessionstorage.setitem(d, d), sessionstorage.removeitem(d), !0 } catch (e) { return !1 } }, s.webworkers = function() { return !!e.worker }, s.applicationcache = function() { return !!e.applicationcache }, s.svg = function() { return !!t.createelementns && !!t.createelementns(x, "svg").createsvgrect }, s.inlinesvg = function() { var e = t.createelement("div"); return e.innerhtml = "", (e.firstchild && e.firstchild.namespaceuri) == x }, s.smil = function() { return !!t.createelementns && /svganimate/.test(v.call(t.createelementns(x, "animate"))) }, s.svgclippaths = function() { return !!t.createelementns && /svgclippath/.test(v.call(t.createelementns(x, "clippath"))) }; for (var a in s) l(s, a) && (s = a.tolowercase(), u[s] = s[a](), t.push((u[s] ? "" : "no-") + s)); return u.input || (u.input = function(n) { for (var r = 0, o = n.length; r < o; r++) k[n[r]] = n[r] in h; return k.list && (k.list = !!t.createelement("datalist") && !!e.htmldatalistelement), k }("autocomplete autofocus list placeholder max min multiple pattern required step".split(" ")), u.inputtypes = function(e) { for (var r, o, i, a = 0, c = e.length; a < c; a++) h.setattribute("type", o = e[a]), r = "text" !== h.type, r && (h.value = g, h.style.csstext = "position:absolute;visibility:hidden;", /^range$/.test(o) && h.style.webkitappearance !== n ? (f.appendchild(h), i = t.defaultview, r = i.getcomputedstyle && "textfield" !== i.getcomputedstyle(h, null).webkitappearance && 0 !== h.offsetheight, f.removechild(h)) : /^(search|tel)$/.test(o) || (r = /^(url|email)$/.test(o) ? h.checkvalidity && !1 === h.checkvalidity() : h.value != g)), c[e[a]] = !!r; return c }("search tel url email datetime date month week time datetime-local number range color".split(" "))), u.addtest = function(e, t) { if ("object" == typeof e) for (var r in e) l(e, r) && u.addtest(r, e[r]); else { if (e = e.tolowercase(), u[e] !== n) return u; t = "function" == typeof t ? t() : t, f.classname += " " + (t ? "" : "no-") + e, u[e] = t } return u }, r(""), p = h = null, function(e, t) { function n() { var e = m.elements; return "string" == typeof e ? e.split(" ") : e } function r(e) { var t = p[e[f]]; return t || (t = {}, d++, e[f] = d, p[d] = t), t } function o(e, n, o) { return n || (n = t), c ? n.createelement(e) : (o || (o = r(n)), (i = o.cache[e] ? o.cache[e].clonenode() : u.test(e) ? (o.cache[e] = o.createelem(e)).clonenode() : o.createelem(e)).canhavechildren && !l.test(e) ? o.frag.appendchild(i) : i); var i } function i(e) { e || (e = t); var i, s, l, u, f, d, p = r(e); return m.shivcss && !a && !p.hascss && (p.hascss = (u = "article,aside,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,nav,section{display:block}mark{background:#ff0;color:#000}", f = (l = e).createelement("p"), d = l.getelementsbytagname("head")[0] || l.documentelement, f.innerhtml = "x", !!d.insertbefore(f.lastchild, d.firstchild))), c || (i = e, (s = p).cache || (s.cache = {}, s.createelem = i.createelement, s.createfrag = i.createdocumentfragment, s.frag = s.createfrag()), i.createelement = function(e) { return m.shivmethods ? o(e, i, s) : s.createelem(e) }, i.createdocumentfragment = function("h,f", "return function(){var n=f.clonenode(),c=n.createelement;h.shivmethods&&(" + n().join().replace(/\w+/g, function(e) { return s.createelem(e), s.frag.createelement(e), 'c("' + e + '")' }) + ");return n}")(m, s.frag)), e } var a, c, s = e.html5 || {}, l = /^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i, u = /^(?:a|b|code|div|fieldset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|label|li|ol|p|q|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|th|tr|ul)$/i, f = "_html5shiv", d = 0, p = {}; ! function() { try { var e = t.createelement("a"); e.innerhtml = "", a = "hidden" in e, c = 1 == e.childnodes.length || function() { t.createelement("a"); var e = t.createdocumentfragment(); return void 0 === e.clonenode || void 0 === e.createdocumentfragment || void 0 === e.createelement }() } catch (e) { a = !0, c = !0 } }(); var m = { elements: s.elements || "abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details figcaption figure footer header hgroup mark meter nav output progress section summary time video", shivcss: !1 !== s.shivcss, supportsunknownelements: c, shivmethods: !1 !== s.shivmethods, type: "default", shivdocument: i, createelement: o, createdocumentfragment: function(e, o) { if (e || (e = t), c) return e.createdocumentfragment(); for (var i = (o = o || r(e)).frag.clonenode(), a = 0, s = n(), l = s.length; a < l; a++) i.createelement(s[a]); return i } }; e.html5 = m, i(t) }(this, t), u._version = "2.6.2", u._prefixes = y, u._domprefixes = w, u._cssomprefixes = e, u.mq = function(t) { var n, r = e.matchmedia || e.msmatchmedia; return r ? r(t).matches : (n("@media " + t + " { #" + d + " { position: absolute; } }", function(t) { n = "absolute" == (e.getcomputedstyle ? getcomputedstyle(t, null) : t.currentstyle).position }), n) }, u.hasevent = m, u.testprop = function(e) { return a([e]) }, u.testallprops = c, u.teststyles = n, u.prefixed = function(e, t, n) { return t ? c(e, t, n) : c(e, "pfx") }, f.classname = f.classname.replace(/(^|\s)no-js(\s|$)/, "$1$2") + " js " + t.join(" "), u }(this, this.document), function(e, t, n) { function r(e) { return "[object function]" == h.call(e) } function o(e) { return "string" == typeof e } function i() {} function a(e) { return !e || "loaded" == e || "complete" == e || "uninitialized" == e } function c() { var e = g.shift(); v = 1, e ? e.t ? p(function() { ("c" == e.t ? f.injectcss : f.injectjs)(e.s, 0, e.a, e.x, e.e, 1) }, 0) : (e(), c()) : v = 0 } function s(e, n, r, i, s) { return v = 0, n = n || "j", o(e) ? function(e, n, r, o, i, s, l) { function u(t) { if (!h && a(d.readystate) && (w.r = h = 1, !v && c(), d.onload = d.onreadystatechange = null, t)) { "img" != e && p(function() { e.removechild(d) }, 50); for (var r in k[n]) k[n].hasownproperty(r) && k[n][r].onload() } } l = l || f.errortimeout; var d = t.createelement(e), h = 0, y = 0, w = { t: r, s: n, e: i, a: s, x: l }; 1 === k[n] && (y = 1, k[n] = []), "object" == e ? d.data = n : (d.src = n, d.type = e), d.width = d.height = "0", d.onerror = d.onload = d.onreadystatechange = function() { u.call(this, y) }, g.splice(o, 0, w), "img" != e && (y || 2 === k[n] ? (e.insertbefore(d, b ? null : m), p(u, l)) : k[n].push(d)) }("c" == n ? x : w, e, n, this.i++, r, i, s) : (g.splice(this.i++, 0, e), 1 == g.length && c()), this } function l() { var e = f; return e.loader = { load: s, i: 0 }, e } var u, f, d = t.documentelement, p = e.settimeout, m = t.getelementsbytagname("script")[0], h = {}.tostring, g = [], v = 0, y = "mozappearance" in d.style, b = y && !!t.createrange().comparenode, e = b ? d : m.parentnode, w = (d = e.opera && "[object opera]" == h.call(e.opera), d = !!t.attachevent && !d, y ? "object" : d ? "script" : "img"), x = d ? "script" : w, s = array.isarray || function(e) { return "[object array]" == h.call(e) }, c = [], k = {}, t = { timeout: function(e, t) { return t.length && (e.timeout = t[0]), e } }; (f = function(e) { function t(e, t, o, i, a) { var c = function(e) { e = e.split("!"); var t, n, r, o = c.length, i = e.pop(), a = e.length; for (i = { url: i, origurl: i, prefixes: e }, n = 0; n < a; n++) r = e[n].split("="), (t = t[r.shift()]) && (i = t(i, r)); for (n = 0; n < o; n++) i = c[n](i); return i }(e), s = c.autocallback; c.url.split(".").pop().split("?").shift(), c.bypass || (t && (t = r(t) ? t : t[e] || t[i] || t[e.split("/").pop().split("?")[0]]), c.instead ? c.instead(e, t, o, i, a) : (k[c.url] ? c.noexec = !0 : k[c.url] = 1, o.load(c.url, c.forcecss || !c.forcejs && "css" == c.url.split(".").pop().split("?").shift() ? "c" : n, c.noexec, c.attrs, c.timeout), (r(t) || r(s)) && o.load(function() { l(), t && t(c.origurl, a, i), s && s(c.origurl, a, i), k[c.url] = 2 }))) } function a(e, n) { function a(e, i) { if (e) { if (o(e)) i || (f = function() { var e = [].slice.call(arguments); d.apply(this, e), p() }), t(e, f, n, 0, l); else if (object(e) === e) for (s in c = function() { var t, n = 0; for (t in e) e.hasownproperty(t) && n++; return n }(), e) e.hasownproperty(s) && (!i && !--c && (r(f) ? f = function() { var e = [].slice.call(arguments); d.apply(this, e), p() } : f[s] = function(e) { return function() { var t = [].slice.call(arguments); e && e.apply(this, t), p() } }(d[s])), t(e[s], f, n, s, l)) } else !i && p() } var c, s, l = !!e.test, u = e.load || e.both, f = e.callback || i, d = f, p = e.complete || i; a(l ? e.yep : e.nope, !!u), u && a(u) } var c, s, u = this.yepnope.loader; if (o(e)) t(e, 0, u, 0); else if (s(e)) for (c = 0; c < e.length; c++) s = e[c], o(s) ? t(s, 0, u, 0) : s(s) ? f(s) : object(s) === s && a(s, u); else object(e) === e && a(e, u) }).addprefix = function(e, t) { t[e] = t }, f.addfilter = function(e) { c.push(e) }, f.errortimeout = 1e4, null == t.readystate && t.addeventlistener && (t.readystate = "loading", t.addeventlistener("domcontentloaded", u = function() { t.removeeventlistener("domcontentloaded", u, 0), t.readystate = "complete" }, 0)), e.yepnope = l(), e.yepnope.executestack = c, e.yepnope.injectjs = function(e, n, r, o, s, l) { var u, d, h = t.createelement("script"); o = o || f.errortimeout; h.src = e; for (d in r) h.setattribute(d, r[d]); n = l ? c : n || i, h.onreadystatechange = h.onload = function() { !u && a(h.readystate) && (u = 1, n(), h.onload = h.onreadystatechange = null) }, p(function() { u || (u = 1, n(1)) }, o), s ? h.onload() : m.parentnode.insertbefore(h, m) }, e.yepnope.injectcss = function(e, n, r, o, a, s) { var l; o = t.createelement("link"), n = s ? c : n || i; o.href = e, o.rel = "stylesheet", o.type = "text/css"; for (l in r) o.setattribute(l, r[l]); a || (m.parentnode.insertbefore(o, m), p(n, 0)) } }(this, document), modernizr.load = function() { yepnope.apply(window, [].slice.call(arguments, 0)) }; /** * @preserve html5 shiv 3.7.3 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | mit/gpl2 licensed */ ; (function(window, document) { var version = '3.7.3'; var options = window.html5 || {}; var reskip = /^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i; var saveclones = /^(?:a|b|code|div|fieldset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|label|li|ol|p|q|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|th|tr|ul)$/i; var supportshtml5styles; var expando = '_html5shiv'; var expanid = 0; var expandodata = {}; var supportsunknownelements; (function() { try { var a = document.createelement('a'); a.innerhtml = ''; supportshtml5styles = ('hidden' in a); supportsunknownelements = a.childnodes.length == 1 || (function() { (document.createelement)('a'); var frag = document.createdocumentfragment(); return (typeof frag.clonenode == 'undefined' || typeof frag.createdocumentfragment == 'undefined' || typeof frag.createelement == 'undefined') }()) } catch (e) { supportshtml5styles = !0; supportsunknownelements = !0 } }()); function addstylesheet(ownerdocument, csstext) { var p = ownerdocument.createelement('p'), parent = ownerdocument.getelementsbytagname('head')[0] || ownerdocument.documentelement; p.innerhtml = 'x'; return parent.insertbefore(p.lastchild, parent.firstchild) } function getelements() { var elements = html5.elements; return typeof elements == 'string' ? elements.split(' ') : elements } function addelements(newelements, ownerdocument) { var elements = html5.elements; if (typeof elements != 'string') { elements = elements.join(' ') } if (typeof newelements != 'string') { newelements = newelements.join(' ') } html5.elements = elements + ' ' + newelements; shivdocument(ownerdocument) } function getexpandodata(ownerdocument) { var data = expandodata[ownerdocument[expando]]; if (!data) { data = {}; expanid++; ownerdocument[expando] = expanid; expandodata[expanid] = data } return data } function createelement(nodename, ownerdocument, data) { if (!ownerdocument) { ownerdocument = document } if (supportsunknownelements) { return ownerdocument.createelement(nodename) } if (!data) { data = getexpandodata(ownerdocument) } var node; if (data.cache[nodename]) { node = data.cache[nodename].clonenode() } else if (saveclones.test(nodename)) { node = (data.cache[nodename] = data.createelem(nodename)).clonenode() } else { node = data.createelem(nodename) } return node.canhavechildren && !reskip.test(nodename) && !node.tagurn ? data.frag.appendchild(node) : node } function createdocumentfragment(ownerdocument, data) { if (!ownerdocument) { ownerdocument = document } if (supportsunknownelements) { return ownerdocument.createdocumentfragment() } data = data || getexpandodata(ownerdocument); var clone = data.frag.clonenode(), i = 0, elems = getelements(), l = elems.length; for (; i < l; i++) { clone.createelement(elems[i]) } return clone } function shivmethods(ownerdocument, data) { if (!data.cache) { data.cache = {}; data.createelem = ownerdocument.createelement; data.createfrag = ownerdocument.createdocumentfragment; data.frag = data.createfrag() } ownerdocument.createelement = function(nodename) { if (!html5.shivmethods) { return data.createelem(nodename) } return createelement(nodename, ownerdocument, data) }; ownerdocument.createdocumentfragment = function('h,f', 'return function(){' + 'var n=f.clonenode(),c=n.createelement;' + 'h.shivmethods&&(' + getelements().join().replace(/[\w\-:]+/g, function(nodename) { data.createelem(nodename); data.frag.createelement(nodename); return 'c("' + nodename + '")' }) + ');return n}')(html5, data.frag) } function shivdocument(ownerdocument) { if (!ownerdocument) { ownerdocument = document } var data = getexpandodata(ownerdocument); if (html5.shivcss && !supportshtml5styles && !data.hascss) { data.hascss = !!addstylesheet(ownerdocument, 'article,aside,dialog,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section{display:block}' + 'mark{background:#ff0;color:#000}' + 'template{display:none}') } if (!supportsunknownelements) { shivmethods(ownerdocument, data) } return ownerdocument } var html5 = { 'elements': options.elements || 'abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details dialog figcaption figure footer header hgroup main mark meter nav output picture progress section summary template time video', 'version': version, 'shivcss': (options.shivcss !== !1), 'supportsunknownelements': supportsunknownelements, 'shivmethods': (options.shivmethods !== !1), 'type': 'default', 'shivdocument': shivdocument, createelement: createelement, createdocumentfragment: createdocumentfragment, addelements: addelements }; window.html5 = html5; shivdocument(document); if (typeof module == 'object' && module.exports) { module.exports = html5 } }(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, document)); /** * owl carousel v2.2.1 * copyright 2013-2017 david deutsch * licensed under () */ /** * owl carousel * @version 2.1.6 * @author bartosz wojciechowski * @author david deutsch * @license the mit license (mit) * @todo lazy load icon * @todo prevent animationend bubling * @todo itemsscaleup * @todo test zepto * @todo stagepadding calculate wrong active classes */ ; (function($, window, document, undefined) { /** * creates a carousel. * @class the owl carousel. * @public * @param {htmlelement|jquery} element - the element to create the carousel for. * @param {object} [options] - the options */ function owl(element, options) { /** * current settings for the carousel. * @public */ this.settings = null; /** * current options set by the caller including defaults. * @public */ this.options = $.extend({}, owl.defaults, options); /** * plugin element. * @public */ this.$element = $(element); /** * proxied event handlers. * @protected */ this._handlers = {}; /** * references to the running plugins of this carousel. * @protected */ this._plugins = {}; /** * currently suppressed events to prevent them from beeing retriggered. * @protected */ this._supress = {}; /** * absolute current position. * @protected */ this._current = null; /** * animation speed in milliseconds. * @protected */ this._speed = null; /** * coordinates of all items in pixel. * @todo the name of this member is missleading. * @protected */ this._coordinates = []; /** * current breakpoint. * @todo real media queries would be nice. * @protected */ this._breakpoint = null; /** * current width of the plugin element. */ this._width = null; /** * all real items. * @protected */ this._items = []; /** * all cloned items. * @protected */ this._clones = []; /** * merge values of all items. * @todo maybe this could be part of a plugin. * @protected */ this._mergers = []; /** * widths of all items. */ this._widths = []; /** * invalidated parts within the update process. * @protected */ this._invalidated = {}; /** * ordered list of workers for the update process. * @protected */ this._pipe = []; /** * current state information for the drag operation. * @todo #261 * @protected */ this._drag = { time: null, target: null, pointer: null, stage: { start: null, current: null }, direction: null }; /** * current state information and their tags. * @type {object} * @protected */ this._states = { current: {}, tags: { 'initializing': ['busy'], 'animating': ['busy'], 'dragging': ['interacting'] } }; $.each(['onresize', 'onthrottledresize'], $.proxy(function(i, handler) { this._handlers[handler] = $.proxy(this[handler], this); }, this)); $.each(owl.plugins, $.proxy(function(key, plugin) { this._plugins[key.charat(0).tolowercase() + key.slice(1)] = new plugin(this); }, this)); $.each(owl.workers, $.proxy(function(priority, worker) { this._pipe.push({ 'filter': worker.filter, 'run': $.proxy(worker.run, this) }); }, this)); this.setup(); this.initialize(); } /** * default options for the carousel. * @public */ owl.defaults = { items: 3, loop: false, center: false, rewind: false, mousedrag: true, touchdrag: true, pulldrag: true, freedrag: false, margin: 0, stagepadding: 0, merge: false, mergefit: true, autowidth: false, startposition: 0, rtl: false, smartspeed: 250, fluidspeed: false, dragendspeed: false, responsive: {}, responsiverefreshrate: 200, responsivebaseelement: window, fallbackeasing: 'swing', info: false, nesteditemselector: false, itemelement: 'div', stageelement: 'div', refreshclass: 'owl-refresh', loadedclass: 'owl-loaded', loadingclass: 'owl-loading', rtlclass: 'owl-rtl', responsiveclass: 'owl-responsive', dragclass: 'owl-drag', itemclass: 'owl-item', stageclass: 'owl-stage', stageouterclass: 'owl-stage-outer', grabclass: 'owl-grab' }; /** * enumeration for width. * @public * @readonly * @enum {string} */ owl.width = { default: 'default', inner: 'inner', outer: 'outer' }; /** * enumeration for types. * @public * @readonly * @enum {string} */ owl.type = { event: 'event', state: 'state' }; /** * contains all registered plugins. * @public */ owl.plugins = {}; /** * list of workers involved in the update process. */ owl.workers = [{ filter: ['width', 'settings'], run: function() { this._width = this.$element.width(); } }, { filter: ['width', 'items', 'settings'], run: function(cache) { cache.current = this._items && this._items[this.relative(this._current)]; } }, { filter: ['items', 'settings'], run: function() { this.$stage.children('.cloned').remove(); } }, { filter: ['width', 'items', 'settings'], run: function(cache) { var margin = this.settings.margin || '', grid = !this.settings.autowidth, rtl = this.settings.rtl, css = { 'width': 'auto', 'margin-left': rtl ? margin : '', 'margin-right': rtl ? '' : margin }; !grid && this.$stage.children().css(css); cache.css = css; } }, { filter: ['width', 'items', 'settings'], run: function(cache) { var width = (this.width() / this.settings.items).tofixed(3) - this.settings.margin, merge = null, iterator = this._items.length, grid = !this.settings.autowidth, widths = []; cache.items = { merge: false, width: width }; while (iterator--) { merge = this._mergers[iterator]; merge = this.settings.mergefit && math.min(merge, this.settings.items) || merge; cache.items.merge = merge > 1 || cache.items.merge; widths[iterator] = !grid ? this._items[iterator].width() : width * merge; } this._widths = widths; } }, { filter: ['items', 'settings'], run: function() { var clones = [], items = this._items, settings = this.settings, // todo: should be computed from number of min width items in stage view = math.max(settings.items * 2, 4), size = math.ceil(items.length / 2) * 2, repeat = settings.loop && items.length ? settings.rewind ? view : math.max(view, size) : 0, append = '', prepend = ''; repeat /= 2; while (repeat--) { // switch to only using appended clones clones.push(this.normalize(clones.length / 2, true)); append = append + items[clones[clones.length - 1]][0].outerhtml; clones.push(this.normalize(items.length - 1 - (clones.length - 1) / 2, true)); prepend = items[clones[clones.length - 1]][0].outerhtml + prepend; } this._clones = clones; $(append).addclass('cloned').appendto(this.$stage); $(prepend).addclass('cloned').prependto(this.$stage); } }, { filter: ['width', 'items', 'settings'], run: function() { var rtl = this.settings.rtl ? 1 : -1, size = this._clones.length + this._items.length, iterator = -1, previous = 0, current = 0, coordinates = []; while (++iterator < size) { previous = coordinates[iterator - 1] || 0; current = this._widths[this.relative(iterator)] + this.settings.margin; coordinates.push(previous + current * rtl); } this._coordinates = coordinates; } }, { filter: ['width', 'items', 'settings'], run: function() { var padding = this.settings.stagepadding, coordinates = this._coordinates, css = { 'width': math.ceil(math.abs(coordinates[coordinates.length - 1])) + padding * 2, 'padding-left': padding || '', 'padding-right': padding || '' }; this.$stage.css(css); } }, { filter: ['width', 'items', 'settings'], run: function(cache) { var iterator = this._coordinates.length, grid = !this.settings.autowidth, items = this.$stage.children(); if (grid && cache.items.merge) { while (iterator--) { cache.css.width = this._widths[this.relative(iterator)]; items.eq(iterator).css(cache.css); } } else if (grid) { cache.css.width = cache.items.width; items.css(cache.css); } } }, { filter: ['items'], run: function() { this._coordinates.length < 1 && this.$stage.removeattr('style'); } }, { filter: ['width', 'items', 'settings'], run: function(cache) { cache.current = cache.current ? this.$stage.children().index(cache.current) : 0; cache.current = math.max(this.minimum(), math.min(this.maximum(), cache.current)); this.reset(cache.current); } }, { filter: ['position'], run: function() { this.animate(this.coordinates(this._current)); } }, { filter: ['width', 'position', 'items', 'settings'], run: function() { var rtl = this.settings.rtl ? 1 : -1, padding = this.settings.stagepadding * 2, begin = this.coordinates(this.current()) + padding, end = begin + this.width() * rtl, inner, outer, matches = [], i, n; for (i = 0, n = this._coordinates.length; i < n; i++) { inner = this._coordinates[i - 1] || 0; outer = math.abs(this._coordinates[i]) + padding * rtl; if ((this.op(inner, '<=', begin) && (this.op(inner, '>', end))) || (this.op(outer, '<', begin) && this.op(outer, '>', end))) { matches.push(i); } } this.$stage.children('.active').removeclass('active'); this.$stage.children(':eq(' + matches.join('), :eq(') + ')').addclass('active'); if (this.settings.center) { this.$stage.children('.center').removeclass('center'); this.$stage.children().eq(this.current()).addclass('center'); } } }]; /** * initializes the carousel. * @protected */ owl.prototype.initialize = function() { this.enter('initializing'); this.trigger('initialize'); this.$element.toggleclass(this.settings.rtlclass, this.settings.rtl); if (this.settings.autowidth && !this.is('pre-loading')) { var imgs, nestedselector, width; imgs = this.$element.find('img'); nestedselector = this.settings.nesteditemselector ? '.' + this.settings.nesteditemselector : undefined; width = this.$element.children(nestedselector).width(); if (imgs.length && width <= 0) { this.preloadautowidthimages(imgs); } } this.$element.addclass(this.options.loadingclass); // create stage this.$stage = $('<' + this.settings.stageelement + ' class="' + this.settings.stageclass + '"/>') .wrap('
'); // append stage this.$element.append(this.$stage.parent()); // append content this.replace(this.$element.children().not(this.$stage.parent())); // check visibility if (this.$element.is(':visible')) { // update view this.refresh(); } else { // invalidate width this.invalidate('width'); } this.$element .removeclass(this.options.loadingclass) .addclass(this.options.loadedclass); // register event handlers this.registereventhandlers(); this.leave('initializing'); this.trigger('initialized'); }; /** * setups the current settings. * @todo remove responsive classes. why should adaptive designs be brought into ie8? * @todo support for media queries by using `matchmedia` would be nice. * @public */ owl.prototype.setup = function() { var viewport = this.viewport(), overwrites = this.options.responsive, match = -1, settings = null; if (!overwrites) { settings = $.extend({}, this.options); } else { $.each(overwrites, function(breakpoint) { if (breakpoint <= viewport && breakpoint > match) { match = number(breakpoint); } }); settings = $.extend({}, this.options, overwrites[match]); if (typeof settings.stagepadding === 'function') { settings.stagepadding = settings.stagepadding(); } delete settings.responsive; // responsive class if (settings.responsiveclass) { this.$element.attr('class', this.$element.attr('class').replace(new regexp('(' + this.options.responsiveclass + '-)\\s+\\s', 'g'), '$1' + match) ); } } this.trigger('change', { property: { name: 'settings', value: settings } }); this._breakpoint = match; this.settings = settings; this.invalidate('settings'); this.trigger('changed', { property: { name: 'settings', value: this.settings } }); }; /** * updates option logic if necessery. * @protected */ owl.prototype.optionslogic = function() { if (this.settings.autowidth) { this.settings.stagepadding = false; this.settings.merge = false; } }; /** * prepares an item before add. * @todo rename event parameter `content` to `item`. * @protected * @returns {jquery|htmlelement} - the item container. */ owl.prototype.prepare = function(item) { var event = this.trigger('prepare', { content: item }); if (!event.data) { event.data = $('<' + this.settings.itemelement + '/>') .addclass(this.options.itemclass).append(item) } this.trigger('prepared', { content: event.data }); return event.data; }; /** * updates the view. * @public */ owl.prototype.update = function() { var i = 0, n = this._pipe.length, filter = $.proxy(function(p) { return this[p] }, this._invalidated), cache = {}; while (i < n) { if (this._invalidated.all || $.grep(this._pipe[i].filter, filter).length > 0) { this._pipe[i].run(cache); } i++; } this._invalidated = {}; !this.is('valid') && this.enter('valid'); }; /** * gets the width of the view. * @public * @param {owl.width} [dimension=owl.width.default] - the dimension to return. * @returns {number} - the width of the view in pixel. */ owl.prototype.width = function(dimension) { dimension = dimension || owl.width.default; switch (dimension) { case owl.width.inner: case owl.width.outer: return this._width; default: return this._width - this.settings.stagepadding * 2 + this.settings.margin; } }; /** * refreshes the carousel primarily for adaptive purposes. * @public */ owl.prototype.refresh = function() { this.enter('refreshing'); this.trigger('refresh'); this.setup(); this.optionslogic(); this.$element.addclass(this.options.refreshclass); this.update(); this.$element.removeclass(this.options.refreshclass); this.leave('refreshing'); this.trigger('refreshed'); }; /** * checks window `resize` event. * @protected */ owl.prototype.onthrottledresize = function() { window.cleartimeout(this.resizetimer); this.resizetimer = window.settimeout(this._handlers.onresize, this.settings.responsiverefreshrate); }; /** * checks window `resize` event. * @protected */ owl.prototype.onresize = function() { if (!this._items.length) { return false; } if (this._width === this.$element.width()) { return false; } if (!this.$element.is(':visible')) { return false; } this.enter('resizing'); if (this.trigger('resize').isdefaultprevented()) { this.leave('resizing'); return false; } this.invalidate('width'); this.refresh(); this.leave('resizing'); this.trigger('resized'); }; /** * registers event handlers. * @todo check `mspointerenabled` * @todo #261 * @protected */ owl.prototype.registereventhandlers = function() { if ($.support.transition) { this.$stage.on($.support.transition.end + '.owl.core', $.proxy(this.ontransitionend, this)); } if (this.settings.responsive !== false) { this.on(window, 'resize', this._handlers.onthrottledresize); } if (this.settings.mousedrag) { this.$element.addclass(this.options.dragclass); this.$stage.on('mousedown.owl.core', $.proxy(this.ondragstart, this)); this.$stage.on('dragstart.owl.core selectstart.owl.core', function() { return false }); } if (this.settings.touchdrag) { this.$stage.on('touchstart.owl.core', $.proxy(this.ondragstart, this)); this.$stage.on('touchcancel.owl.core', $.proxy(this.ondragend, this)); } }; /** * handles `touchstart` and `mousedown` events. * @todo horizontal swipe threshold as option * @todo #261 * @protected * @param {event} event - the event arguments. */ owl.prototype.ondragstart = function(event) { var stage = null; if (event.which === 3) { return; } if ($.support.transform) { stage = this.$stage.css('transform').replace(/.*\(|\)| /g, '').split(','); stage = { x: stage[stage.length === 16 ? 12 : 4], y: stage[stage.length === 16 ? 13 : 5] }; } else { stage = this.$stage.position(); stage = { x: this.settings.rtl ? stage.left + this.$stage.width() - this.width() + this.settings.margin : stage.left, y: stage.top }; } if (this.is('animating')) { $.support.transform ? this.animate(stage.x) : this.$stage.stop() this.invalidate('position'); } this.$element.toggleclass(this.options.grabclass, event.type === 'mousedown'); this.speed(0); this._drag.time = new date().gettime(); this._drag.target = $(event.target); this._drag.stage.start = stage; this._drag.stage.current = stage; this._drag.pointer = this.pointer(event); $(document).on('mouseup.owl.core touchend.owl.core', $.proxy(this.ondragend, this)); $(document).one('mousemove.owl.core touchmove.owl.core', $.proxy(function(event) { var delta = this.difference(this._drag.pointer, this.pointer(event)); $(document).on('mousemove.owl.core touchmove.owl.core', $.proxy(this.ondragmove, this)); if (math.abs(delta.x) < math.abs(delta.y) && this.is('valid')) { return; } event.preventdefault(); this.enter('dragging'); this.trigger('drag'); }, this)); }; /** * handles the `touchmove` and `mousemove` events. * @todo #261 * @protected * @param {event} event - the event arguments. */ owl.prototype.ondragmove = function(event) { var minimum = null, maximum = null, pull = null, delta = this.difference(this._drag.pointer, this.pointer(event)), stage = this.difference(this._drag.stage.start, delta); if (!this.is('dragging')) { return; } event.preventdefault(); if (this.settings.loop) { minimum = this.coordinates(this.minimum()); maximum = this.coordinates(this.maximum() + 1) - minimum; stage.x = (((stage.x - minimum) % maximum + maximum) % maximum) + minimum; } else { minimum = this.settings.rtl ? this.coordinates(this.maximum()) : this.coordinates(this.minimum()); maximum = this.settings.rtl ? this.coordinates(this.minimum()) : this.coordinates(this.maximum()); pull = this.settings.pulldrag ? -1 * delta.x / 5 : 0; stage.x = math.max(math.min(stage.x, minimum + pull), maximum + pull); } this._drag.stage.current = stage; this.animate(stage.x); }; /** * handles the `touchend` and `mouseup` events. * @todo #261 * @todo threshold for click event * @protected * @param {event} event - the event arguments. */ owl.prototype.ondragend = function(event) { var delta = this.difference(this._drag.pointer, this.pointer(event)), stage = this._drag.stage.current, direction = delta.x > 0 ^ this.settings.rtl ? 'left' : 'right'; $(document).off('.owl.core'); this.$element.removeclass(this.options.grabclass); if (delta.x !== 0 && this.is('dragging') || !this.is('valid')) { this.speed(this.settings.dragendspeed || this.settings.smartspeed); this.current(this.closest(stage.x, delta.x !== 0 ? direction : this._drag.direction)); this.invalidate('position'); this.update(); this._drag.direction = direction; if (math.abs(delta.x) > 3 || new date().gettime() - this._drag.time > 300) { this._drag.target.one('click.owl.core', function() { return false; }); } } if (!this.is('dragging')) { return; } this.leave('dragging'); this.trigger('dragged'); }; /** * gets absolute position of the closest item for a coordinate. * @todo setting `freedrag` makes `closest` not reusable. see #165. * @protected * @param {number} coordinate - the coordinate in pixel. * @param {string} direction - the direction to check for the closest item. ether `left` or `right`. * @return {number} - the absolute position of the closest item. */ owl.prototype.closest = function(coordinate, direction) { var position = -1, pull = 30, width = this.width(), coordinates = this.coordinates(); if (!this.settings.freedrag) { // check closest item $.each(coordinates, $.proxy(function(index, value) { // on a left pull, check on current index if (direction === 'left' && coordinate > value - pull && coordinate < value + pull) { position = index; // on a right pull, check on previous index // to do so, subtract width from value and set position = index + 1 } else if (direction === 'right' && coordinate > value - width - pull && coordinate < value - width + pull) { position = index + 1; } else if (this.op(coordinate, '<', value) && this.op(coordinate, '>', coordinates[index + 1] || value - width)) { position = direction === 'left' ? index + 1 : index; } return position === -1; }, this)); } if (!this.settings.loop) { // non loop boundries if (this.op(coordinate, '>', coordinates[this.minimum()])) { position = coordinate = this.minimum(); } else if (this.op(coordinate, '<', coordinates[this.maximum()])) { position = coordinate = this.maximum(); } } return position; }; /** * animates the stage. * @todo #270 * @public * @param {number} coordinate - the coordinate in pixels. */ owl.prototype.animate = function(coordinate) { var animate = this.speed() > 0; this.is('animating') && this.ontransitionend(); if (animate) { this.enter('animating'); this.trigger('translate'); } if ($.support.transform3d && $.support.transition) { this.$stage.css({ transform: 'translate3d(' + coordinate + 'px,0px,0px)', transition: (this.speed() / 1000) + 's' }); } else if (animate) { this.$stage.animate({ left: coordinate + 'px' }, this.speed(), this.settings.fallbackeasing, $.proxy(this.ontransitionend, this)); } else { this.$stage.css({ left: coordinate + 'px' }); } }; /** * checks whether the carousel is in a specific state or not. * @param {string} state - the state to check. * @returns {boolean} - the flag which indicates if the carousel is busy. */ owl.prototype.is = function(state) { return this._states.current[state] && this._states.current[state] > 0; }; /** * sets the absolute position of the current item. * @public * @param {number} [position] - the new absolute position or nothing to leave it unchanged. * @returns {number} - the absolute position of the current item. */ owl.prototype.current = function(position) { if (position === undefined) { return this._current; } if (this._items.length === 0) { return undefined; } position = this.normalize(position); if (this._current !== position) { var event = this.trigger('change', { property: { name: 'position', value: position } }); if (event.data !== undefined) { position = this.normalize(event.data); } this._current = position; this.invalidate('position'); this.trigger('changed', { property: { name: 'position', value: this._current } }); } return this._current; }; /** * invalidates the given part of the update routine. * @param {string} [part] - the part to invalidate. * @returns {array.} - the invalidated parts. */ owl.prototype.invalidate = function(part) { if ($.type(part) === 'string') { this._invalidated[part] = true; this.is('valid') && this.leave('valid'); } return $.map(this._invalidated, function(v, i) { return i }); }; /** * resets the absolute position of the current item. * @public * @param {number} position - the absolute position of the new item. */ owl.prototype.reset = function(position) { position = this.normalize(position); if (position === undefined) { return; } this._speed = 0; this._current = position; this.suppress(['translate', 'translated']); this.animate(this.coordinates(position)); this.release(['translate', 'translated']); }; /** * normalizes an absolute or a relative position of an item. * @public * @param {number} position - the absolute or relative position to normalize. * @param {boolean} [relative=false] - whether the given position is relative or not. * @returns {number} - the normalized position. */ owl.prototype.normalize = function(position, relative) { var n = this._items.length, m = relative ? 0 : this._clones.length; if (!this.isnumeric(position) || n < 1) { position = undefined; } else if (position < 0 || position >= n + m) { position = ((position - m / 2) % n + n) % n + m / 2; } return position; }; /** * converts an absolute position of an item into a relative one. * @public * @param {number} position - the absolute position to convert. * @returns {number} - the converted position. */ owl.prototype.relative = function(position) { position -= this._clones.length / 2; return this.normalize(position, true); }; /** * gets the maximum position for the current item. * @public * @param {boolean} [relative=false] - whether to return an absolute position or a relative position. * @returns {number} */ owl.prototype.maximum = function(relative) { var settings = this.settings, maximum = this._coordinates.length, iterator, reciprocalitemswidth, elementwidth; if (settings.loop) { maximum = this._clones.length / 2 + this._items.length - 1; } else if (settings.autowidth || settings.merge) { iterator = this._items.length; reciprocalitemswidth = this._items[--iterator].width(); elementwidth = this.$element.width(); while (iterator--) { reciprocalitemswidth += this._items[iterator].width() + this.settings.margin; if (reciprocalitemswidth > elementwidth) { break; } } maximum = iterator + 1; } else if (settings.center) { maximum = this._items.length - 1; } else { maximum = this._items.length - settings.items; } if (relative) { maximum -= this._clones.length / 2; } return math.max(maximum, 0); }; /** * gets the minimum position for the current item. * @public * @param {boolean} [relative=false] - whether to return an absolute position or a relative position. * @returns {number} */ owl.prototype.minimum = function(relative) { return relative ? 0 : this._clones.length / 2; }; /** * gets an item at the specified relative position. * @public * @param {number} [position] - the relative position of the item. * @return {jquery|array.} - the item at the given position or all items if no position was given. */ owl.prototype.items = function(position) { if (position === undefined) { return this._items.slice(); } position = this.normalize(position, true); return this._items[position]; }; /** * gets an item at the specified relative position. * @public * @param {number} [position] - the relative position of the item. * @return {jquery|array.} - the item at the given position or all items if no position was given. */ owl.prototype.mergers = function(position) { if (position === undefined) { return this._mergers.slice(); } position = this.normalize(position, true); return this._mergers[position]; }; /** * gets the absolute positions of clones for an item. * @public * @param {number} [position] - the relative position of the item. * @returns {array.} - the absolute positions of clones for the item or all if no position was given. */ owl.prototype.clones = function(position) { var odd = this._clones.length / 2, even = odd + this._items.length, map = function(index) { return index % 2 === 0 ? even + index / 2 : odd - (index + 1) / 2 }; if (position === undefined) { return $.map(this._clones, function(v, i) { return map(i) }); } return $.map(this._clones, function(v, i) { return v === position ? map(i) : null }); }; /** * sets the current animation speed. * @public * @param {number} [speed] - the animation speed in milliseconds or nothing to leave it unchanged. * @returns {number} - the current animation speed in milliseconds. */ owl.prototype.speed = function(speed) { if (speed !== undefined) { this._speed = speed; } return this._speed; }; /** * gets the coordinate of an item. * @todo the name of this method is missleanding. * @public * @param {number} position - the absolute position of the item within `minimum()` and `maximum()`. * @returns {number|array.} - the coordinate of the item in pixel or all coordinates. */ owl.prototype.coordinates = function(position) { var multiplier = 1, newposition = position - 1, coordinate; if (position === undefined) { return $.map(this._coordinates, $.proxy(function(coordinate, index) { return this.coordinates(index); }, this)); } if (this.settings.center) { if (this.settings.rtl) { multiplier = -1; newposition = position + 1; } coordinate = this._coordinates[position]; coordinate += (this.width() - coordinate + (this._coordinates[newposition] || 0)) / 2 * multiplier; } else { coordinate = this._coordinates[newposition] || 0; } coordinate = math.ceil(coordinate); return coordinate; }; /** * calculates the speed for a translation. * @protected * @param {number} from - the absolute position of the start item. * @param {number} to - the absolute position of the target item. * @param {number} [factor=undefined] - the time factor in milliseconds. * @returns {number} - the time in milliseconds for the translation. */ owl.prototype.duration = function(from, to, factor) { if (factor === 0) { return 0; } return math.min(math.max(math.abs(to - from), 1), 6) * math.abs((factor || this.settings.smartspeed)); }; /** * slides to the specified item. * @public * @param {number} position - the position of the item. * @param {number} [speed] - the time in milliseconds for the transition. */ owl.prototype.to = function(position, speed) { var current = this.current(), revert = null, distance = position - this.relative(current), direction = (distance > 0) - (distance < 0), items = this._items.length, minimum = this.minimum(), maximum = this.maximum(); if (this.settings.loop) { if (!this.settings.rewind && math.abs(distance) > items / 2) { distance += direction * -1 * items; } position = current + distance; revert = ((position - minimum) % items + items) % items + minimum; if (revert !== position && revert - distance <= maximum && revert - distance > 0) { current = revert - distance; position = revert; this.reset(current); } } else if (this.settings.rewind) { maximum += 1; position = (position % maximum + maximum) % maximum; } else { position = math.max(minimum, math.min(maximum, position)); } this.speed(this.duration(current, position, speed)); this.current(position); if (this.$element.is(':visible')) { this.update(); } }; /** * slides to the next item. * @public * @param {number} [speed] - the time in milliseconds for the transition. */ owl.prototype.next = function(speed) { speed = speed || false; this.to(this.relative(this.current()) + 1, speed); }; /** * slides to the previous item. * @public * @param {number} [speed] - the time in milliseconds for the transition. */ owl.prototype.prev = function(speed) { speed = speed || false; this.to(this.relative(this.current()) - 1, speed); }; /** * handles the end of an animation. * @protected * @param {event} event - the event arguments. */ owl.prototype.ontransitionend = function(event) { // if css2 animation then event object is undefined if (event !== undefined) { event.stoppropagation(); // catch only owl-stage transitionend event if ((event.target || event.srcelement || event.originaltarget) !== this.$stage.get(0)) { return false; } } this.leave('animating'); this.trigger('translated'); }; /** * gets viewport width. * @protected * @return {number} - the width in pixel. */ owl.prototype.viewport = function() { var width; if (this.options.responsivebaseelement !== window) { width = $(this.options.responsivebaseelement).width(); } else if (window.innerwidth) { width = window.innerwidth; } else if (document.documentelement && document.documentelement.clientwidth) { width = document.documentelement.clientwidth; } else { console.warn('can not detect viewport width.'); } return width; }; /** * replaces the current content. * @public * @param {htmlelement|jquery|string} content - the new content. */ owl.prototype.replace = function(content) { this.$stage.empty(); this._items = []; if (content) { content = (content instanceof jquery) ? content : $(content); } if (this.settings.nesteditemselector) { content = content.find('.' + this.settings.nesteditemselector); } content.filter(function() { return this.nodetype === 1; }).each($.proxy(function(index, item) { item = this.prepare(item); this.$stage.append(item); this._items.push(item); this._mergers.push(item.find('[data-merge]').addback('[data-merge]').attr('data-merge') * 1 || 1); }, this)); this.reset(this.isnumeric(this.settings.startposition) ? this.settings.startposition : 0); this.invalidate('items'); }; /** * adds an item. * @todo use `item` instead of `content` for the event arguments. * @public * @param {htmlelement|jquery|string} content - the item content to add. * @param {number} [position] - the relative position at which to insert the item otherwise the item will be added to the end. */ owl.prototype.add = function(content, position) { var current = this.relative(this._current); position = position === undefined ? this._items.length : this.normalize(position, true); content = content instanceof jquery ? content : $(content); this.trigger('add', { content: content, position: position }); content = this.prepare(content); if (this._items.length === 0 || position === this._items.length) { this._items.length === 0 && this.$stage.append(content); this._items.length !== 0 && this._items[position - 1].after(content); this._items.push(content); this._mergers.push(content.find('[data-merge]').addback('[data-merge]').attr('data-merge') * 1 || 1); } else { this._items[position].before(content); this._items.splice(position, 0, content); this._mergers.splice(position, 0, content.find('[data-merge]').addback('[data-merge]').attr('data-merge') * 1 || 1); } this._items[current] && this.reset(this._items[current].index()); this.invalidate('items'); this.trigger('added', { content: content, position: position }); }; /** * removes an item by its position. * @todo use `item` instead of `content` for the event arguments. * @public * @param {number} position - the relative position of the item to remove. */ owl.prototype.remove = function(position) { position = this.normalize(position, true); if (position === undefined) { return; } this.trigger('remove', { content: this._items[position], position: position }); this._items[position].remove(); this._items.splice(position, 1); this._mergers.splice(position, 1); this.invalidate('items'); this.trigger('removed', { content: null, position: position }); }; /** * preloads images with auto width. * @todo replace by a more generic approach * @protected */ owl.prototype.preloadautowidthimages = function(images) { images.each($.proxy(function(i, element) { this.enter('pre-loading'); element = $(element); $(new image()).one('load', $.proxy(function(e) { element.attr('src', e.target.src); element.css('opacity', 1); this.leave('pre-loading'); !this.is('pre-loading') && !this.is('initializing') && this.refresh(); }, this)).attr('src', element.attr('src') || element.attr('data-src') || element.attr('data-src-retina')); }, this)); }; /** * destroys the carousel. * @public */ owl.prototype.destroy = function() { this.$element.off('.owl.core'); this.$stage.off('.owl.core'); $(document).off('.owl.core'); if (this.settings.responsive !== false) { window.cleartimeout(this.resizetimer); this.off(window, 'resize', this._handlers.onthrottledresize); } for (var i in this._plugins) { this._plugins[i].destroy(); } this.$stage.children('.cloned').remove(); this.$stage.unwrap(); this.$stage.children().contents().unwrap(); this.$stage.children().unwrap(); this.$element .removeclass(this.options.refreshclass) .removeclass(this.options.loadingclass) .removeclass(this.options.loadedclass) .removeclass(this.options.rtlclass) .removeclass(this.options.dragclass) .removeclass(this.options.grabclass) .attr('class', this.$element.attr('class').replace(new regexp(this.options.responsiveclass + '-\\s+\\s', 'g'), '')) .removedata('owl.carousel'); }; /** * operators to calculate right-to-left and left-to-right. * @protected * @param {number} [a] - the left side operand. * @param {string} [o] - the operator. * @param {number} [b] - the right side operand. */ owl.prototype.op = function(a, o, b) { var rtl = this.settings.rtl; switch (o) { case '<': return rtl ? a > b : a < b; case '>': return rtl ? a < b : a > b; case '>=': return rtl ? a <= b : a >= b; case '<=': return rtl ? a >= b : a <= b; default: break; } }; /** * attaches to an internal event. * @protected * @param {htmlelement} element - the event source. * @param {string} event - the event name. * @param {function} listener - the event handler to attach. * @param {boolean} capture - wether the event should be handled at the capturing phase or not. */ owl.prototype.on = function(element, event, listener, capture) { if (element.addeventlistener) { element.addeventlistener(event, listener, capture); } else if (element.attachevent) { element.attachevent('on' + event, listener); } }; /** * detaches from an internal event. * @protected * @param {htmlelement} element - the event source. * @param {string} event - the event name. * @param {function} listener - the attached event handler to detach. * @param {boolean} capture - wether the attached event handler was registered as a capturing listener or not. */ owl.prototype.off = function(element, event, listener, capture) { if (element.removeeventlistener) { element.removeeventlistener(event, listener, capture); } else if (element.detachevent) { element.detachevent('on' + event, listener); } }; /** * triggers a public event. * @todo remove `status`, `relatedtarget` should be used instead. * @protected * @param {string} name - the event name. * @param {*} [data=null] - the event data. * @param {string} [namespace=carousel] - the event namespace. * @param {string} [state] - the state which is associated with the event. * @param {boolean} [enter=false] - indicates if the call enters the specified state or not. * @returns {event} - the event arguments. */ owl.prototype.trigger = function(name, data, namespace, state, enter) { var status = { item: { count: this._items.length, index: this.current() } }, handler = $.camelcase( $.grep(['on', name, namespace], function(v) { return v }) .join('-').tolowercase() ), event = $.event( [name, 'owl', namespace || 'carousel'].join('.').tolowercase(), $.extend({ relatedtarget: this }, status, data) ); if (!this._supress[name]) { $.each(this._plugins, function(name, plugin) { if (plugin.ontrigger) { plugin.ontrigger(event); } }); this.register({ type: owl.type.event, name: name }); this.$element.trigger(event); if (this.settings && typeof this.settings[handler] === 'function') { this.settings[handler].call(this, event); } } return event; }; /** * enters a state. * @param name - the state name. */ owl.prototype.enter = function(name) { $.each([name].concat(this._states.tags[name] || []), $.proxy(function(i, name) { if (this._states.current[name] === undefined) { this._states.current[name] = 0; } this._states.current[name]++; }, this)); }; /** * leaves a state. * @param name - the state name. */ owl.prototype.leave = function(name) { $.each([name].concat(this._states.tags[name] || []), $.proxy(function(i, name) { this._states.current[name]--; }, this)); }; /** * registers an event or state. * @public * @param {object} object - the event or state to register. */ owl.prototype.register = function(object) { if (object.type === owl.type.event) { if (!$.event.special[object.name]) { $.event.special[object.name] = {}; } if (!$.event.special[object.name].owl) { var _default = $.event.special[object.name]._default; $.event.special[object.name]._default = function(e) { if (_default && _default.apply && (!e.namespace || e.namespace.indexof('owl') === -1)) { return _default.apply(this, arguments); } return e.namespace && e.namespace.indexof('owl') > -1; }; $.event.special[object.name].owl = true; } } else if (object.type === owl.type.state) { if (!this._states.tags[object.name]) { this._states.tags[object.name] = object.tags; } else { this._states.tags[object.name] = this._states.tags[object.name].concat(object.tags); } this._states.tags[object.name] = $.grep(this._states.tags[object.name], $.proxy(function(tag, i) { return $.inarray(tag, this._states.tags[object.name]) === i; }, this)); } }; /** * suppresses events. * @protected * @param {array.} events - the events to suppress. */ owl.prototype.suppress = function(events) { $.each(events, $.proxy(function(index, event) { this._supress[event] = true; }, this)); }; /** * releases suppressed events. * @protected * @param {array.} events - the events to release. */ owl.prototype.release = function(events) { $.each(events, $.proxy(function(index, event) { delete this._supress[event]; }, this)); }; /** * gets unified pointer coordinates from event. * @todo #261 * @protected * @param {event} - the `mousedown` or `touchstart` event. * @returns {object} - contains `x` and `y` coordinates of current pointer position. */ owl.prototype.pointer = function(event) { var result = { x: null, y: null }; event = event.originalevent || event || window.event; event = event.touches && event.touches.length ? event.touches[0] : event.changedtouches && event.changedtouches.length ? event.changedtouches[0] : event; if (event.pagex) { result.x = event.pagex; result.y = event.pagey; } else { result.x = event.clientx; result.y = event.clienty; } return result; }; /** * determines if the input is a number or something that can be coerced to a number * @protected * @param {number|string|object|array|boolean|regexp|function|symbol} - the input to be tested * @returns {boolean} - an indication if the input is a number or can be coerced to a number */ owl.prototype.isnumeric = function(number) { return !isnan(parsefloat(number)); }; /** * gets the difference of two vectors. * @todo #261 * @protected * @param {object} - the first vector. * @param {object} - the second vector. * @returns {object} - the difference. */ owl.prototype.difference = function(first, second) { return { x: first.x - second.x, y: first.y - second.y }; }; /** * the jquery plugin for the owl carousel * @todo navigation plugin `next` and `prev` * @public */ $.fn.owlcarousel = function(option) { var args = array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this), data = $this.data('owl.carousel'); if (!data) { data = new owl(this, typeof option == 'object' && option); $this.data('owl.carousel', data); $.each([ 'next', 'prev', 'to', 'destroy', 'refresh', 'replace', 'add', 'remove' ], function(i, event) { data.register({ type: owl.type.event, name: event }); data.$element.on(event + '.owl.carousel.core', $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && e.relatedtarget !== this) { this.suppress([event]); data[event].apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); this.release([event]); } }, data)); }); } if (typeof option == 'string' && option.charat(0) !== '_') { data[option].apply(data, args); } }); }; /** * the constructor for the jquery plugin * @public */ $.fn.owlcarousel.constructor = owl; })(window.zepto || window.jquery, window, document); /** * autorefresh plugin * @version 2.1.0 * @author artus kolanowski * @author david deutsch * @license the mit license (mit) */ ; (function($, window, document, undefined) { /** * creates the auto refresh plugin. * @class the auto refresh plugin * @param {owl} carousel - the owl carousel */ var autorefresh = function(carousel) { /** * reference to the core. * @protected * @type {owl} */ this._core = carousel; /** * refresh interval. * @protected * @type {number} */ this._interval = null; /** * whether the element is currently visible or not. * @protected * @type {boolean} */ this._visible = null; /** * all event handlers. * @protected * @type {object} */ this._handlers = { 'initialized.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.autorefresh) { this.watch(); } }, this) }; // set default options this._core.options = $.extend({}, autorefresh.defaults, this._core.options); // register event handlers this._core.$element.on(this._handlers); }; /** * default options. * @public */ autorefresh.defaults = { autorefresh: true, autorefreshinterval: 500 }; /** * watches the element. */ autorefresh.prototype.watch = function() { if (this._interval) { return; } this._visible = this._core.$element.is(':visible'); this._interval = window.setinterval($.proxy(this.refresh, this), this._core.settings.autorefreshinterval); }; /** * refreshes the element. */ autorefresh.prototype.refresh = function() { if (this._core.$element.is(':visible') === this._visible) { return; } this._visible = !this._visible; this._core.$element.toggleclass('owl-hidden', !this._visible); this._visible && (this._core.invalidate('width') && this._core.refresh()); }; /** * destroys the plugin. */ autorefresh.prototype.destroy = function() { var handler, property; window.clearinterval(this._interval); for (handler in this._handlers) { this._core.$element.off(handler, this._handlers[handler]); } for (property in object.getownpropertynames(this)) { typeof this[property] != 'function' && (this[property] = null); } }; $.fn.owlcarousel.constructor.plugins.autorefresh = autorefresh; })(window.zepto || window.jquery, window, document); /** * lazy plugin * @version 2.1.0 * @author bartosz wojciechowski * @author david deutsch * @license the mit license (mit) */ ; (function($, window, document, undefined) { /** * creates the lazy plugin. * @class the lazy plugin * @param {owl} carousel - the owl carousel */ var lazy = function(carousel) { /** * reference to the core. * @protected * @type {owl} */ this._core = carousel; /** * already loaded items. * @protected * @type {array.} */ this._loaded = []; /** * event handlers. * @protected * @type {object} */ this._handlers = { 'initialized.owl.carousel change.owl.carousel resized.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (!e.namespace) { return; } if (!this._core.settings || !this._core.settings.lazyload) { return; } if ((e.property && e.property.name == 'position') || e.type == 'initialized') { var settings = this._core.settings, n = (settings.center && math.ceil(settings.items / 2) || settings.items), i = ((settings.center && n * -1) || 0), position = (e.property && e.property.value !== undefined ? e.property.value : this._core.current()) + i, clones = this._core.clones().length, load = $.proxy(function(i, v) { this.load(v) }, this); while (i++ < n) { this.load(clones / 2 + this._core.relative(position)); clones && $.each(this._core.clones(this._core.relative(position)), load); position++; } } }, this) }; // set the default options this._core.options = $.extend({}, lazy.defaults, this._core.options); // register event handler this._core.$element.on(this._handlers); }; /** * default options. * @public */ lazy.defaults = { lazyload: false }; /** * loads all resources of an item at the specified position. * @param {number} position - the absolute position of the item. * @protected */ lazy.prototype.load = function(position) { var $item = this._core.$stage.children().eq(position), $elements = $item && $item.find('.owl-lazy'); if (!$elements || $.inarray($item.get(0), this._loaded) > -1) { return; } $elements.each($.proxy(function(index, element) { var $element = $(element), image, url = (window.devicepixelratio > 1 && $element.attr('data-src-retina')) || $element.attr('data-src'); this._core.trigger('load', { element: $element, url: url }, 'lazy'); if ($element.is('img')) { $element.one('load.owl.lazy', $.proxy(function() { $element.css('opacity', 1); this._core.trigger('loaded', { element: $element, url: url }, 'lazy'); }, this)).attr('src', url); } else { image = new image(); image.onload = $.proxy(function() { $element.css({ 'background-image': 'url("' + url + '")', 'opacity': '1' }); this._core.trigger('loaded', { element: $element, url: url }, 'lazy'); }, this); image.src = url; } }, this)); this._loaded.push($item.get(0)); }; /** * destroys the plugin. * @public */ lazy.prototype.destroy = function() { var handler, property; for (handler in this.handlers) { this._core.$element.off(handler, this.handlers[handler]); } for (property in object.getownpropertynames(this)) { typeof this[property] != 'function' && (this[property] = null); } }; $.fn.owlcarousel.constructor.plugins.lazy = lazy; })(window.zepto || window.jquery, window, document); /** * autoheight plugin * @version 2.1.0 * @author bartosz wojciechowski * @author david deutsch * @license the mit license (mit) */ ; (function($, window, document, undefined) { /** * creates the auto height plugin. * @class the auto height plugin * @param {owl} carousel - the owl carousel */ var autoheight = function(carousel) { /** * reference to the core. * @protected * @type {owl} */ this._core = carousel; /** * all event handlers. * @protected * @type {object} */ this._handlers = { 'initialized.owl.carousel refreshed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.autoheight) { this.update(); } }, this), 'changed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.autoheight && e.property.name == 'position') { this.update(); } }, this), 'loaded.owl.lazy': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.autoheight && e.element.closest('.' + this._core.settings.itemclass).index() === this._core.current()) { this.update(); } }, this) }; // set default options this._core.options = $.extend({}, autoheight.defaults, this._core.options); // register event handlers this._core.$element.on(this._handlers); }; /** * default options. * @public */ autoheight.defaults = { autoheight: false, autoheightclass: 'owl-height' }; /** * updates the view. */ autoheight.prototype.update = function() { var start = this._core._current, end = start + this._core.settings.items, visible = this._core.$stage.children().toarray().slice(start, end), heights = [], maxheight = 0; $.each(visible, function(index, item) { heights.push($(item).height()); }); maxheight = math.max.apply(null, heights); this._core.$stage.parent() .height(maxheight) .addclass(this._core.settings.autoheightclass); }; autoheight.prototype.destroy = function() { var handler, property; for (handler in this._handlers) { this._core.$element.off(handler, this._handlers[handler]); } for (property in object.getownpropertynames(this)) { typeof this[property] != 'function' && (this[property] = null); } }; $.fn.owlcarousel.constructor.plugins.autoheight = autoheight; })(window.zepto || window.jquery, window, document); /** * video plugin * @version 2.1.0 * @author bartosz wojciechowski * @author david deutsch * @license the mit license (mit) */ ; (function($, window, document, undefined) { /** * creates the video plugin. * @class the video plugin * @param {owl} carousel - the owl carousel */ var video = function(carousel) { /** * reference to the core. * @protected * @type {owl} */ this._core = carousel; /** * cache all video urls. * @protected * @type {object} */ this._videos = {}; /** * current playing item. * @protected * @type {jquery} */ this._playing = null; /** * all event handlers. * @todo the cloned content removale is too late * @protected * @type {object} */ this._handlers = { 'initialized.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace) { this._core.register({ type: 'state', name: 'playing', tags: ['interacting'] }); } }, this), 'resize.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.video && this.isinfullscreen()) { e.preventdefault(); } }, this), 'refreshed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && this._core.is('resizing')) { this._core.$stage.find('.cloned .owl-video-frame').remove(); } }, this), 'changed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && e.property.name === 'position' && this._playing) { this.stop(); } }, this), 'prepared.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (!e.namespace) { return; } var $element = $(e.content).find('.owl-video'); if ($element.length) { $element.css('display', 'none'); this.fetch($element, $(e.content)); } }, this) }; // set default options this._core.options = $.extend({}, video.defaults, this._core.options); // register event handlers this._core.$element.on(this._handlers); this._core.$element.on('click.owl.video', '.owl-video-play-icon', $.proxy(function(e) { this.play(e); }, this)); }; /** * default options. * @public */ video.defaults = { video: false, videoheight: false, videowidth: false }; /** * gets the video id and the type (youtube/vimeo/vzaar only). * @protected * @param {jquery} target - the target containing the video data. * @param {jquery} item - the item containing the video. */ video.prototype.fetch = function(target, item) { var type = (function() { if (target.attr('data-vimeo-id')) { return 'vimeo'; } else if (target.attr('data-vzaar-id')) { return 'vzaar' } else { return 'youtube'; } })(), id = target.attr('data-vimeo-id') || target.attr('data-youtube-id') || target.attr('data-vzaar-id'), width = target.attr('data-width') || this._core.settings.videowidth, height = target.attr('data-height') || this._core.settings.videoheight, url = target.attr('href'); if (url) { /* parses the id's out of the following urls (and probably more): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=:id https://youtu.be/:id https://vimeo.com/:id https://vimeo.com/channels/:channel/:id https://vimeo.com/groups/:group/videos/:id https://app.vzaar.com/videos/:id visual example: https://regexper.com/#(http%3a%7chttps%3a%7c)%5c%2f%5c%2f(player.%7cwww.%7capp.)%3f(vimeo%5c.com%7cyoutu(be%5c.com%7c%5c.be%7cbe%5c.googleapis%5c.com)%7cvzaar%5c.com)%5c%2f(video%5c%2f%7cvideos%5c%2f%7cembed%5c%2f%7cchannels%5c%2f.%2b%5c%2f%7cgroups%5c%2f.%2b%5c%2f%7cwatch%5c%3fv%3d%7cv%5c%2f)%3f(%5ba-za-z0-9._%25-%5d*)(%5c%26%5cs%2b)%3f */ id = url.match(/(http:|https:|)\/\/(player.|www.|app.)?(vimeo\.com|youtu(be\.com|\.be|be\.googleapis\.com)|vzaar\.com)\/(video\/|videos\/|embed\/|channels\/.+\/|groups\/.+\/|watch\?v=|v\/)?([a-za-z0-9._%-]*)(\&\s+)?/); if (id[3].indexof('youtu') > -1) { type = 'youtube'; } else if (id[3].indexof('vimeo') > -1) { type = 'vimeo'; } else if (id[3].indexof('vzaar') > -1) { type = 'vzaar'; } else { throw new error('video url not supported.'); } id = id[6]; } else { throw new error('missing video url.'); } this._videos[url] = { type: type, id: id, width: width, height: height }; item.attr('data-video', url); this.thumbnail(target, this._videos[url]); }; /** * creates video thumbnail. * @protected * @param {jquery} target - the target containing the video data. * @param {object} info - the video info object. * @see `fetch` */ video.prototype.thumbnail = function(target, video) { var tnlink, icon, path, dimensions = video.width && video.height ? 'style="width:' + video.width + 'px;height:' + video.height + 'px;"' : '', customtn = target.find('img'), srctype = 'src', lazyclass = '', settings = this._core.settings, create = function(path) { icon = '
'; if (settings.lazyload) { tnlink = '
'; } else { tnlink = '
'; } target.after(tnlink); target.after(icon); }; // wrap video content into owl-video-wrapper div target.wrap('
'); if (this._core.settings.lazyload) { srctype = 'data-src'; lazyclass = 'owl-lazy'; } // custom thumbnail if (customtn.length) { create(customtn.attr(srctype)); customtn.remove(); return false; } if (video.type === 'youtube') { path = "//img.youtube.com/vi/" + video.id + "/hqdefault.jpg"; create(path); } else if (video.type === 'vimeo') { $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: '//vimeo.com/api/v2/video/' + video.id + '.json', jsonp: 'callback', datatype: 'jsonp', success: function(data) { path = data[0].thumbnail_large; create(path); } }); } else if (video.type === 'vzaar') { $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: '//vzaar.com/api/videos/' + video.id + '.json', jsonp: 'callback', datatype: 'jsonp', success: function(data) { path = data.framegrab_url; create(path); } }); } }; /** * stops the current video. * @public */ video.prototype.stop = function() { this._core.trigger('stop', null, 'video'); this._playing.find('.owl-video-frame').remove(); this._playing.removeclass('owl-video-playing'); this._playing = null; this._core.leave('playing'); this._core.trigger('stopped', null, 'video'); }; /** * starts the current video. * @public * @param {event} event - the event arguments. */ video.prototype.play = function(event) { var target = $(event.target), item = target.closest('.' + this._core.settings.itemclass), video = this._videos[item.attr('data-video')], width = video.width || '100%', height = video.height || this._core.$stage.height(), html; if (this._playing) { return; } this._core.enter('playing'); this._core.trigger('play', null, 'video'); item = this._core.items(this._core.relative(item.index())); this._core.reset(item.index()); if (video.type === 'youtube') { html = ''; } else if (video.type === 'vimeo') { html = ''; } else if (video.type === 'vzaar') { html = ''; } $('
' + html + '
').insertafter(item.find('.owl-video')); this._playing = item.addclass('owl-video-playing'); }; /** * checks whether an video is currently in full screen mode or not. * @todo bad style because looks like a readonly method but changes members. * @protected * @returns {boolean} */ video.prototype.isinfullscreen = function() { var element = document.fullscreenelement || document.mozfullscreenelement || document.webkitfullscreenelement; return element && $(element).parent().hasclass('owl-video-frame'); }; /** * destroys the plugin. */ video.prototype.destroy = function() { var handler, property; this._core.$element.off('click.owl.video'); for (handler in this._handlers) { this._core.$element.off(handler, this._handlers[handler]); } for (property in object.getownpropertynames(this)) { typeof this[property] != 'function' && (this[property] = null); } }; $.fn.owlcarousel.constructor.plugins.video = video; })(window.zepto || window.jquery, window, document); /** * animate plugin * @version 2.1.0 * @author bartosz wojciechowski * @author david deutsch * @license the mit license (mit) */ ; (function($, window, document, undefined) { /** * creates the animate plugin. * @class the navigation plugin * @param {owl} scope - the owl carousel */ var animate = function(scope) { this.core = scope; this.core.options = $.extend({}, animate.defaults, this.core.options); this.swapping = true; this.previous = undefined; this.next = undefined; this.handlers = { 'change.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && e.property.name == 'position') { this.previous = this.core.current(); this.next = e.property.value; } }, this), 'drag.owl.carousel dragged.owl.carousel translated.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace) { this.swapping = e.type == 'translated'; } }, this), 'translate.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && this.swapping && (this.core.options.animateout || this.core.options.animatein)) { this.swap(); } }, this) }; this.core.$element.on(this.handlers); }; /** * default options. * @public */ animate.defaults = { animateout: false, animatein: false }; /** * toggles the animation classes whenever an translations starts. * @protected * @returns {boolean|undefined} */ animate.prototype.swap = function() { if (this.core.settings.items !== 1) { return; } if (!$.support.animation || !$.support.transition) { return; } this.core.speed(0); var left, clear = $.proxy(this.clear, this), previous = this.core.$stage.children().eq(this.previous), next = this.core.$stage.children().eq(this.next), incoming = this.core.settings.animatein, outgoing = this.core.settings.animateout; if (this.core.current() === this.previous) { return; } if (outgoing) { left = this.core.coordinates(this.previous) - this.core.coordinates(this.next); previous.one($.support.animation.end, clear) .css({ 'left': left + 'px' }) .addclass('animated owl-animated-out') .addclass(outgoing); } if (incoming) { next.one($.support.animation.end, clear) .addclass('animated owl-animated-in') .addclass(incoming); } }; animate.prototype.clear = function(e) { $(e.target).css({ 'left': '' }) .removeclass('animated owl-animated-out owl-animated-in') .removeclass(this.core.settings.animatein) .removeclass(this.core.settings.animateout); this.core.ontransitionend(); }; /** * destroys the plugin. * @public */ animate.prototype.destroy = function() { var handler, property; for (handler in this.handlers) { this.core.$element.off(handler, this.handlers[handler]); } for (property in object.getownpropertynames(this)) { typeof this[property] != 'function' && (this[property] = null); } }; $.fn.owlcarousel.constructor.plugins.animate = animate; })(window.zepto || window.jquery, window, document); /** * autoplay plugin * @version 2.1.0 * @author bartosz wojciechowski * @author artus kolanowski * @author david deutsch * @license the mit license (mit) */ ; (function($, window, document, undefined) { /** * creates the autoplay plugin. * @class the autoplay plugin * @param {owl} scope - the owl carousel */ var autoplay = function(carousel) { /** * reference to the core. * @protected * @type {owl} */ this._core = carousel; /** * the autoplay timeout. * @type {timeout} */ this._timeout = null; /** * indicates whenever the autoplay is paused. * @type {boolean} */ this._paused = false; /** * all event handlers. * @protected * @type {object} */ this._handlers = { 'changed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && e.property.name === 'settings') { if (this._core.settings.autoplay) { this.play(); } else { this.stop(); } } else if (e.namespace && e.property.name === 'position') { //console.log('play?', e); if (this._core.settings.autoplay) { this._setautoplayinterval(); } } }, this), 'initialized.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.autoplay) { this.play(); } }, this), 'play.owl.autoplay': $.proxy(function(e, t, s) { if (e.namespace) { this.play(t, s); } }, this), 'stop.owl.autoplay': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace) { this.stop(); } }, this), 'mouseover.owl.autoplay': $.proxy(function() { if (this._core.settings.autoplayhoverpause && this._core.is('rotating')) { this.pause(); } }, this), 'mouseleave.owl.autoplay': $.proxy(function() { if (this._core.settings.autoplayhoverpause && this._core.is('rotating')) { this.play(); } }, this), 'touchstart.owl.core': $.proxy(function() { if (this._core.settings.autoplayhoverpause && this._core.is('rotating')) { this.pause(); } }, this), 'touchend.owl.core': $.proxy(function() { if (this._core.settings.autoplayhoverpause) { this.play(); } }, this) }; // register event handlers this._core.$element.on(this._handlers); // set default options this._core.options = $.extend({}, autoplay.defaults, this._core.options); }; /** * default options. * @public */ autoplay.defaults = { autoplay: false, autoplaytimeout: 5000, autoplayhoverpause: false, autoplayspeed: false }; /** * starts the autoplay. * @public * @param {number} [timeout] - the interval before the next animation starts. * @param {number} [speed] - the animation speed for the animations. */ autoplay.prototype.play = function(timeout, speed) { this._paused = false; if (this._core.is('rotating')) { return; } this._core.enter('rotating'); this._setautoplayinterval(); }; /** * gets a new timeout * @private * @param {number} [timeout] - the interval before the next animation starts. * @param {number} [speed] - the animation speed for the animations. * @return {timeout} */ autoplay.prototype._getnexttimeout = function(timeout, speed) { if (this._timeout) { window.cleartimeout(this._timeout); } return window.settimeout($.proxy(function() { if (this._paused || this._core.is('busy') || this._core.is('interacting') || document.hidden) { return; } this._core.next(speed || this._core.settings.autoplayspeed); }, this), timeout || this._core.settings.autoplaytimeout); }; /** * sets autoplay in motion. * @private */ autoplay.prototype._setautoplayinterval = function() { this._timeout = this._getnexttimeout(); }; /** * stops the autoplay. * @public */ autoplay.prototype.stop = function() { if (!this._core.is('rotating')) { return; } window.cleartimeout(this._timeout); this._core.leave('rotating'); }; /** * stops the autoplay. * @public */ autoplay.prototype.pause = function() { if (!this._core.is('rotating')) { return; } this._paused = true; }; /** * destroys the plugin. */ autoplay.prototype.destroy = function() { var handler, property; this.stop(); for (handler in this._handlers) { this._core.$element.off(handler, this._handlers[handler]); } for (property in object.getownpropertynames(this)) { typeof this[property] != 'function' && (this[property] = null); } }; $.fn.owlcarousel.constructor.plugins.autoplay = autoplay; })(window.zepto || window.jquery, window, document); /** * navigation plugin * @version 2.1.0 * @author artus kolanowski * @author david deutsch * @license the mit license (mit) */ ; (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; /** * creates the navigation plugin. * @class the navigation plugin * @param {owl} carousel - the owl carousel. */ var navigation = function(carousel) { /** * reference to the core. * @protected * @type {owl} */ this._core = carousel; /** * indicates whether the plugin is initialized or not. * @protected * @type {boolean} */ this._initialized = false; /** * the current paging indexes. * @protected * @type {array} */ this._pages = []; /** * all dom elements of the user interface. * @protected * @type {object} */ this._controls = {}; /** * markup for an indicator. * @protected * @type {array.} */ this._templates = []; /** * the carousel element. * @type {jquery} */ this.$element = this._core.$element; /** * overridden methods of the carousel. * @protected * @type {object} */ this._overrides = { next: this._core.next, prev: this._core.prev, to: this._core.to }; /** * all event handlers. * @protected * @type {object} */ this._handlers = { 'prepared.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.dotsdata) { this._templates.push('
' + $(e.content).find('[data-dot]').addback('[data-dot]').attr('data-dot') + '
'); } }, this), 'added.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.dotsdata) { this._templates.splice(e.position, 0, this._templates.pop()); } }, this), 'remove.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.dotsdata) { this._templates.splice(e.position, 1); } }, this), 'changed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && e.property.name == 'position') { this.draw(); } }, this), 'initialized.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && !this._initialized) { this._core.trigger('initialize', null, 'navigation'); this.initialize(); this.update(); this.draw(); this._initialized = true; this._core.trigger('initialized', null, 'navigation'); } }, this), 'refreshed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && this._initialized) { this._core.trigger('refresh', null, 'navigation'); this.update(); this.draw(); this._core.trigger('refreshed', null, 'navigation'); } }, this) }; // set default options this._core.options = $.extend({}, navigation.defaults, this._core.options); // register event handlers this.$element.on(this._handlers); }; /** * default options. * @public * @todo rename `slideby` to `navby` */ navigation.defaults = { nav: false, navtext: ['prev', 'next'], navspeed: false, navelement: 'div', navcontainer: false, navcontainerclass: 'owl-nav', navclass: ['owl-prev', 'owl-next'], slideby: 1, dotclass: 'owl-dot', dotsclass: 'owl-dots', dots: true, dotseach: false, dotsdata: false, dotsspeed: false, dotscontainer: false }; /** * initializes the layout of the plugin and extends the carousel. * @protected */ navigation.prototype.initialize = function() { var override, settings = this._core.settings; // create dom structure for relative navigation this._controls.$relative = (settings.navcontainer ? $(settings.navcontainer) : $('
').addclass(settings.navcontainerclass).appendto(this.$element)).addclass('disabled'); this._controls.$previous = $('<' + settings.navelement + '>') .addclass(settings.navclass[0]) .html(settings.navtext[0]) .prependto(this._controls.$relative) .on('click', $.proxy(function(e) { this.prev(settings.navspeed); }, this)); this._controls.$next = $('<' + settings.navelement + '>') .addclass(settings.navclass[1]) .html(settings.navtext[1]) .appendto(this._controls.$relative) .on('click', $.proxy(function(e) { this.next(settings.navspeed); }, this)); // create dom structure for absolute navigation if (!settings.dotsdata) { this._templates = [$('
') .addclass(settings.dotclass) .append($('')) .prop('outerhtml') ]; } this._controls.$absolute = (settings.dotscontainer ? $(settings.dotscontainer) : $('
').addclass(settings.dotsclass).appendto(this.$element)).addclass('disabled'); this._controls.$absolute.on('click', 'div', $.proxy(function(e) { var index = $(e.target).parent().is(this._controls.$absolute) ? $(e.target).index() : $(e.target).parent().index(); e.preventdefault(); this.to(index, settings.dotsspeed); }, this)); // override public methods of the carousel for (override in this._overrides) { this._core[override] = $.proxy(this[override], this); } }; /** * destroys the plugin. * @protected */ navigation.prototype.destroy = function() { var handler, control, property, override; for (handler in this._handlers) { this.$element.off(handler, this._handlers[handler]); } for (control in this._controls) { this._controls[control].remove(); } for (override in this.overides) { this._core[override] = this._overrides[override]; } for (property in object.getownpropertynames(this)) { typeof this[property] != 'function' && (this[property] = null); } }; /** * updates the internal state. * @protected */ navigation.prototype.update = function() { var i, j, k, lower = this._core.clones().length / 2, upper = lower + this._core.items().length, maximum = this._core.maximum(true), settings = this._core.settings, size = settings.center || settings.autowidth || settings.dotsdata ? 1 : settings.dotseach || settings.items; if (settings.slideby !== 'page') { settings.slideby = math.min(settings.slideby, settings.items); } if (settings.dots || settings.slideby == 'page') { this._pages = []; for (i = lower, j = 0, k = 0; i < upper; i++) { if (j >= size || j === 0) { this._pages.push({ start: math.min(maximum, i - lower), end: i - lower + size - 1 }); if (math.min(maximum, i - lower) === maximum) { break; } j = 0, ++k; } j += this._core.mergers(this._core.relative(i)); } } }; /** * draws the user interface. * @todo the option `dotsdata` wont work. * @protected */ navigation.prototype.draw = function() { var difference, settings = this._core.settings, disabled = this._core.items().length <= settings.items, index = this._core.relative(this._core.current()), loop = settings.loop || settings.rewind; this._controls.$relative.toggleclass('disabled', !settings.nav || disabled); if (settings.nav) { this._controls.$previous.toggleclass('disabled', !loop && index <= this._core.minimum(true)); this._controls.$next.toggleclass('disabled', !loop && index >= this._core.maximum(true)); } this._controls.$absolute.toggleclass('disabled', !settings.dots || disabled); if (settings.dots) { difference = this._pages.length - this._controls.$absolute.children().length; if (settings.dotsdata && difference !== 0) { this._controls.$absolute.html(this._templates.join('')); } else if (difference > 0) { this._controls.$absolute.append(new array(difference + 1).join(this._templates[0])); } else if (difference < 0) { this._controls.$absolute.children().slice(difference).remove(); } this._controls.$absolute.find('.active').removeclass('active'); this._controls.$absolute.children().eq($.inarray(this.current(), this._pages)).addclass('active'); } }; /** * extends event data. * @protected * @param {event} event - the event object which gets thrown. */ navigation.prototype.ontrigger = function(event) { var settings = this._core.settings; event.page = { index: $.inarray(this.current(), this._pages), count: this._pages.length, size: settings && (settings.center || settings.autowidth || settings.dotsdata ? 1 : settings.dotseach || settings.items) }; }; /** * gets the current page position of the carousel. * @protected * @returns {number} */ navigation.prototype.current = function() { var current = this._core.relative(this._core.current()); return $.grep(this._pages, $.proxy(function(page, index) { return page.start <= current && page.end >= current; }, this)).pop(); }; /** * gets the current succesor/predecessor position. * @protected * @returns {number} */ navigation.prototype.getposition = function(successor) { var position, length, settings = this._core.settings; if (settings.slideby == 'page') { position = $.inarray(this.current(), this._pages); length = this._pages.length; successor ? ++position : --position; position = this._pages[((position % length) + length) % length].start; } else { position = this._core.relative(this._core.current()); length = this._core.items().length; successor ? position += settings.slideby : position -= settings.slideby; } return position; }; /** * slides to the next item or page. * @public * @param {number} [speed=false] - the time in milliseconds for the transition. */ navigation.prototype.next = function(speed) { $.proxy(this._overrides.to, this._core)(this.getposition(true), speed); }; /** * slides to the previous item or page. * @public * @param {number} [speed=false] - the time in milliseconds for the transition. */ navigation.prototype.prev = function(speed) { $.proxy(this._overrides.to, this._core)(this.getposition(false), speed); }; /** * slides to the specified item or page. * @public * @param {number} position - the position of the item or page. * @param {number} [speed] - the time in milliseconds for the transition. * @param {boolean} [standard=false] - whether to use the standard behaviour or not. */ navigation.prototype.to = function(position, speed, standard) { var length; if (!standard && this._pages.length) { length = this._pages.length; $.proxy(this._overrides.to, this._core)(this._pages[((position % length) + length) % length].start, speed); } else { $.proxy(this._overrides.to, this._core)(position, speed); } }; $.fn.owlcarousel.constructor.plugins.navigation = navigation; })(window.zepto || window.jquery, window, document); /** * hash plugin * @version 2.1.0 * @author artus kolanowski * @author david deutsch * @license the mit license (mit) */ ; (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; /** * creates the hash plugin. * @class the hash plugin * @param {owl} carousel - the owl carousel */ var hash = function(carousel) { /** * reference to the core. * @protected * @type {owl} */ this._core = carousel; /** * hash index for the items. * @protected * @type {object} */ this._hashes = {}; /** * the carousel element. * @type {jquery} */ this.$element = this._core.$element; /** * all event handlers. * @protected * @type {object} */ this._handlers = { 'initialized.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.startposition === 'urlhash') { $(window).trigger('hashchange.owl.navigation'); } }, this), 'prepared.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace) { var hash = $(e.content).find('[data-hash]').addback('[data-hash]').attr('data-hash'); if (!hash) { return; } this._hashes[hash] = e.content; } }, this), 'changed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && e.property.name === 'position') { var current = this._core.items(this._core.relative(this._core.current())), hash = $.map(this._hashes, function(item, hash) { return item === current ? hash : null; }).join(); if (!hash || window.location.hash.slice(1) === hash) { return; } window.location.hash = hash; } }, this) }; // set default options this._core.options = $.extend({}, hash.defaults, this._core.options); // register the event handlers this.$element.on(this._handlers); // register event listener for hash navigation $(window).on('hashchange.owl.navigation', $.proxy(function(e) { var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1), items = this._core.$stage.children(), position = this._hashes[hash] && items.index(this._hashes[hash]); if (position === undefined || position === this._core.current()) { return; } this._core.to(this._core.relative(position), false, true); }, this)); }; /** * default options. * @public */ hash.defaults = { urlhashlistener: false }; /** * destroys the plugin. * @public */ hash.prototype.destroy = function() { var handler, property; $(window).off('hashchange.owl.navigation'); for (handler in this._handlers) { this._core.$element.off(handler, this._handlers[handler]); } for (property in object.getownpropertynames(this)) { typeof this[property] != 'function' && (this[property] = null); } }; $.fn.owlcarousel.constructor.plugins.hash = hash; })(window.zepto || window.jquery, window, document); /** * support plugin * * @version 2.1.0 * @author vivid planet software gmbh * @author artus kolanowski * @author david deutsch * @license the mit license (mit) */ ; (function($, window, document, undefined) { var style = $('').get(0).style, prefixes = 'webkit moz o ms'.split(' '), events = { transition: { end: { webkittransition: 'webkittransitionend', moztransition: 'transitionend', otransition: 'otransitionend', transition: 'transitionend' } }, animation: { end: { webkitanimation: 'webkitanimationend', mozanimation: 'animationend', oanimation: 'oanimationend', animation: 'animationend' } } }, tests = { csstransforms: function() { return !!test('transform') }, csstransforms3d: function() { return !!test('perspective') }, csstransitions: function() { return !!test('transition') }, cssanimations: function() { return !!test('animation') } }; function test(property, prefixed) { var result = !1, upper = property.charat(0).touppercase() + property.slice(1); $.each((property + ' ' + prefixes.join(upper + ' ') + upper).split(' '), function(i, property) { if (style[property] !== undefined) { result = prefixed ? property : !0; return !1 } }); return result } function prefixed(property) { return test(property, !0) } if (tests.csstransitions()) { $.support.transition = new string(prefixed('transition')) $.support.transition.end = events.transition.end[$.support.transition] } if (tests.cssanimations()) { $.support.animation = new string(prefixed('animation')) $.support.animation.end = events.animation.end[$.support.animation] } if (tests.csstransforms()) { $.support.transform = new string(prefixed('transform')); $.support.transform3d = tests.csstransforms3d() } })(window.zepto || window.jquery, window, document); /*! * fancybox - jquery plugin * version: 2.1.7 (tue, 28 feb 2017) * requires jquery v1.6 or later * * examples at http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/ * license: www.fancyapps.com/fancybox/#license * * copyright 2017 fancyapps.com * */ ; (function(window, document, $, undefined) { "use strict"; var h = $("html"), w = $(window), d = $(document), f = $.fancybox = function() { f.open.apply(this, arguments) }, ie = navigator.useragent.match(/msie/i), didupdate = null, istouch = document.createtouch !== undefined, isquery = function(obj) { return obj && obj.hasownproperty && obj instanceof $ }, isstring = function(str) { return str && $.type(str) === "string" }, ispercentage = function(str) { return isstring(str) && str.indexof('%') > 0 }, isscrollable = function(el) { return (el && !(el.style.overflow && el.style.overflow === 'hidden') && ((el.clientwidth && el.scrollwidth > el.clientwidth) || (el.clientheight && el.scrollheight > el.clientheight))) }, getscalar = function(orig, dim) { var value = parseint(orig, 10) || 0; if (dim && ispercentage(orig)) { value = f.getviewport()[dim] / 100 * value } return math.ceil(value) }, getvalue = function(value, dim) { return getscalar(value, dim) + 'px' }; $.extend(f, { version: '2.1.7', defaults: { padding: 15, margin: 20, width: 800, height: 600, minwidth: 100, minheight: 100, maxwidth: 9999, maxheight: 9999, pixelratio: 1, autosize: !0, autoheight: !1, autowidth: !1, autoresize: !0, autocenter: !istouch, fittoview: !0, aspectratio: !1, topratio: 0.5, leftratio: 0.5, scrolling: 'auto', wrapcss: '', arrows: !0, closebtn: !0, closeclick: !1, nextclick: !1, mousewheel: !0, autoplay: !1, playspeed: 3000, preload: 3, modal: !1, loop: !0, ajax: { datatype: 'html', headers: { 'x-fancybox': !0 } }, iframe: { scrolling: 'auto', preload: !0 }, swf: { wmode: 'transparent', allowfullscreen: 'true', allowscriptaccess: 'always' }, keys: { next: { 13: 'left', 34: 'up', 39: 'left', 40: 'up' }, prev: { 8: 'right', 33: 'down', 37: 'right', 38: 'down' }, close: [27], play: [32], toggle: [70] }, direction: { next: 'left', prev: 'right' }, scrolloutside: !0, index: 0, type: null, href: null, content: null, title: null, tpl: { wrap: '
', image: '', iframe: '', error: '

the requested content cannot be loaded.
please try again later.

', closebtn: '', next: '', prev: '', loading: '
' }, openeffect: 'fade', openspeed: 250, openeasing: 'swing', openopacity: !0, openmethod: 'zoomin', closeeffect: 'fade', closespeed: 250, closeeasing: 'swing', closeopacity: !0, closemethod: 'zoomout', nexteffect: 'elastic', nextspeed: 250, nexteasing: 'swing', nextmethod: 'changein', preveffect: 'elastic', prevspeed: 250, preveasing: 'swing', prevmethod: 'changeout', helpers: { overlay: !0, title: !0 }, oncancel: $.noop, beforeload: $.noop, afterload: $.noop, beforeshow: $.noop, aftershow: $.noop, beforechange: $.noop, beforeclose: $.noop, afterclose: $.noop }, group: {}, opts: {}, previous: null, coming: null, current: null, isactive: !1, isopen: !1, isopened: !1, wrap: null, skin: null, outer: null, inner: null, player: { timer: null, isactive: !1 }, ajaxload: null, imgpreload: null, transitions: {}, helpers: {}, open: function(group, opts) { if (!group) { return } if (!$.isplainobject(opts)) { opts = {} } if (!1 === f.close(!0)) { return } if (!$.isarray(group)) { group = isquery(group) ? $(group).get() : [group] } $.each(group, function(i, element) { var obj = {}, href, title, content, type, rez, hrefparts, selector; if ($.type(element) === "object") { if (element.nodetype) { element = $(element) } if (isquery(element)) { obj = { href: element.data('fancybox-href') || element.attr('href'), title: $('
').text(element.data('fancybox-title') || element.attr('title') || '').html(), isdom: !0, element: element }; if ($.metadata) { $.extend(!0, obj, element.metadata()) } } else { obj = element } } href = opts.href || obj.href || (isstring(element) ? element : null); title = opts.title !== undefined ? opts.title : obj.title || ''; content = opts.content || obj.content; type = content ? 'html' : (opts.type || obj.type); if (!type && obj.isdom) { type = element.data('fancybox-type'); if (!type) { rez = element.prop('class').match(/fancybox\.(\w+)/); type = rez ? rez[1] : null } } if (isstring(href)) { if (!type) { if (f.isimage(href)) { type = 'image' } else if (f.isswf(href)) { type = 'swf' } else if (href.charat(0) === '#') { type = 'inline' } else if (isstring(element)) { type = 'html'; content = element } } if (type === 'ajax') { hrefparts = href.split(/\s+/, 2); href = hrefparts.shift(); selector = hrefparts.shift() } } if (!content) { if (type === 'inline') { if (href) { content = $(isstring(href) ? href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '') : href) } else if (obj.isdom) { content = element } } else if (type === 'html') { content = href } else if (!type && !href && obj.isdom) { type = 'inline'; content = element } } $.extend(obj, { href: href, type: type, content: content, title: title, selector: selector }); group[i] = obj }); f.opts = $.extend(!0, {}, f.defaults, opts); if (opts.keys !== undefined) { f.opts.keys = opts.keys ? $.extend({}, f.defaults.keys, opts.keys) : !1 } f.group = group; return f._start(f.opts.index) }, cancel: function() { var coming = f.coming; if (coming && !1 === f.trigger('oncancel')) { return } f.hideloading(); if (!coming) { return } if (f.ajaxload) { f.ajaxload.abort() } f.ajaxload = null; if (f.imgpreload) { f.imgpreload.onload = f.imgpreload.onerror = null } if (coming.wrap) { coming.wrap.stop(!0, !0).trigger('onreset').remove() } f.coming = null; if (!f.current) { f._afterzoomout(coming) } }, close: function(event) { f.cancel(); if (!1 === f.trigger('beforeclose')) { return } f.unbindevents(); if (!f.isactive) { return } if (!f.isopen || event === !0) { $('.fancybox-wrap').stop(!0).trigger('onreset').remove(); f._afterzoomout() } else { f.isopen = f.isopened = !1; f.isclosing = !0; $('.fancybox-item, .fancybox-nav').remove(); f.wrap.stop(!0, !0).removeclass('fancybox-opened'); f.transitions[f.current.closemethod]() } }, play: function(action) { var clear = function() { cleartimeout(f.player.timer) }, set = function() { clear(); if (f.current && f.player.isactive) { f.player.timer = settimeout(f.next, f.current.playspeed) } }, stop = function() { clear(); d.unbind('.player'); f.player.isactive = !1; f.trigger('onplayend') }, start = function() { if (f.current && (f.current.loop || f.current.index < f.group.length - 1)) { f.player.isactive = !0; d.bind({ 'oncancel.player beforeclose.player': stop, 'onupdate.player': set, 'beforeload.player': clear }); set(); f.trigger('onplaystart') } }; if (action === !0 || (!f.player.isactive && action !== !1)) { start() } else { stop() } }, next: function(direction) { var current = f.current; if (current) { if (!isstring(direction)) { direction = current.direction.next } f.jumpto(current.index + 1, direction, 'next') } }, prev: function(direction) { var current = f.current; if (current) { if (!isstring(direction)) { direction = current.direction.prev } f.jumpto(current.index - 1, direction, 'prev') } }, jumpto: function(index, direction, router) { var current = f.current; if (!current) { return } index = getscalar(index); f.direction = direction || current.direction[(index >= current.index ? 'next' : 'prev')]; f.router = router || 'jumpto'; if (current.loop) { if (index < 0) { index = current.group.length + (index % current.group.length) } index = index % current.group.length } if (current.group[index] !== undefined) { f.cancel(); f._start(index) } }, reposition: function(e, onlyabsolute) { var current = f.current, wrap = current ? current.wrap : null, pos; if (wrap) { pos = f._getposition(onlyabsolute); if (e && e.type === 'scroll') { delete pos.position; wrap.stop(!0, !0).animate(pos, 200) } else { wrap.css(pos); current.pos = $.extend({}, current.dim, pos) } } }, update: function(e) { var type = (e && e.originalevent && e.originalevent.type), anyway = !type || type === 'orientationchange'; if (anyway) { cleartimeout(didupdate); didupdate = null } if (!f.isopen || didupdate) { return } didupdate = settimeout(function() { var current = f.current; if (!current || f.isclosing) { return } f.wrap.removeclass('fancybox-tmp'); if (anyway || type === 'load' || (type === 'resize' && current.autoresize)) { f._setdimension() } if (!(type === 'scroll' && current.canshrink)) { f.reposition(e) } f.trigger('onupdate'); didupdate = null }, (anyway && !istouch ? 0 : 300)) }, toggle: function(action) { if (f.isopen) { f.current.fittoview = $.type(action) === "boolean" ? action : !f.current.fittoview; if (istouch) { f.wrap.removeattr('style').addclass('fancybox-tmp'); f.trigger('onupdate') } f.update() } }, hideloading: function() { d.unbind('.loading'); $('#fancybox-loading').remove() }, showloading: function() { var el, viewport; f.hideloading(); el = $(f.opts.tpl.loading).click(f.cancel).appendto('body'); d.bind('keydown.loading', function(e) { if ((e.which || e.keycode) === 27) { e.preventdefault(); f.cancel() } }); if (!f.defaults.fixed) { viewport = f.getviewport(); el.css({ position: 'absolute', top: (viewport.h * 0.5) + viewport.y, left: (viewport.w * 0.5) + viewport.x }) } f.trigger('onloading') }, getviewport: function() { var locked = (f.current && f.current.locked) || !1, rez = { x: w.scrollleft(), y: w.scrolltop() }; if (locked && locked.length) { rez.w = locked[0].clientwidth; rez.h = locked[0].clientheight } else { rez.w = istouch && window.innerwidth ? window.innerwidth : w.width(); rez.h = istouch && window.innerheight ? window.innerheight : w.height() } return rez }, unbindevents: function() { if (f.wrap && isquery(f.wrap)) { f.wrap.unbind('.fb') } d.unbind('.fb'); w.unbind('.fb') }, bindevents: function() { var current = f.current, keys; if (!current) { return } w.bind('orientationchange.fb' + (istouch ? '' : ' resize.fb') + (current.autocenter && !current.locked ? ' scroll.fb' : ''), f.update); keys = current.keys; if (keys) { d.bind('keydown.fb', function(e) { var code = e.which || e.keycode, target = e.target || e.srcelement; if (code === 27 && f.coming) { return !1 } if (!e.ctrlkey && !e.altkey && !e.shiftkey && !e.metakey && !(target && (target.type || $(target).is('[contenteditable]')))) { $.each(keys, function(i, val) { if (current.group.length > 1 && val[code] !== undefined) { f[i](val[code]); e.preventdefault(); return !1 } if ($.inarray(code, val) > -1) { f[i](); e.preventdefault(); return !1 } }) } }) } if ($.fn.mousewheel && current.mousewheel) { f.wrap.bind('mousewheel.fb', function(e, delta, deltax, deltay) { var target = e.target || null, parent = $(target), canscroll = !1; while (parent.length) { if (canscroll || parent.is('.fancybox-skin') || parent.is('.fancybox-wrap')) { break } canscroll = isscrollable(parent[0]); parent = $(parent).parent() } if (delta !== 0 && !canscroll) { if (f.group.length > 1 && !current.canshrink) { if (deltay > 0 || deltax > 0) { f.prev(deltay > 0 ? 'down' : 'left') } else if (deltay < 0 || deltax < 0) { f.next(deltay < 0 ? 'up' : 'right') } e.preventdefault() } } }) } }, trigger: function(event, o) { var ret, obj = o || f.coming || f.current; if (obj) { if ($.isfunction(obj[event])) { ret = obj[event].apply(obj, array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)) } if (ret === !1) { return !1 } if (obj.helpers) { $.each(obj.helpers, function(helper, opts) { if (opts && f.helpers[helper] && $.isfunction(f.helpers[helper][event])) { f.helpers[helper][event]($.extend(!0, {}, f.helpers[helper].defaults, opts), obj) } }) } } d.trigger(event) }, isimage: function(str) { return isstring(str) && str.match(/(^data:image\/.*,)|(\.(jp(e|g|eg)|gif|png|bmp|webp|svg)((\?|#).*)?$)/i) }, isswf: function(str) { return isstring(str) && str.match(/\.(swf)((\?|#).*)?$/i) }, _start: function(index) { var coming = {}, obj, href, type, margin, padding; index = getscalar(index); obj = f.group[index] || null; if (!obj) { return !1 } coming = $.extend(!0, {}, f.opts, obj); margin = coming.margin; padding = coming.padding; if ($.type(margin) === 'number') { coming.margin = [margin, margin, margin, margin] } if ($.type(padding) === 'number') { coming.padding = [padding, padding, padding, padding] } if (coming.modal) { $.extend(!0, coming, { closebtn: !1, closeclick: !1, nextclick: !1, arrows: !1, mousewheel: !1, keys: null, helpers: { overlay: { closeclick: !1 } } }) } if (coming.autosize) { coming.autowidth = coming.autoheight = !0 } if (coming.width === 'auto') { coming.autowidth = !0 } if (coming.height === 'auto') { coming.autoheight = !0 } coming.group = f.group; coming.index = index; f.coming = coming; if (!1 === f.trigger('beforeload')) { f.coming = null; return } type = coming.type; href = coming.href; if (!type) { f.coming = null; if (f.current && f.router && f.router !== 'jumpto') { f.current.index = index; return f[f.router](f.direction) } return !1 } f.isactive = !0; if (type === 'image' || type === 'swf') { coming.autoheight = coming.autowidth = !1; coming.scrolling = 'visible' } if (type === 'image') { coming.aspectratio = !0 } if (type === 'iframe' && istouch) { coming.scrolling = 'scroll' } coming.wrap = $(coming.tpl.wrap).addclass('fancybox-' + (istouch ? 'mobile' : 'desktop') + ' fancybox-type-' + type + ' fancybox-tmp ' + coming.wrapcss).appendto(coming.parent || 'body'); $.extend(coming, { skin: $('.fancybox-skin', coming.wrap), outer: $('.fancybox-outer', coming.wrap), inner: $('.fancybox-inner', coming.wrap) }); $.each(["top", "right", "bottom", "left"], function(i, v) { coming.skin.css('padding' + v, getvalue(coming.padding[i])) }); f.trigger('onready'); if (type === 'inline' || type === 'html') { if (!coming.content || !coming.content.length) { return f._error('content') } } else if (!href) { return f._error('href') } if (type === 'image') { f._loadimage() } else if (type === 'ajax') { f._loadajax() } else if (type === 'iframe') { f._loadiframe() } else { f._afterload() } }, _error: function(type) { $.extend(f.coming, { type: 'html', autowidth: !0, autoheight: !0, minwidth: 0, minheight: 0, scrolling: 'no', haserror: type, content: f.coming.tpl.error }); f._afterload() }, _loadimage: function() { var img = f.imgpreload = new image(); img.onload = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; f.coming.width = this.width / f.opts.pixelratio; f.coming.height = this.height / f.opts.pixelratio; f._afterload() }; img.onerror = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; f._error('image') }; img.src = f.coming.href; if (img.complete !== !0) { f.showloading() } }, _loadajax: function() { var coming = f.coming; f.showloading(); f.ajaxload = $.ajax($.extend({}, coming.ajax, { url: coming.href, error: function(jqxhr, textstatus) { if (f.coming && textstatus !== 'abort') { f._error('ajax', jqxhr) } else { f.hideloading() } }, success: function(data, textstatus) { if (textstatus === 'success') { coming.content = data; f._afterload() } } })) }, _loadiframe: function() { var coming = f.coming, iframe = $(coming.tpl.iframe.replace(/\{rnd\}/g, new date().gettime())).attr('scrolling', istouch ? 'auto' : coming.iframe.scrolling).attr('src', coming.href); $(coming.wrap).bind('onreset', function() { try { $(this).find('iframe').hide().attr('src', '//about:blank').end().empty() } catch (e) {} }); if (coming.iframe.preload) { f.showloading(); iframe.one('load', function() { $(this).data('ready', 1); if (!istouch) { $(this).bind('load.fb', f.update) } $(this).parents('.fancybox-wrap').width('100%').removeclass('fancybox-tmp').show(); f._afterload() }) } coming.content = iframe.appendto(coming.inner); if (!coming.iframe.preload) { f._afterload() } }, _preloadimages: function() { var group = f.group, current = f.current, len = group.length, cnt = current.preload ? math.min(current.preload, len - 1) : 0, item, i; for (i = 1; i <= cnt; i += 1) { item = group[(current.index + i) % len]; if (item.type === 'image' && item.href) { new image().src = item.href } } }, _afterload: function() { var coming = f.coming, previous = f.current, placeholder = 'fancybox-placeholder', current, content, type, scrolling, href, embed; f.hideloading(); if (!coming || f.isactive === !1) { return } if (!1 === f.trigger('afterload', coming, previous)) { coming.wrap.stop(!0).trigger('onreset').remove(); f.coming = null; return } if (previous) { f.trigger('beforechange', previous); previous.wrap.stop(!0).removeclass('fancybox-opened').find('.fancybox-item, .fancybox-nav').remove() } f.unbindevents(); current = coming; content = coming.content; type = coming.type; scrolling = coming.scrolling; $.extend(f, { wrap: current.wrap, skin: current.skin, outer: current.outer, inner: current.inner, current: current, previous: previous }); href = current.href; switch (type) { case 'inline': case 'ajax': case 'html': if (current.selector) { content = $('
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'hidden' : scrolling)); f._setdimension(); f.reposition(); f.isopen = !1; f.coming = null; f.bindevents(); if (!f.isopened) { $('.fancybox-wrap').not(current.wrap).stop(!0).trigger('onreset').remove() } else if (previous.prevmethod) { f.transitions[previous.prevmethod]() } f.transitions[f.isopened ? current.nextmethod : current.openmethod](); f._preloadimages() }, _setdimension: function() { var viewport = f.getviewport(), steps = 0, canshrink = !1, canexpand = !1, wrap = f.wrap, skin = f.skin, inner = f.inner, current = f.current, width = current.width, height = current.height, minwidth = current.minwidth, minheight = current.minheight, maxwidth = current.maxwidth, maxheight = current.maxheight, scrolling = current.scrolling, scrollout = current.scrolloutside ? current.scrollbarwidth : 0, margin = current.margin, wmargin = getscalar(margin[1] + margin[3]), hmargin = getscalar(margin[0] + margin[2]), wpadding, hpadding, wspace, hspace, origwidth, origheight, origmaxwidth, origmaxheight, ratio, width_, height_, maxwidth_, maxheight_, iframe, body; wrap.add(skin).add(inner).width('auto').height('auto').removeclass('fancybox-tmp'); wpadding = getscalar(skin.outerwidth(!0) - skin.width()); hpadding = getscalar(skin.outerheight(!0) - skin.height()); wspace = wmargin + wpadding; hspace = hmargin + hpadding; origwidth = ispercentage(width) ? (viewport.w - wspace) * getscalar(width) / 100 : width; origheight = ispercentage(height) ? (viewport.h - hspace) * getscalar(height) / 100 : height; if (current.type === 'iframe') { iframe = current.content; if (current.autoheight && iframe && iframe.data('ready') === 1) { try { if (iframe[0].contentwindow.document.location) { inner.width(origwidth).height(9999); body = iframe.contents().find('body'); if (scrollout) { body.css('overflow-x', 'hidden') } origheight = body.outerheight(!0) } } catch (e) {} } } else if (current.autowidth || current.autoheight) { inner.addclass('fancybox-tmp'); if (!current.autowidth) { inner.width(origwidth) } if (!current.autoheight) { inner.height(origheight) } if (current.autowidth) { origwidth = inner.width() } if (current.autoheight) { origheight = inner.height() } inner.removeclass('fancybox-tmp') } width = getscalar(origwidth); height = getscalar(origheight); ratio = origwidth / origheight; minwidth = getscalar(ispercentage(minwidth) ? getscalar(minwidth, 'w') - wspace : minwidth); maxwidth = getscalar(ispercentage(maxwidth) ? getscalar(maxwidth, 'w') - wspace : maxwidth); minheight = getscalar(ispercentage(minheight) ? getscalar(minheight, 'h') - hspace : minheight); maxheight = getscalar(ispercentage(maxheight) ? getscalar(maxheight, 'h') - hspace : maxheight); origmaxwidth = maxwidth; origmaxheight = maxheight; if (current.fittoview) { maxwidth = math.min(viewport.w - wspace, maxwidth); maxheight = math.min(viewport.h - hspace, maxheight) } maxwidth_ = viewport.w - wmargin; maxheight_ = viewport.h - hmargin; if (current.aspectratio) { if (width > maxwidth) { width = maxwidth; height = getscalar(width / ratio) } if (height > maxheight) { height = maxheight; width = getscalar(height * ratio) } if (width < minwidth) { width = minwidth; height = getscalar(width / ratio) } if (height < minheight) { height = minheight; width = getscalar(height * ratio) } } else { width = math.max(minwidth, math.min(width, maxwidth)); if (current.autoheight && current.type !== 'iframe') { inner.width(width); height = inner.height() } height = math.max(minheight, math.min(height, maxheight)) } if (current.fittoview) { inner.width(width).height(height); wrap.width(width + wpadding); width_ = wrap.width(); height_ = wrap.height(); if (current.aspectratio) { while ((width_ > maxwidth_ || height_ > maxheight_) && width > minwidth && height > minheight) { if (steps++ > 19) { break } height = math.max(minheight, math.min(maxheight, height - 10)); width = getscalar(height * ratio); if (width < minwidth) { width = minwidth; height = getscalar(width / ratio) } if (width > maxwidth) { width = maxwidth; height = getscalar(width / ratio) } inner.width(width).height(height); wrap.width(width + wpadding); width_ = wrap.width(); height_ = wrap.height() } } else { width = math.max(minwidth, math.min(width, width - (width_ - maxwidth_))); height = math.max(minheight, math.min(height, height - (height_ - maxheight_))) } } if (scrollout && scrolling === 'auto' && height < origheight && (width + wpadding + scrollout) < maxwidth_) { width += scrollout } inner.width(width).height(height); wrap.width(width + wpadding); width_ = wrap.width(); height_ = wrap.height(); canshrink = (width_ > maxwidth_ || height_ > maxheight_) && width > minwidth && height > minheight; canexpand = current.aspectratio ? (width < origmaxwidth && height < origmaxheight && width < origwidth && height < origheight) : ((width < origmaxwidth || height < origmaxheight) && (width < origwidth || height < origheight)); $.extend(current, { dim: { width: getvalue(width_), height: getvalue(height_) }, origwidth: origwidth, origheight: origheight, canshrink: canshrink, canexpand: canexpand, wpadding: wpadding, hpadding: hpadding, wrapspace: height_ - skin.outerheight(!0), skinspace: skin.height() - height }); if (!iframe && current.autoheight && height > minheight && height < maxheight && !canexpand) { inner.height('auto') } }, _getposition: function(onlyabsolute) { var current = f.current, viewport = f.getviewport(), margin = current.margin, width = f.wrap.width() + margin[1] + margin[3], height = f.wrap.height() + margin[0] + margin[2], rez = { position: 'absolute', top: margin[0], left: margin[3] }; if (current.autocenter && current.fixed && !onlyabsolute && height <= viewport.h && width <= viewport.w) { rez.position = 'fixed' } else if (!current.locked) { rez.top += viewport.y; rez.left += viewport.x } rez.top = getvalue(math.max(rez.top, rez.top + ((viewport.h - height) * current.topratio))); rez.left = getvalue(math.max(rez.left, rez.left + ((viewport.w - width) * current.leftratio))); return rez }, _afterzoomin: function() { var current = f.current; if (!current) { return } f.isopen = f.isopened = !0; f.wrap.css('overflow', 'visible').addclass('fancybox-opened').hide().show(0); f.update(); if (current.closeclick || (current.nextclick && f.group.length > 1)) { f.inner.css('cursor', 'pointer').bind('click.fb', function(e) { if (!$(e.target).is('a') && !$(e.target).parent().is('a')) { e.preventdefault(); f[current.closeclick ? 'close' : 'next']() } }) } if (current.closebtn) { $(current.tpl.closebtn).appendto(f.skin).bind('click.fb', function(e) { e.preventdefault(); f.close() }) } if (current.arrows && f.group.length > 1) { if (current.loop || current.index > 0) { $(current.tpl.prev).appendto(f.outer).bind('click.fb', f.prev) } if (current.loop || current.index < f.group.length - 1) { $(current.tpl.next).appendto(f.outer).bind('click.fb', f.next) } } f.trigger('aftershow'); if (!current.loop && current.index === current.group.length - 1) { f.play(!1) } else if (f.opts.autoplay && !f.player.isactive) { f.opts.autoplay = !1; f.play(!0) } }, _afterzoomout: function(obj) { obj = obj || f.current; $('.fancybox-wrap').trigger('onreset').remove(); $.extend(f, { group: {}, opts: {}, router: !1, current: null, isactive: !1, isopened: !1, isopen: !1, isclosing: !1, wrap: null, skin: null, outer: null, inner: null }); f.trigger('afterclose', obj) } }); f.transitions = { getorigposition: function() { var current = f.current, element = current.element, orig = current.orig, pos = {}, width = 50, height = 50, hpadding = current.hpadding, wpadding = current.wpadding, viewport = f.getviewport(); if (!orig && current.isdom && element.is(':visible')) { orig = element.find('img:first'); if (!orig.length) { orig = element } } if (isquery(orig)) { pos = orig.offset(); if (orig.is('img')) { width = orig.outerwidth(); height = orig.outerheight() } } else { pos.top = viewport.y + (viewport.h - height) * current.topratio; pos.left = viewport.x + (viewport.w - width) * current.leftratio } if (f.wrap.css('position') === 'fixed' || current.locked) { pos.top -= viewport.y; pos.left -= viewport.x } pos = { top: getvalue(pos.top - hpadding * current.topratio), left: getvalue(pos.left - wpadding * current.leftratio), width: getvalue(width + wpadding), height: getvalue(height + hpadding) }; return pos }, step: function(now, fx) { var ratio, padding, value, prop = fx.prop, current = f.current, wrapspace = current.wrapspace, skinspace = current.skinspace; if (prop === 'width' || prop === 'height') { ratio = fx.end === fx.start ? 1 : (now - fx.start) / (fx.end - fx.start); if (f.isclosing) { ratio = 1 - ratio } padding = prop === 'width' ? current.wpadding : current.hpadding; value = now - padding; f.skin[prop](getscalar(prop === 'width' ? value : value - (wrapspace * ratio))); f.inner[prop](getscalar(prop === 'width' ? value : value - (wrapspace * ratio) - (skinspace * ratio))) } }, zoomin: function() { var current = f.current, startpos = current.pos, effect = current.openeffect, elastic = effect === 'elastic', endpos = $.extend({ opacity: 1 }, startpos); delete endpos.position; if (elastic) { startpos = this.getorigposition(); if (current.openopacity) { startpos.opacity = 0.1 } } else if (effect === 'fade') { startpos.opacity = 0.1 } f.wrap.css(startpos).animate(endpos, { duration: effect === 'none' ? 0 : current.openspeed, easing: current.openeasing, step: elastic ? this.step : null, complete: f._afterzoomin }) }, zoomout: function() { var current = f.current, effect = current.closeeffect, elastic = effect === 'elastic', endpos = { opacity: 0.1 }; if (elastic) { endpos = this.getorigposition(); if (current.closeopacity) { endpos.opacity = 0.1 } } f.wrap.animate(endpos, { duration: effect === 'none' ? 0 : current.closespeed, easing: current.closeeasing, step: elastic ? this.step : null, complete: f._afterzoomout }) }, changein: function() { var current = f.current, effect = current.nexteffect, startpos = current.pos, endpos = { opacity: 1 }, direction = f.direction, distance = 200, field; startpos.opacity = 0.1; if (effect === 'elastic') { field = direction === 'down' || direction === 'up' ? 'top' : 'left'; if (direction === 'down' || direction === 'right') { startpos[field] = getvalue(getscalar(startpos[field]) - distance); endpos[field] = '+=' + distance + 'px' } else { startpos[field] = getvalue(getscalar(startpos[field]) + distance); endpos[field] = '-=' + distance + 'px' } } if (effect === 'none') { f._afterzoomin() } else { f.wrap.css(startpos).animate(endpos, { duration: current.nextspeed, easing: current.nexteasing, complete: f._afterzoomin }) } }, changeout: function() { var previous = f.previous, effect = previous.preveffect, endpos = { opacity: 0.1 }, direction = f.direction, distance = 200; if (effect === 'elastic') { endpos[direction === 'down' || direction === 'up' ? 'top' : 'left'] = (direction === 'up' || direction === 'left' ? '-' : '+') + '=' + distance + 'px' } previous.wrap.animate(endpos, { duration: effect === 'none' ? 0 : previous.prevspeed, easing: previous.preveasing, complete: function() { $(this).trigger('onreset').remove() } }) } }; f.helpers.overlay = { defaults: { closeclick: !0, speedout: 200, showearly: !0, css: {}, locked: !istouch, fixed: !0 }, overlay: null, fixed: !1, el: $('html'), create: function(opts) { var parent; opts = $.extend({}, this.defaults, opts); if (this.overlay) { this.close() } parent = f.coming ? f.coming.parent : opts.parent; this.overlay = $('
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